It’s Wolf Wednesday, and right now I’m wishing the weather was more like this rather than being 5 degrees… I used to love winter, up until the arthritis really kicked in.
Commentary, Punditry, and More
It’s Wolf Wednesday, and right now I’m wishing the weather was more like this rather than being 5 degrees… I used to love winter, up until the arthritis really kicked in.
I mentioned briefly yesterday the myth of those who are abused in childhood becoming abusers themselves. This myth was particularly vicious towards those who were sexually abused.
If you go and research current literature, the original study on this topic was — to be polite — seriously flawed. When more rigorous studies were undertaken, the myth was rather thoroughly discredited.
Today, it is generally accepted that — particularly for males — there is only about a ten percent rate of those sexually abused becoming abusers themselves. There are some studies that show that victims of other types of abuse (physical, mental) may have about a thirty percent rate of becoming abusers.
That said, the sexual or other abuse is not the prime indicator. The other factors that seem to matter more are: the sexual or other abuse being done by a female; maternal neglect; exposure to serious/extreme violence on a regular basis; and, lack of support.
This is a topic I promised someone I would cover, and am glad to do it. Frankly, the myth of those sexually abused — particularly males — becoming abusers has done extreme damage. It has adversely impacted reporting as well as getting help to cope with the abuse. It continues to create prejudice that has and can hound people (male and female) out of social organizations, churches, and even employment. The ignorant bigotry of this myth continues to hamper helping those who need it, as well as research on the topic.
With all the coverage of Epstein, this has come out even from people who should (or do) know better. Along with the mis-labelling of Epstein, rather than focusing on helping victims of pedophiles and ephebophiles, a good bit of the coverage and commentary is focused on sensationalism and poor information. That can cause problems for those who are victims of sexual abuse. As noted before, however, I don’t expect accuracy or precision out of the media or pundit classes.
I will probably create a page for citations related to this and other sexual abuse information, but for now here is a brief start on links and citations pertaining to this myth.
Outcome following child sexual abuse
Myth of the abused becoming abusers
Myths and facts about male sexual abuse and assault
Development of sexually abusive behavior in sexually victimized males
There is more to come. In today’s politicized environment, I am concerned that solid research on the topic of sexual abuse/other abuse (especially as it pertains to males) will become impossible. Why? I attended last year an event where the field leaders of a major non-profit involved with helping victims of domestic violence, abuse, etc. talked. Those field leaders made very clear that women were always victims, women never lied about rape or abuse, women never committed such crimes unless forced to by a male, and even males who were victims were perpetrators.
This is a mindset that is rather entrenched in social services (which is heavy SJW to start). It is why I would recommend strongly that any male who is a victim of sexual abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, or other abuse be extremely careful about using public organizations or services. My recommendation is to find a good therapist, as they can help you navigate services to avoid such bigotry.
Also, if you are a victim of childhood abuse — sexual or otherwise — I will recommend finding a local chapter of Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse. It is a good organization that provides self-help meetings around the country. While it is heavily formalized, there are good reasons for that. If you are in Indianapolis, however, and male, I can’t recommend the local group as it is hosted by the organization referenced above. Until another group is started that is not associated with that particular non-profit, there’s not a lot of help for male victims in Indianapolis.
This is a personal topic for me. I’ve known many male and female survivors of childhood and adult abuse. Talking with the victims of childhood abuse, particularly given the intense coverage of Epstein, is an interesting experience. If you are a victim or current or past abuse, please do reach out and get help. You are not alone.
For those who have not served, today is the day to thank those who have served or are serving. On Memorial Day, we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Today, we honor the living.
Thank them, buy them a drink, pick up a tab — whatever you want to do. All I ask is that you show respect to them and their service. Even a simple nod does the trick.
I cringe when I read about Epstein being a pedophile. I know better than to expect accuracy, much less precision, from the media. From the mainstream media, I fully expect them to call him that, as it allows them to sidestep a major SJW issue. From others, well, I’m sad to see them using the same sloppy meme.
Jeffrey Epstein was either a hebephile or a ephebophile, depending on which definition you go with. My own take is that he was an ephebophile, which is to say that he was focused on post-pubescent girls.
Why does it matter? Well, for one thing, it matters to the victims. Everyone jumping on the pedophile bandwagon is not helping those who are victims of either. Second, it obscures a number of problems going on today with sexual abuse — and various institutions.
Pedophiles are generally attracted to pre-pubescent children, and in general will go after either sex. There are, of course, a few who are gender specific, but most don’t care which gender is abused. For the victims, the abuse is a life sentence in that there are documented changes to the brain as a result of the abuse. There is also the long-disproven stigma that those abused become abusers themselves. In fact, only about ten percent of those abused will become sexual or other abusers, and there are several other things involved that have a far stronger impact on that happening than the sexual abuse. I would also point out that in addition to the documented changes in the brain, there is growing evidence that childhood abuse is related to significant inflammatory and health problems later in life.
