Brace, Brace, Brace

Place this post in the category of being yet another one where I hope I am very, very wrong. In fact, it goes into that category where I will be happy to admit I was wrong. May the worst-case pass us by and may the least-case set the norm.

What am I talking about? The upcoming election, of course. Before I get going, some homework for you in regards the upcoming discussion.

I highly recommend going back and re-reading Larry Correia’s excellent takes on the 2020 elections, here and here. There are some other good ones out on that election, and 2022, but those do a very good job of establishing the patterns. Patterns we are already starting to see in Colorado (passwords, multiple other issues, trying to keep Trump off the ballot), Minnesota (multiple votes same voter ID number, etc.), Michigan (Chinese student voting), Pennsylvania (closing lines, voter intimidation, etc.), and, well, there are more.

In some cases, you will hear ‘oh, it’s just the one’ and other excuses, but keep in mind: each of these is a canary in the coal mine. Where there is one, there are usually more. Unlike 2020, the RNC and others are quick to file complaints, lawsuits, and such — but they still don’t stop many of the efforts (cough, Pennsylvania, cough). Oh, and if you watch some of the video from Pennsylvania starting with the two ‘Emergency Services’ people stopping the line. Pay particular attention to the body language of the dark-haired guy: that’s someone hoping for a fight, a chance to use force. Nor is he alone if you look at the other videos and watch the body language. Remember, mouths lie but body language rarely does. Also keep in mind that at least one person associated with a campaign has apparently been arrested in PA for telling people not to leave the line when (illegally) ordered to do so. While it will be an interesting case to follow later, it’s already succeeded in intimidation and more for now. Also remember, process is punishment.

While we are at it, don’t forget this going on in Arizona and elsewhere. Now, for non-domestic shenanigans, please pay attention to this story as this and worse are quite likely to to be happening well outside the Pacific NW.

Now, may I recommend you go read Sgt. Mom (always a good read anyway), David, and then Mike. Then go read Sarah. Win, lose, or draw, I think the odds of the Gods of the Copybook Headings claiming their own are far larger than I would like. I think this will indeed happen if Trump wins by a good margin; I think it will happen if either Trump or Harris win by a narrow margin; and, I think it will really go off if Harris and the cabal win by a large margin.

A bit of history here. The current ‘rule of the elites’ aka the rule of the credentialed elites (technocracy, etc.) has been a thing since at least FDR, though I would argue it really started under the loathsome Wilson. Now, it truly took off under FDR and has been the defacto ruling party for the decades since. Generations of our political class and so-called elite leadership have taken their place in government and associated organizations, grown fat, passed positions and power on to children and even unto grandchildren and great-grandchildren at this point. You see it with Pelosi, Bush, and others. The smart ones have stayed more in the background, and when you start looking at that level it gets most interesting. Government, no-longer-emergent NGOs, think-tanks, and the rest of the incestuous mess.

Now, for something different, a bit of older history. I would argue that most today have no clue how rare (and precious) the peaceful transfer of power throughout history. In point of fact, a very good argument can be made that it didn’t really exist until the founding of America. Even in monarchies, the transfer from one monarch to the next was a perilous time that often resulted in bloodshed. Even when the initial transfer was (relatively) peaceful, it often happened that such was a carefully papered over and the bloodshed only delayed. In such cases, it almost always was more bloody and nasty as a result as well. Remember, entire blood lines oft disappeared in cruel and unusual ways.

Another little bit of history that Sarah, myself, and others have mentioned before: What happened in Israel on Oct. 7 is not an abberration but the historical norm for sacks and similar attacks. Why do I mention this? Because I am worried Kurt Schlichter may have been an optimist. Imagine what happens in the book if there were two or more brigades of terrorists involved. More on that in a minute.

Before I get into things, I am also going to point out that while historical analogies to Rome (or Greece, Egypt, etc.) have some validity for comparison to modern events, personally I think it’s a bit limited. I would instead recommend looking at the French Revolution, a number of the civil wars in Central and South America, and even some of the civil wars/revolutions in SE Asia. I think they are far better than the former as comparisons, and in current events even more so than the Russian Revolution.

