PayPal Redux

Another day, another call to PayPal about closing my account. Been doing this multiple times since the 9th, which was (I think) the first day I called about closing the account.

Same thing as then. Technical error of some type is preventing the account from being closed. Technical is working on it and when (and if) they get it fixed someone will get back to me. Promise. Really. Pinky Swear! Yeah, right.

Taking it off has hurt. Badly even. Still don’t regret it though I admit almost tempted to put it back up until we can get it closed. That said, trying not to reward their behavior (any of it) on any level. Working on mail-in and more, now that I’m not wasting an hour plus with them, maybe I can finish getting GabPay set up. More soon.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

The Delphi Murders

Forgotten where this came from, but thanks to the original poster.

If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

Six years. For six years law enforcement has been investigating and trying to find the killer (or killers) of Libby and Abby. For six years, there has been an amazing effort by LE, media, bloggers, and more to spread the word and find not just justice, but Justice. In the process, some interesting things have come up when various rocks were overturned.

Today starts a new phase of that process. Richard Allen, of Delphi, has been arrested and charged with two counts of felony murder. He has pled not guilty.

Investigators and the prosecutor are being very careful and limited in what they are saying. The investigation is, repeat IS, ongoing which suggests much. They are also working hard to protect the prosecution and prevent missteps along the way. Good on both counts. Given the number of interesting things that have come up in the investigation so far, I would not be surprised if others were not involved and there was not more to come. I also want to see this done right so that the trial is fair and nothing happens that could in any way derail efforts at justice.

Which is why I’m not going to speculate or say anything further. I want to sit back, and hope that if he is guilty and so found by a jury of his peers, that the wheels of justice grind very finely indeed. It will be interesting to see what comes out. For all that my inner Kratman is coming out with thoughts of short-drop long-dance for any and every involved, it’s time to wait, watch, see, and encourage (again) anyone who has any information to come forward. The case needs to be airtight and no technicalities for appeal.

May this truly be the start of Justice for Abby and Libby.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.


If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

There will be more to come today, but for now a quick look at the world. Or at least parts of it.

First, this is my third time on Twitter. I was an early adopter back in the day, but have left it twice because it was such a cesspit on so many levels. I got back on just because of Elon and wanting to watch what happened. Oh my stars, I have laughed so hard this weekend it’s not funny. The flouncing, the overly-dramatic-hammy-exits (some of which were by actual C-list actors), the hysteria — it was magnificent. I’m almost glad my hearing is f***** by the lightning strike as otherwise I might have gone deaf from the REEEEEEEEEEEssssssssss. Not sure what will ultimately happen, though I suspect they are going to go after Elon on a level that surpasses Trump, but enjoying the ride right now.

Second, you may notice that I update my intel list on Twitter from time to time. Sometimes it is to add, sometimes I take off someone. In the latter case, it may mean they missed too much, but it can also mean that while they do good, even great, work in one area they don’t stay in that area. If I have to start double- or triple-checking work because of bias, it’s not worth it. Lots of good OSINT and related out there. That said, if you have anyone you would like to recommend for the list, let me know. Always glad to check out new and good work.

Third, speaking of OSINT, if anyone out there knows of a video compilation of all the launches that were done as part of GROM, please let me know. There are several things I want to double-check, and a comp would help with that. Also, everything I saw was pre-recorded. There was no live coverage of any launch that I can find. If you know of any that were done live, again, please let me know.

Fourth, the internal struggles are getting interesting. This may become a major post here soon, as what started as more normal in-fighting seems to be becoming something more. The removal of Lapin (and even the false reports of his death) is potentially huge. More on this soon.

Fifth, I may be a bit pre-occupied this morning because of the press conference in regard the Delphi murders. That one hit home for me, not sure why. I almost located in Delphi when I first moved to Indiana many years ago, and it seemed a wonderful and relatively safe little town. Over the years I’ve shared the sketches, audio, and other information/requests from LE on the case. I really hope this is not just another edge-of thing, for while it is good to get what is under those rocks, it’s not justice. I want Justice for those girls. Really wish there was an option for short-drop, long-dance, for whoever did it and/or was involved.

Sixth, while Vladimir seems to have backed off a bit for now, prepare. Looking at things such as diesel (which if they would let the markets work would not be an issue), railroad strikes, etc., now is the time to stock up as much as you can. Please hit my tip jar, as after I take care of bills I want to stock up more. Again, I suggest not only staples but also get your imports (coffee, tea, chocolate, etc.) first. Get as much as you can and start working to rotate that stock. After than, look to light, cooking, and heat alternatives. Think it’s going to be a rough winter and year even if the demented meat puppet doesn’t talk us into a nuclear exchange (that may also be the subject of a column this week).