Hebephiles and ephebophiles concentrate on those who are pubescent or post-pubescent. Statistically, they tend to be gender-specific unlike pedophiles. To some extent, such interest is normal and results in things like ‘wow, he turned into a handsome young man’ or ‘she is gorgeous/has bloomed/etc.’ thoughts or comments as we are wired to notice those who can now produce children. For most people, that is the extent of it.
However, those who are hebephiles or ephebophiles, it is not enough and there is a strong sexual attraction. While such was indeed common in the past, more so than many would like to consider, it is not accepted today. It is also a topic that the media wants to avoid like the plague as it ties into certain practices — particularly grooming.
While there is some coverage of heterosexual grooming, I suspect one reason a number of sex scandals in almost every church (hint, it’s not just the Catholic Church) and other institutions are getting scant coverage is that there are strong signs of organized and extensive homosexual grooming — and that is something the media will go far to avoid covering.
A while back, I contacted a pundit who was accusing a political candidate of being a pedophile. I pointed out that the person was not, that there was scant evidence that he was a hebephile or ephebophile, and that the pundits comments (which went beyond just accusation) were, in fact, harming victims. I was told that the pundit didn’t care, what mattered was winning, and that I and real victims could ‘fuck off.’
Of course, this is not the first time the media has ignored, distorted, or outright lied to push a meme. Want a good example? Let’s go to Vietnam, and a photo that changed the course of the war, another that continued that push.
Today, the media continues to advance the chosen narrative. The only difference is now that the mask has slipped. Anyone who cares about the truth can easily see the mask and where it has slipped. Here’s three photos that make the point.
A hat tip, writ large, to Instapundit, for links and for the photos. I also need to give a hat tip to Iowahawk for his line, which I cheerfully use on a regular basis.
Some food for thought this morning.
There is a lot going on, both here with me and in the world at large.
In the latter, the soft-coup against Trump is well underway. I said a while back that the Republic was dead, and that we just didn’t want to accept it yet. More than ever, I’m afraid I believe that. Why?
Well, here’s a group of physicians and other health professionals that one would have to be a fool to let treat you, even if you were a full-blown SJW as you could never be SJW enough for their best efforts. Don’t believe me? Then read their own words.
The rot that is the modern media has been on full show for a while, but you really should read this take (and I agree whole-heartedly with the thoughts presented on the reprehensible and self-centered Amy Robach) and this takedown of the ABC excuse for spiking the story. It makes no sense, from any standpoint, especially a true journalistic standpoint.
Here’s a good take on the CNN response to the Project Veritas story. There is a lot of effort to smear Project Veritas (not just at CNN), but unlike the major media, they have always put up the full info so you can learn and decide. Good people, doing a lot of good work — and doing the journalism the media is unwilling to do. After all, there is a great deal of truth to the adage that the media covers the truly important stories — with a pillow, until they quit moving. Along those lines, something that hits a point that I glanced on in my ‘Saving Pvt. Journalism’ posts many years ago. The media has long paid lip service to “objectivity” but when there is no standard, there can be no real activity. Hat tip to This Ain’t Hell.
Finally, amid the smoke screen being deployed large and thick out Congresscritter Shitt’s ass, a major point that is frantically being hidden by those behind the latest front in the coup effort. Yes, it does matter and no, it is NOT against the law to name the whistleblower. Anyone want to place a bet that ABC (and possibly CBS) are going to do everything they can to name and destroy the (former) ABC whistleblower, and yet demand that the so-called Whistleblower in DC be protected? Hypocrisy much?
As for here, I had to give more blood on my lunch break the other day as one of the tests got screwed up somehow. Was told it was one vial, but it was three. Joy. Getting some results, and am interested in what the rheumatologist will say/want to do next. As for me, I want to get to the bottom of this, and find out what is going on. Meantime, if you care to hit either the Bard’s Jar or the wishlist in the top right corner, please do so. My current joint coctail seems to be doing at least some good, but at a cost.
Thanks for reading.
I swear, I thought I heard him say “You’re blowing my cover dude!” 🙂
We’ve gone over all the current ingredients to the arthritis cocktail, now to a bit of discussion on where things stand.
Last Wednesday, I met with the new rheumatologist. According to various surveys, she’s either one of the top 5 or the top rheumatologist in the state. I saw a bit of ego and she clearly doesn’t hold with supplements or with trying to get into clinical trials. Her contention is that the current cutting edge is not going to be able to regenerate the cartilage in my right shoulder.
She could be right. It depends on a host of factors, including if the stem cells, ECM, and other factors can find something to latch onto or otherwise cause them to grow into cartilage. Supplements, as noted in the previous writings, work on at best one third of the population, with a number of them clocking in at less than ten percent — by themselves.
Part of the reason I chose to do a cocktail for my experiment is that while individually the rate of effectiveness bites, one can potentially gain some synergistic effects by using a cocktail. It’s worth a shot.
One thing she doesn’t yet know about me is that to some extent, I don’t care if I get a perfect fix. What I would like to do through my experiment and by possible participation in research or clinical trials is make it more effective for others in the next iteration. I will take whatever relief I can get, but the important thing is advancing that cutting edge for the future.