The fact is, you have an ‘elite’ that has effectively been in power and ruling in the U.S. for about 100 years. This is the only system the younger members know, and it’s all that counts as the older members are now dead. Even the “elders” right now essentially grew up in the system, so it is all they know. They see their power ending, along with family dynasties and a gravy train that has done them and theirs very well.

What makes you think they are going to give any of that up peacefully? Do you really expect them to say ‘hey, it’s time and we can transition to new opportunities and grow even more?’ Look at history and see how often that has happened, either with governments, people or systems immersed in a particular technology or market (think, cotton, guilds, heck, even the mafia looking to go legit), or even early NGOs (think guilds for just one). Please, name me one time such has happened on a large scale.

Now, look back at the last twenty years and the lawfare waged against those who would rock the boat (Trump is just the latest and most blatant); the efforts at government censorship in defiance of the Constitution (governmental agencies, organizations, etc. working with Facebook, Twitter, etc.); and the efforts to stonewall challenges in the last two elections in particular. Now, look at what the Harris campaign has said about disinformation, rights not being absolute, etc. Do you really think they are just talking? That it means nothing?

The so-called ‘elites’ are a uniparty and they have been building towards this for years. History started before 2016 and since the days of hanging chads, the beat has gotten louder and louder: illegitimate election, electoral college bad, the D candidate got more votes, etc. That hit an initial crescendo in 2016, but I will bet on something much louder this time if the cheat doesn’t work.

We could well see an action as was just seen in France, where Macaroon refused to acknowledge the results of the last election. What happens here, if the peaceful transfer of power does not take place? It really doesn’t matter how or even if there is a shred of legality to anything done, the question will come back to what happens now. What happens when one side knows lawfare and more (and if you think the people killed/murdered in unnecessary dawn raids were not noticed, you are mistaken). What if one side sees it as the end of the life they’ve known, and other other knows it means the end of their lives and that of their loved ones? What happens if the Constitution is null and void.

Do I think the so-called ‘elites’ are stupid enough to go there? Yes. Most live in a bubble and have no clue about reality, history, or much else. They do think the deplorables will just accept, go along, and wear the chains. They have no clue of what is and has been building, and that their place in history is gone.

To make this even more fun and interesting, what happens if in the early days a series of events take place to disrupt voting and disrupt the process after the election? When the election is already (rightly) suspect in many areas? Especially if known groups are the front? What happens if there is an attack like in The Attack?

While Iran is clearly in the lead for countries that wish us, the Great Satan (remember, Israel is the Little Satan) gone. They, however, are not alone as a good case can be made for China, Russia, and even Ukraine more directly interfering in our elections than has already been done. Think they haven’t? Think they aren’t prepared for more? Look at the number of Chinese, Middle Easterners, and others of interest (including Chechen) that are known to have illegally crossed the border.

Imagine you suddenly see the country that you hate the most/is the biggest block to your plans suddenly spinning into a major crisis. You have the chance to indirectly add to the chaos and push things so that they are not a threat to you or yours for years or generations. What are you going to do?

It is a time of great peril, and a time of great opportunity. The former should be obvious to anyone who has any knowledge of history or who has spent time overseas — particularly in countries that are in or just out of internal strife like this. The latter is something that we really need to deny to our enemies, and seize for ourselves. We are at a cusp that sees us poised to become interplanetary, eliminate a variety of health problems, end scarcity of a number of resources, and ensure our survival as a species (at least for now). I want that future for us, and not one of nasty, brutal, and short for all but a self-chosen few.

My advice for now is prepare, keep your head on a swivel, don’t respond to obvious provocations, and keep your things where you can find them in the dark. Pray. I hope some sanity breaks out, but I’m not seeing much sign of it in the data so far. I hope I’m wrong, and it does pop up. Not betting on it though.

The ride is not just going to get bumpy, it’s far too likely to get beyond turbulence and things that toss us around a bit. Hang on and hope for the best, and seriously, pray.

