The Suicide Of NATO

One thing that jumped out at me this last week was the realization that I was watching the suicide of both NATO and whatever chance was left at restoring the special relationship with England. Both are entirely self-inflicted and frankly Vance’s speech (and I’ve heard was also in some other messages not public) was a warning (or appeal) to not jump.

Unsurprisingly, led by Germany, they are jumping. The only surprising thing is that under two-tier Keir (have a slightly different pronunciation/name I try not to use in public) England may well beat France and Macaroon in joining them.

The roots of current events go back into the 80s, when NATO became more a status assignment than a true check on the Soviet Union and communism. In fact, look at the politics in Europe in the 80s and you can see the socialists/WEF globalists forming up and moving out. Green was deadly and a lot of things went on that still don’t have public answers (SDI deaths among others). Fact is, however, that it was the time that the progressives/globalists began to move inside and start gutting NATO so they could wear it as a skinwalker.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, that has only progressed. Frankly, NATO ceased to be relevant per it’s founding, and there was fairly open discussion on repurposing it so as to maintain the form and build upon it for other purposes. One of the largest being to have the U.S. fund the welfare states for as much of Europe as possible. Discussion of ending NATO was washed away in a tide of open and black-budget funding. I personally think that the NGO model was first tried outside of USAID with NATO. If Elon and DOGE want a challenge, look into that history.

In his first term, Trump tried to get Germany and others to live up to their oaths and treaties in regards defense funding and funding to NATO. The absolute contempt with which he (and Richard Grenell) were showered — in public even — was intended by those involved to be a humiliation. Don’t think that went the way they intended. Even so, Germany just doubled down on that with recent statements by their minister of defense and vice chancellor.

That doesn’t even touch the EU and how that has impacted NATO (and even the US as our internal enemies tried to make use of the EU to censor Americans). Frankly, I’m more and more reminded on many levels of Larry Bond’s book Cauldron. It is worth noting that most of the Eastern European countries, having been forced minions of the Soviet Union, are not happy with things and have been stepping up to their commitments to NATO, and even going several steps beyond. More on that in a minute.

With the formation of the EU, NATO should have ended (as such) and the EU taken responsibility for it’s own defense. However, as noted above, keeping both allowed all sorts of interesting money (and weapons, etc.) transfers as well as ways for the different countries to use each other to control unruly citizens and dissidents. This was especially true for the progressives in the U.S. who used not only EU countries but the UK to spy, censor, interfere with elections, fabricate evidence for political purposes, and much much more. And if you don’t think EU leadership such as Ursula, Thierry, and others were not in on this up to their eyebrows…

Now think about this: for all that the so-called leaders in the EU can’t read the room (and they truly can’t), they could see that all the high-handed actions and efforts that were having a negative impact on average citizens might not go over well. Hence, Angela’s great immigration folly. Bring in a new population, used to less, to balance and frankly to keep the original population in line. Problem is, I don’t think they truly realized that the massive influx of Islamics could not be controlled like normal. That they, in fact, might have ideas and plans of their own, such as finishing what they started a thousand plus years ago and avenging the Gates of Vienna.

Fact is, most globalists/progressives are not that bright. They see things through an amazing array of filters and blinders. When you add to it that they are also seeing more than a hundred years of their own power going down the tubes, they are not handling it well. Since the time of the despicable Woodrow Wilson, they have been effectively in charge and unreasonably sure of their own brilliance and eternal power. They have long used catspaws/loyal troops to provide violence when needed (BLM riots were hardly the first, go back to the Wobblies and others in the early 1900s). They do indeed see violence as a tool with a rheostatic control. Problem is, not even their own tools see it that way, and a lot of other groups only see a toggle.

Which, sadly, brings us to England. We did have a special relationship with England. It took a while after the War of Jenkin’s Ear, but it did develop and we did some good and interesting things together. Quite frankly, we saved their bacon twice in the last century and had their back as their empire melted away like vapor in the sun.

Despite some issues, we managed to hold onto it even into the 1960s and 70s. Some turbulence started cropping up then, but it truly hit the rocks with the election of Obama, who hates England, Brits, and everything to do with them. That was made clear during his first two terms, and even more so during his unofficial third term under the Biden Regency.