As of now, I’ve been on the main component of the cocktail for almost six weeks, and the current full cocktail for almost four weeks. To get a fair assessment, it really is going to take three to six months. That said, here’s where things stand.
First, I had blood work done last Friday that shows that, for now, the supplements do not appear to be causing any problems. I wasn’t thrilled with a couple of readings, but they are still well within the proper zone. Remember, if you take supplements you do need to keep your doctor in the loop. Some supplements can and do effect other medications and can have some harmful side-effects. Be smart, do your research, and keep your GP and/or others in the loop.
Second, while it is tentative at this point, I do feel somewhat better, particularly in areas other than the shoulders. My left shoulder feels a bit better than it did, but that area is particularly hard to assess.
Part of the problem in assessing things is that there are a lot of questions right now. One of the first and foremost to my mind is if what I have is simple osteoarthritis. It’s not acting like it, and while past testing said I did not have rheumatoid arthritis, that doesn’t mean I don’t have something similar to osteoarthritis but is a step above. There are some possibilities.
There is also a good chance that something else is at play on top of the osteoarthritis if that is indeed all I have. It could even be more than one thing. Right now, everything from MS on down is on the table. That’s one reason I gave up seven vials of blood last week for testing, along with getting a host of X-rays. To be honest, I fully expect to undergo more tests.
That said, sometime in the next two weeks, I should have results and hopefully some answers to go with the questions. It is likely that we may even have more questions. But, if we can start eliminating possibilities even as we search for some definitive answers, it’s a good start. If we can figure out what (all) is going on, it gives a good place to start to do something about the problem.
Until we do, I am resistant to the idea of joint replacements for all the areas identified by the surgeon and the rheumatologist. On the shoulder, I’ve yet to speak to anyone who has had the operation who would do it again. Would love to hear from anyone with a different view. On the other replacements, as well as the shoulder, I’m concerned that whatever is going on could effect the quality and longevity of the replacement. Yes, if I didn’t mention it before, the rheumatologist has suggested additional replacements are needed beyond my shoulders.
So, are the supplements helping? Tentative yes. Do we know what is going on in my body? No, but I think we are starting to have some good questions and getting data for some answers.
That’s where things stand for now. More soon.
UPDATE: You can believe Wayfair’s statement or you can believe what the rep said in the call. Big brother is here…
There are a number of reasons I’ve backed off social media to a considerable extent, even though it means limiting my ability to market my works. First up, social media has become toxic with the SJW cancel crowd running wild. The screaming, preening, virtue-signaling fascists want to silence everyone — and the more people are on just one or two major platforms (say, Fecesbook and Jitter), the easier it is to do.
Second, you give up a good bit to be in that walled garden, particularly privacy. As in social media sites and Google (Be Evil) are mining you for all you are worth, sometimes literally. Anything you say online, search for online, etc. is more data. Add in all the apps that are also owned by one of these companies (which is why I dropped Waze), and it extends the reach even further. You also give up truly free speech, as if you say anything that can upset an SJW (and most anything can when you are dealing with people looking for a reason to unleash their anger and virtue-signaling), you find yourself in “jail” and denied the ability to speak.
Third, going back to those apps I mentioned earlier, when you have smartphones, smart televisions, and such along with apps and services, you get this. Have you checked to see how many apps have access to your microphone? Your camera and camera files? People have been talking recently about all the times Alexa listens in on you when you don’t realize it; but, how may other systems and apps do that? Can you have true privacy with smart devices? No.
Can you go in and do simple things like denying access to microphone and cameras? Yes. In fact, you should. For years I’ve had my laptop camera taped over as it has been, and still is I believe, one of the easiest systems to hack in any computer. Someone watching without your knowledge can learn a lot just by studying your finger movements — it’s remarkably easy to figure out what is being typed, including account numbers… For that matter, I would love for the built-in microphone to have a manual off switch, as it’s a lot harder to prevent it from being used against you.
Yes, there is a cost for deciding not to be a part of the extreme toxicity and for denying what I can of my personal information to as many as I can. But, it’s not insurmountable. I also hope to see more leave the big three (and to get some serious anti-trust investigations going), and a return to blogging. It’s still there, still going, and may be what saves things in the long run.
Ponder a bit, and think about what you want, and your privacy. Then, take action. It really is up to each individual to make a difference.
Okay, so it’s not the song, but… It has been a crazy week, and I’m already more than ready for the weekend. Lots going on here, and in the world. So, go forth and read, think, and make the most of the day. Going to be cold and nasty here, had snow yesterday.
Citizen versus Subject is a concept foreign to most of the younger generations. Foreign as in it is a part of civics no longer taught in most schools. As a philosophical concept, I would venture that it is terra incognito to the vast majority these days.
There is an interesting twist on the subject, which is the trite concept of “citizen of the world.” What began with Diogenes has morphed, or been hideously misshapen, by modern socialists into something else.
This concept is discussed here, and it is well worth the read. Go read.