Finally, let me know what preparedness or other subjects you would like me to cover. I have ideas, but I want to provide information that you want and/or need. If you have questions, sing out. Will do my best to answer them.

More soon.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

A Most Interesting Speech

If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

As I noted yesterday, I spent some time listening to Vladimir’s speech and digesting it. To be honest, I also was looking for/waiting for some other things I suspected might be coming.

Meantime, it was also amusing to watch some of the very predictable coverage of the speech. The alarmists/click-baiters fastened onto his comment about this being the most dangerous decade since the end of WWII, predictably. More on that topic in a moment. Those who missed a lot of message and context referred to the speech as “boring” or “deluded.”

On the surface, the speech was predicable, plodding in some respects though it appeared Vladimir went off-script in a few places (interesting in it’s own right) based on the translator’s reactions. On the surface, yet another recitation of the justifications for Russkiy Mir and the subsequent invasion. I’d say that at least 95% of the canned speech was aimed at the internal audience, though if it reached useful idiots abroad, great. I’d say less than 5% was aimed at the non-Russian audience.

From an outside viewpoint, the majority of the speech could be described as delusional. In fact, after a couple of points, I noted on social media that I could have sworn that I saw his nose grow. Yet, in terms of his intended audience, it was not delusional though it might be aimed in part at encouraging delusion on their part.

Between it and the parts of the Q&A I got to hear, the speech was a reminder of all that led to the creation of Russkiy Mir. Russia has always faced enemies, Russia and the Russian people have been done wrong time and time again, with outsiders (particularly the west and noticeably emphasized in the speech was Great Britain) treating both like Crystal Gale was done in so many of her songs. Russia has always been the victim, never the aggressor. Vladimir, that offspring of the working class, scion and defender of the Church, faith, and all that is good and right (note all the discussion of transgenderism, wokeness, and related), has been elevated not merely to defend Russia but to save and advance it.

Keep in mind the memetics of this (as well as the work of Gramsci and the huge amount of Gramscian damage in the West). Russia is a very different culture from our own. Always has been. To better understand that and the historical roots of same, please read Kamil Galeev on Twitter or the Threadreader App. Keep in mind that within that culture there is an ongoing fight between those who are Slavophile versus those who feel Russia should look to the West and adopt Western ideals. Right now, the Slavophile element is in control, and the last full leader of the Western view (such as he was), Gorbachev, is now dead and buried.

Logic and reason have a place in Russia, but not the pride of place it (allegedly) has here in the West. Mythology, if you will, can and does matter more in swaying public opinion. Just look at the recent assassination of the daughter of “Putin’s brain” or philosopher. That it was most likely (IMO) an FSB operation that really was intended to get him and her, but just getting her worked too within the politics of the day. Yet, it immediately became the tale of the virtuous Russian maiden, slain by treachery and deceit by a vile female Ukrainian Nazi. Full state funeral to emphasize the tale. How did it work? Outside of Russia, only a few useful idiots bought in. Inside Russia? Not as well as they would have liked. Reality, in the form of casualties and costs, limited the effect of the myth.

Which brings us back to the speech and the Q&A. Note how Vladimir started the speech, with discussion on ecology which he emphasized by noting that many might be surprised he started with it. That was something aimed at internal and external audiences, and many missed it. Instead of the normal lashing out at the West, Vladimir talked the need to conserve, preserve, and improve the environment large, and called out the small as well. In the entire speech, look at what was not said, not just what was said and in what order. The subtext to the speech was intended for several audiences, and I hope they were paying attention.

Ignoring some of the expected and predictable memetics, I will say Vladimir was not wrong about this being the most dangerous decade since WWII. We are entering a period that has the potential to make the Cuban Missile Crisis and other close calls of the Cold War look like child’s play. The old order, and old major powers, are failing. The Ukraine has ended Russia’s hold on the status of major military power, and exposed the rotten core within. China’s desperation may yet lead it to try to invade Taiwan, but even as it prepares to do so, it too is stumbling. In the West, the so-called rule of experts that hit its peak after WWII is falling. Anyone who thinks any power, or those who have wielded power for so long, are going to give that up easily and willfully is deluded. Given nuclear weapons and more, I’d say the case can be made that we are entering the most dangerous decade in the known history of humanity. It is not going to be a fun or easy ride, no matter what.