Keep your friends and family close, and your things where you can find them in the dark. Let’s hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Preparedness Pays: Layering

Back before the screen broke, I posted here asking about rechargeable batteries. While I was thinking more in the small-scale (AAA, AA, D, etc.), there were a number of good comments including an actual use testimonial of a larger system by Old Paratrooper (who I was glad to see came through Helene in decent shape). Read the comments, as there is a lot of good food for thought there.

While I do have (and want to beef up, please hit the tip jar) a fair supply of basic batteries with long shelf life, I don’t like single modes of operation. I especially don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket when it comes to emergency power. If I had my own place, I’d love a large generator, one of the small ones for critical items, and lots of UPSs around as an additional layer for critical items like heat, sump pumps, etc. It’s the same reason I have multiple ways of lighting in an emergency.

Repeat After Me: Single mode is a single point of failure. Redundancy Rules! Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

On the last one, count on Murphy to stick a finger or more in on the failure. That’s guaranteed. Don’t let him get the chance.

Now, I am interested in the smaller rechargeables for more than one reason. First, is general use in day-to-day life. Second is having another layer if you move beyond inconvenience and into a real emergency or disaster (inconvenience: 0-3 days; emergency: 4 days – 4 weeks; disaster: >4 weeks, may talk about this more soon as revising previous definitions). Having something you can recharge, particularly if you can use USB or an interface with a solar blanket or other similar system gives you a way to power small electronics, light, and more. Even better, it is independent of outside systems. Think about it a bit, think there couldn’t be circumstances where even after an “emergency” is over it might not hurt to have the capability to run radios/coms or other devices without the need to access grids outside your control?

The more layers of redundancy you can add, the better off you will be. That is especially true if things go sideways. And things go sideways more often and more easily that we really want to think about.

So, regular batteries are a finite resource, especially if things have gone from emergency to disaster. Having another layer that falls between batteries and larger backup systems is a very good thing. It’s also relatively inexpensive, which makes it easier to put in place. Just remember, if things go sideways, you can’t have enough layers.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Back: Thank You

I want to thank everyone who donated, hit the Wish List, and prayed. The laptop is fixed and I am back in operation. While I can post from the phone, I literally can’t see what I’m typing and while I can get a momentary glimpse if I work hard, it literally is under a second. Much easier and less messy coming in from the laptop.

My goal is to catch back up on things, and respond to previous comments now that I can do so. May take a while, but that is the plan.

No medical tests next week that I know of, but that could change. We are still working to get a day of testing scheduled, and with how things are going I more than halfway expect that I will get one of those fun ‘oh it’s on for tomorrow morning’ calls one afternoon. ENT coming up soon, both for testing that complements the neuro consult and because I’ve been having some vertigo. That got scheduled for election day, so I voted early to be safe. All I can say is that I know how I voted, but I will say I have no confidence in the system (here or anywhere). All the more reason everyone needs to get out and vote.

If anyone can hit the tip jar, please do so. Among other things I would like to pay $100 for the guitar lessons as instead of four lessons I get five when I pay ahead. Not sure yet on truly learning a new skill, as that means getting notes and chords memorized and to the point I don’t have to think about them, but I am having fun. IMO, memorizing the notes and names of the chords is not going well, but I’ve also been told I’m doing okay and not to sweat it by my instructor. It may seriously take a year (or more) to get all the info into long-term memory, but meantime I’m having fun with it and slowly getting better with my playing. Got a ways to go to truly being good, but that just takes practice (and lots of it!).

Also, just got some water purification gear from the Wish List, so Thank You to whoever sent it! It is much appreciated.

There is more to share, but want to wait until next week on some of it. May what is left of your weekend be Blessed!

More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

The Wolfie List

As I proceed in deeper faith, and possibly toward lay ministry, I’m going to have to start my own version of the Skippy List. If you don’t know what that is, look it up but be sure to have nothing in your mouth as you do so. Monitor/keyboard warning.

Item 1: I may no longer say’Lord, please use a clue-by-four on them.’ Or even the nicer ‘Lord, please grace them with a clue-by-four. I must say ‘Lord, please illumine them’ even if it lacks the emotional satisfaction of the first two. Sigh.