Fact is, I think the last vestige of the England with which we had the special relationship died with Queen Elizabeth. With her died the England of Churchill and WWII, and all that came before it. That there were and are still hopes for such can be seen in the return of the Churchill bust to the White House. But, there are two things against it.

One is Charles and The Firm. My thoughts on Charles I will leave aside for now, but even if William is much more than his father it’s not likely to matter for two reasons. The first is two-tier Keir, who would be a perfect fit in 1984 as a leader, and the demographics of England’s own invasion of Muslim immigrants.

Keir wants absolute power and an effective police state for all the original population of England, with some control over the immigrants. He and his cohorts are working hard to undo Brexit and return England to the EU, though I suspect he wants to return as an equal (a thing to which the EU will never fully agree).

So, he courts power within the progressive/WEF crowd by his actions and shows his loyalty to same by threatening America with this and that, including ending intelligence and military cooperation.

The truly sad thing is that I don’t think it matters in regards them, Germany, or France. Demographics is destiny. As noted before, that huge influx of Muslim immigrants allowed in legally and illegally has already set up multiple Sharia courts across England, which the politicians have stupidly allowed. The immigrants already wield outsized power in England, Germany, France (and elsewhere). My personal opinion is that unless something very unexpected and kinetic occurs, all three countries are not three, but one generation from becoming Islamic states. It’s purely a numbers game, and the immigrants have the numbers along with the effective approval/support of those currently in power.

Yes, I do think that was part of the plan here. Topic for another day, but it was and is much the same. Thankfully, we had a very different outcome last November and Trump came in prepared and loaded for bear. We have a chance, an opportunity, to save ourselves and our Republic. Under current leadership, Europe is fracked. And it is likely to stay fracked, or fall into violence.

As Vice President Vance correctly noted, the EU and it’s member states have started ignoring or overturning elections they don’t like. It’s not just Romania, but France as well. Macaroon refused to acknowledge a rather clear vote by the people and has refused to dissolve the government or to put in place the government (and parties) for which the people rather significantly voted. Germany is currently trying to ban the ADF in Germany and even banned them from the Munich conference. Want to make a bet that if the ADF wins in the upcoming elections as expected, Germany and the EU will refuse to acknowledge the win?

Final thought in this part, particularly on the part of the so-called leaders not being able to read the room. I don’t think they truly understand where their own people are right now. I don’t think they get that they are legitimately and rightfully angry. I know for a fact they don’t have a clue about the American public and the flat-out anger that is close to breaking out. They think it is business as usual, that their buddies and co-conspirators will get back on top again and all go on as before. I don’t see that happening, and I do see efforts to force such resulting in violence and turmoil the world has never seen. I think they might even get a taste of that out of their own people if they don’t wake up and wise up. And I fear they are too stupid and too desperate to cling to the only power structure they know to do so.

Now, let’s face that NATO is not working and most members are not honoring their commitments. It is also not needed for it’s original purpose and the United States has no real vested interest in most of the issues that now face Europe. Fact is, in conventional terms Russia is no threat to a prepared Europe or to the U.S. In nuclear terms, Russia is no threat to a prepared Europe or the U.S. I stand by my previous remarks in regards the twenty percent option. I will skip China for now, but will note that I think it would not survive war with the U.S. or other power block, for all that I suspect most of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and far too many other forces will be either on the bottom of the Pacific or dead in the process.

Frankly, this old Cold Warrior finds himself in a position he never expected to be. I have to agree with Mike Lee and I think we need to be out of NATO. If they can’t and wont honor their commitments, why should we continue to fund them. To protect them and to pledge the blood of our young for their authoritarian and anti-democratic governments? For governments that hate and despise us even as they demand more from us?

I do think it would be wise and prudent to look at some framework with the Baltic states and other members (Poland, Hungary, etc.) who are stepping up. There are a lot of issues there, a number of which Larry Bond covered in his novel Cauldron. There are also some issues that tie into work by Cdr. Salamander, John Konrad, and others in regards the dismal state of our fleet, the beyond abysmal state of our logistics, support/repair, and merchant fleets, and related issues (we need seaplanes in the Pacific if for no other reason than that we can lose ships and planes, but can’t afford to lose pilots and crews because we have no means to currently rescue them). That’s a post for another day.