Again, note what he didn’t say in the speech. There was effectively no bluff, no threats, even almost an avoidance of direct talk of the war. It was not truly brought up until the Q&A. Now that got interesting, and again much of this was aimed internal, not external (save to useful idiots). The idea that Vladimir and Russia have NEVER threatened use, only hinted, was part of a well-laid campaign. Note how he brought up the threats from the British, which is going to play well in some quarters. The Slavophile dislike of the Brits showed through, just as it has throughout the invasion. Worth noting that they’ve gone after Great Britain more than they have the U.S. by a good margin. Leaving aside the hapless Truss, Vladimir was almost gentle in pointing out the threats of Biden. Which, given that the demented meat puppet and his incompetent Regency have chewed their shoes with their feet still in them almost continuously, is something.

Not sure what it says that I laughed along with Vladimir at the Khruschev comparison, but again note what wasn’t said along with what was said. No direct threats, though he invited all to read Russian doctrine on nukes. An emphasis on the threats incoming. The dirty bomb and nuclear plant discussions were interesting. Much wasn’t said, and how it wasn’t said was interesting indeed.

Which is why I was unsurprised to read this. Is it an opening? Maybe. Between the speech and a variety of reports I suspect that if a graceful way can be found to take the nuclear serpent off the table, though not out of the room, there would be interest in so doing. The question is if what it would take to do so is something everyone would be willing to do. It also depends on various leaders having the sense and counsel to realize an opening is there and not suffer the usual hoof and mouth disease.

Are we in any way, shape, or form out of the woods? Fuck no! At best we might have an opening to start discussing finding a way out of the woods. Are the Russians continuing with their pathetic (by outside standards) attempts at maskirova via dirty bomb? Yes. The fact that no one outside of Russia is really buying it doesn’t matter, that is aimed internal far more than external. Is the use of nukes, chemical, and other still a part of Russian doctrine, the same doctrine Vladimir invited one and all to read? Yes. Which means it is still very much on the table.

The key on all for now is the Donbas. Vladimir made that very plain yesterday. From historical claims on up, the Donbas now is at the heart of the issue. Which is why I say that what Vladimir wants may not be acceptable to all. What is needed for “peace” was made very clear by Vladimir yesterday. Which means that on the one hand we may have an opening to standing down the nuclear viper, and conversely we are in even greater danger than before. Now we know for sure the physical location of the schwerpunkt, and have a better idea of the philosophical schwerpunkts in play.

And yes, despite yesterday’s speech I still think that if Vladimir can’t have the Donbas (and the whole Ukraine), he’s perfectly willing to ensure no one can. Formally, for all he seems to have provided an opening, no option was truly removed from the table.

Before I close, be sure to watch his hands and legs during the speech. Telling. It seemed to take more out of him that he wanted to let on. Excellent make up job, even better than normal. Hmmmm.

Between this and the diesel situation (along with others) here, if you can, redouble your preparations, particularly food. Please hit my fundraiser so I can pay bills and do so as well. Stock up, hunker down, and let’s pray for the best.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Double, Triple, Or…

If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

I’ve been watching a couple of things play out on Twitter and in the news that remind me I am no longer young. Or, perhaps, that many of those in the OSINT (Open Source INTelligence) world are younger, much younger, than I. That is not intended as a knock against them in any way, as some of them are displaying a mastery of Intelligence (or select portions thereof) equal to or exceeding some of the so-called professionals. Also something of a hallmark for good OSINT…

As for me, I started reading James Bond and other spy novels in the late 1960s and was fascinated with the work of John Barron and eagerly read his KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents when it came out in 1974. Then again, this also all tied into my fascination with the Soviet Union, the space race, and nuclear war and surviving same. Which led to some interesting times and places, but…

Right now, this story has portions of the OSINT and other communities tied up in knots. Welcome to the game.

Unlike The Game that is nuclear strategy and war, the game has played out pretty much throughout human history. Spying, spies, and gathering intelligence on friends, potential friends, and enemies has been around for as long as civilization itself. Is that person an agent, double-agent, triple-agent, or something else yet again? I’m going to skip the whole agent versus operative versus spy thing for now. The question has always been, can I trust that person.

Let’s face it, it’s a good question. In olden days, many of those who were spies or agents were not the most savory of people out there. Heck, the same holds true today in many respects. Spies were often found amongst the smugglers, thieves, drunken sailors, and other non-desirable types in many cases. Even when not from the riff-raff, those who would spy on or flat-out betray their country are not always tightly wrapped, to be polite. One of the greatest intelligence assets ever, Agent Farewell who provided the intel that helped bring down the Soviet Union, proves that point IMO.