Rechargeable Batteries?

can’t see what I’m typing, but wanted to ask what YOU think are the best rechargeable batteries systems on the market? Interested in AAA, AA, C, D, and 9 volt. Would love USB as well as plug in, so as to increase options in an emergency. Been less than impressed with energizer, and don’t trust Duracell that much these days, but want to know what you think and if I should change my mind on anything


laptop in shop

system not liking my doing this from phone, but the laptop is in the shop and the new screen ordered. $320 out of the budget, so any hits to the tip jar very much appreciated!!! Upper right since I can’t get the normal cut and paste to work right now. More soon, one way or another.

Down For A Few Days?

My laptop apparently took a bump or spill that managed to damage/break the screen. I got it working (sorta, apologies for typos/issues) long enough to get this up. Can’t get it fixed until Wed as I don’t get my stipend until then. Anyone cares to hit the tip jar, much appreciated as estimate is $300 to repair.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

About That Dishwasher Trick…

I’ve seen this a time or two, and several times here in the last couple of days. A well-intentioned post about putting valuables (documents, photos, etc.) into your dishwasher to protect from flooding. This can, indeed, work, but…

Keep in mind that what makes even minor flooding nasty is that sewers and other drain lines back up — even with septic tanks. You may only get an inch or two of flooding above ground, but it can push sewage back and up inside your home. That’s one reason to pay the extra to have check-valves installed on your lines, as it can save you a biohazard experience.

Now, that’s not really going to help all that much in major flooding, as in feet of surge and flood. It will help a bit, but… Still well worth the cost, IMO.

Now, as to the dishwasher. Yes, they are designed to keep water in during operation. They seal up very nicely. They still have to have a drain line, and not all models have a check valve on said drain line. Which means that with the right pressure, it will not only get water through the drain line but a nasty biological soup given where the drain line goes.

Suggestion: the drain line in most cases these days is a flexible plastic affair. If it does not have a valve, and you can (in advance) install a cut-off valve for it. You can disconnect and plug. Or, you can simply clamp it shut. Might want to consider two of the three for some redundancy. If you do that, you are likely to keep it from filling with water or primordial soup almost no matter what.

Second suggestion is to put your valuables into sealed plastic or mylar long-term storage bags. You can even get some photo albums into a 2.5 gallon zipper bag. It may be from my time at NASA, but go for triple redundancy on what you put in the dishwasher. That way, you might lose part but should not lose the whole no matter what. If all goes really well, everything is safe and dry even in major surges/floods.

Just a quick thought to share this morning. Take care, be safe, and be prepared! Keep your friends and family close, and your things where you can find them in the dark, and/or wet.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Get Out!

If you are in, or even near, the path of Hurricane Milton, my strong suggestion is to get out of there now. You really should have done it a day or two ago, but there is still time. Just remember that it is going to take about three times as long as normal, and that’s going to get worse the longer you wait. Try to see where everyone is headed (N. FL, GA, etc.) then veer off. See what options there are in FL too.

Need to do a longer post on bug out, as there have been some excellent comments and thoughts (and thank you to those who have made them!). Just remember, by the time you decide, you’ve already probably missed optimum. Also, know that decisions depend on good data, which is a point to be discussed soon.

Yesterday’s doctor’s appointment went well overall, just need some willpower to give up some recent indulgences. Today has been busy, but finally got the info I needed for Thursday’s appointment and testing. Reminded them I am allergic to the standard contrast, really hoping they get that info. Also trying a different route to get legal help on the lack of car title transfer, since the first legal aid group not only didn’t call, you can’t get through to them at all now. So, trying a different group.

Did up a jar of Bavarian mustard, ketchup, and my first effort at KUAN ketchup for something were are doing at the Church later this week. KUAN is Kicked Up A Notch, and it is, with a delayed bit of kick that I really like. Will see what others think of it.

More soon, have to go run an errand or two while I can. Be safe out there, be prepared, keep your friends and family close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.