Back in the Cold War, neither side trusted those who defected, no matter what public show may have been put on in regards them. Some were legitimate, some had defected in order to gather intel that they would then pass along/take back with them when the re-defected, and some were something else. In some cases on the latter, they are still trying to figure out what that person was. Some real defectors would eventually get some respect, but never full trust. Others, to be merely suspected of being a plant or double agent, meant horror. Never mind what the Soviets did (which truly was a horror), take a look at what James Jesus Angelton did to those he suspected — with or without evidence.

Over the years I’ve met people who emigrated; I’ve met a couple that were essentially kicked out of their country; I’ve met people who escaped their country; and I’ve met a couple of defectors. Of the latter, a Mig pilot impressed me and I very much enjoyed the chance to get to know him a small bit. Of the former, most were/are decent and hardworking. Those who escaped, and often paid a price for that escape, I tended to trust a bit more easily.

I also have come to share an attitude held by many who routinely work with defectors and related: if the person loudly and theatrically denounces the country they came from, it’s leaders, and even more loudly and theatrically praise the U.S. (or GB, or wherever they were), well, the less anyone trusted them. True defectors and immigrants tend to have mixed feelings, as no matter what they thought of what the country they had left had become, it was still their country, their homeland. They may have been relieved at being safe, and thrilled for the opportunities that awaited, but there was always a bit of sorrow at having to leave. For some, I’m told, it turned into something so profound that they eventually had to return, even knowing in some cases the horrible death that awaited.

For all things, and with all people, “Trust but verify” as Boss would say. As for the story that sparked this, I will simply note that what came before is nothing. It’s what is done now that counts, and one has to work — sometimes extremely hard — to earn respect and trust. In cases like this, even if respect is earned, it’s better to exercise appropriate judgement in regards how far one trusts.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

So You…

If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

Sorry for the delay in posting today, but I’ve been doing something so you don’t have to. In this case, I spent part of the morning listening to Vladimir’s speech at the Valdai Club conference. I wish I could have listened to all the Q&A as well, but hopefully got what I needed with what I could stick around for. Wondering just how many questions were planted.

I’m actually going to chew over what was said (and more importantly in at least one case, what was NOT said) a bit before commenting. It would be very easy to mistake the formal speech for banal and boring, but that misses the points of it. I will note that while Vladimir usually does have very good makeup, today’s was extremely well done.

There were a number of messages in the speech and Q&A. That’s one reason I want to think about things a bit and double-check if needed before saying anything. He may not be the master manipulator he once was, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still good. More soon.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Kroger Update & More

If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

A few weeks ago, I had a most unexpected and unpleasant experience with Kroger Fuel. Since then, I’ve neither gotten fuel there nor shopped at Kroger.

Funny thing is, I’ve been finding some much better deals elsewhere. The eggs I prefer (and yes, trying to stay brand specific as started them for nutrition profile and right now because my bloodwork is so good! Changing as little as possible given how good) I’ve found elsewhere for less. Excellent and even better sour cream to replace the Kroger Natural? Yes indeed and for about the same price.

I am having to make a few more stops, but have been able to keep mileage pretty close to what I was doing. Interesting thing is finding some neat things along the way.

I also need to note that the Aldi near me has much better produce than the one I used to shop. At the previous, that section could literally stink. At this one, it looks like it is worked daily and I’ve been finding some wonderful stuff including avocados which I use every day. Their avocados beat all the other stores easily on price and quality.

As I noted on Twitter earlier, I got some New Orleans French Roast coffee beans (with chicory) from The Fresh Market yesterday. Tried them this morning and while it is not the same as sitting at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans (and eating things I’m not supposed to eat), but it is a good second. The Fresh Market does bulk coffees, and the price works out close to what most stores charge. Pro tip: whole beans last longer, just like whole grains, and are better for prep (and coffee in my highly biased opinion). Also, before buying from that bulk bin, check those beans out. If dry and dull, skip. Good fresh beans will have an oily sheen to them. That said, you really need to buy the sealed and pre-done bags of whole bean for prep. They also have some amazing deals each day of the week.

I was buying Seattle’s Best Post Alley beans, but that is one of the few things I’ve not been able to find at other stores. In fact, most stores have even less a selection of whole bean coffees than Kroger these days. May have to save up and see about ordering direct. Sadly, I was paying $4.99 a bag before the election. Now, $7-$8 is not unusual for it. That’s one reason the bulk at The Fresh Market works out about the same, or even less if careful.

The other thing are supplements. I had switched some to Kroger brand, but will switch to others of similar quality or even higher if the price is right. Going to have to explore that a bit more here soon, time to stock up again. May be one of the things I get from the big box (WallyWorld, Meijer, etc.) stores.

Fresh Thyme does have some bulk (no coffee) and a number of products that are hard to find elsewhere. I also love the bulk meats, especially bacon. They have sold me as little as three slices (needed for cooking) and when I can I like to splurge and get six or so pieces to have Saturday morning. Yes, I do save my bacon drippings. 🙂

Even without all the coupons I used to get and use, coming out a bit cheaper on my boycott. That said, if you are on Twitter and want to save, follow The Crazy Coupon Lady for a lot of good tips and bargains.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Cover Versus Concealment

If the site is slow loading or you’ve had trouble getting through, my apologies. We are experiencing growing pains as I move from regular blog to high-traffic blog. Working on it, feel free to hit the tip jar to help me keep going and upgrade the site. Your gifts truly do make the difference. Working on adding a mail-in option, GabPay, others; if interested in mail-in for now drop me a line.

In this post the other day, I brought up two topics for future discussion. Lifeboat Rules was the topic yesterday, and I really do urge people to share it and think about it. If we have a major disaster, not just a nuclear war, we will have a new and different form of “lost generation.”

Today, I want to talk briefly about the difference between cover and concealment. I want to do this because many of the posts of late have been aimed at those late to the concepts of preparedness and nuclear war. Many such have no connection to, or participation in, old Scouting (my thoughts on modern Scouting another day) or the military. While this discussion is only partially germane to immediate nuclear survival, it’s some useful information to have both in general and for later.

Concealment is simply avoiding observation. It can be as simple as putting objects between you and potential observers, or as complex as camouflage. When I say objects, I mean everything from ridges and buildings to trees and shrubs. When I say camouflage, I mean anything from a ghillie suits and/or face paint to large camouflage nets or more.

Now then, there are good reasons to use concealment, if possible, after a nuclear strike. First, you may want to hide that your home or other shelter is both useable and in use. It’s the quick and clean way to avoid those not-nice folks as well as others that even if nice will push your shelter over capacity. When and if you go out, you may want to use it to both avoid any not-nice people in the area and to avoid advertising where you are located. Depending on where you are located, it may be a moot point — or it may make the difference between staying relatively peaceful and secure or having to defend yourself.

Cover is something that protects you from incoming fire. It may also conceal you, but the main point of cover is the protection. Cover is everything from piling dirt or sandbags in front of basement windows before the blast, to putting solid objects in place to bar unauthorized entry to your shelter. Putting up items to block radiation is also technically cover.

Thing is, you want and need both. Concealment means you can be overlooked or missed by the not-nice no matter the disaster. Cover can help protect you from the disaster itself, as well as give you a secure position after. For a quick example, sandbags can help prevent flooding in floods or damage in a nuclear blast, and then help protect you and yours, as well as the structure involved, after.

It’s never too late to start thinking about such, and about what you have around you that you can use to improvise cover and concealment inside and out. Just one idea: books can and do act as cover from radiation and a variety of small arms rounds. Of course, if you shoot my books be happy if just shoot you and make it quick.

Further discussions are the advanced courses, though I will note that for individuals, between clothing and paint, the idea is to break up your outline so that the brain doesn’t recognize it as human. Again, advanced discussion for another day, but a bit of knowledge that may prove useful.

BTW, don’t know who did the meme above originally, but my hat is off to them. It’s been used in this context, for political memes, and probably more. It’s also true. Race really may have been the first to teach me that. 🙂


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

PayPal Update

Since first asking that the account be closed on the 9th, nada. Despite multiple requests, they keep saying that it can’t be closed because of an unspecified technical issue that affects myself and others. No word from them, no updates, nada.

So, this afternoon I went online to the State AG’s site and filed a formal complaint. As resolution, I want my account closed and the AG (and the SEC if needed) to be sure that this mysterious unspecified technical issue was not by any chance an effort to influence or mislead investors or others. Surely it is not, but better to check in an abundance of caution.

Thank You!

Thanks to two donors, one anonymous and one not, I’m on the way to being able to pay some of the looming bills, and actually went and bought a few groceries. Any and all help is very much appreciated, as the bills keep coming and Indiana has ridiculously high gas prices thanks to High Tax Holcomb et cie. Bastards. With your help, I will hang on and will get moved to the Southwest. More in a bit.


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo or drop me a line to discuss other methods. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.