Right now, if a new framework with the new Europe can be worked out, I would say pull everything we can out of Germany and elsewhere, and move them there. England has been a good staging ground, but future use under current leadership is doubtful (and I have not forgotten past times they refused to let us use forces/assets in England to defend our interests, something that has happened more than once since the 70s). Keir wants to play chicken with those assets and long-standing cooperation? Let’s take that card out of his hands right now. Again, they have not lived up to their commitments, so what do we owe them?

The American public is sick and tired of supporting authoritarian deadbeats who do not honor their word. The American public is sick and tired of spending the blood of our sons and daughters for unappreciative snots, and that is a fair assessment of the current leaders of the EU, Germany, France, and England. The American public is sick and tired of paying for your welfare state instead of taking care of our own. The American public is sick and tired of your whining bullshit.

Time to leave. Let the chips fall where they may.

A Reluctant Change In Plans

For those interested in my journey after being struck by lightning, it is time for an update. Some major changes have occurred, and I want to share with you what that means for some life plans.

There is a lot of good news and I prefer to start with it. First up, my heart continues to do miraculously well. I met with the cardiologist last week (I think) and things are still going very, very well. While there are still some issues (BP and such), the heart itself is amazingly healthy. Which is interesting since last spring things weren’t looking so good as there was a thought I might have to have more surgery. However, not all that long after my Baptism into the Orthodox Church, the new cardiologist (who I like and trust) ran tests that showed pretty much complete healing. So much so he wants me to join a gym and start hitting some weights. I like the idea as walking only gets you so far. Puns intended.

Last fall, I met with a new neurologist to run a series of tests as at that point the brain was supposed to be healed as much as it was going to heal. Time to see what we could see and if any trend lines could be spotted. We’ve done the MRI and one phase of testing; sadly, the rest of the testing can’t be done until June (which is a story for another day).

Tied into that, last fall if you are a regular you may remember I started having vertigo issues. Unsurprisingly, after the fiasco with the first attempt at testing, we finally did get the tests the ENT wanted run. However, balls were again dropped and I just got the results a couple of weeks ago. The cause was not vestibular, as pretty much all of us expected, but neurological. The ENT thinks that it is a result of the brain continuing to rewire itself.

Continuing to rewire itself. More than three years after the lightning strike. To make it even more interesting, not all of that rewiring appears (to me) to be related to the lightning strike. Short version is that my noggin has been injured three different times. Not going to get into the other two, but where I am seeing a lot of change relates to that very first time many years ago. All I can say is I am grateful and looking forward to seeing what happens/how far it goes.

For now, routines, notes, and other bits of help work and for the most part work well. I’m sure not going to complain, as I know people who’ve pretty much had to start over after being hit. Me, I’ve had to relearn how to read music and sing, which is nothing in comparison. It does make me wonder about the poor guy on video who got hit three times in less than five minutes. There are still gaps in my memories, but every now and then something triggers a cascade that restores some of them. I don’t need a keeper, yet, but having someone around might not be a bad idea. More on that in a minute. For now, what I see as ongoing are the brain farts and some issues with time perception. An example of the latter is thinking it’s been two weeks since I talked with someone when it’s really been a year or more.

Oh, there’s more but that’s life. I should also add on the good news front that the vertigo has mitigated a good bit.

As I think I mentioned before, the other bit of good news is that after a long process, I was granted disability. Honestly, I have some mixed emotions but it is for the best. Now making that interesting was finding out that I was being moved from my previous medical insurance over onto Medicare and Medicaid. A bit more of an adventure than I cared for, but it is done.

Yet, it is not done. As all this was going on, I was told that my premium would be covered, as would the cost of a full-up plan. There are some other little bits, but as long as I stay in Indiana that is covered tax free. Given that my disability payment isn’t much, this is huge. It also allows me to keep my core care team, which is very important to me. Especially since we may still be working recovery issues much longer than planned (for which I do give thanks).

Turning from matters physical to matters spiritual, as long-time readers know, I found a new Church home last year. Well, I found it the year before but formally joined last year. It has been an amazing and wonderful experience. I’ve even gotten to take some “courses” on the Church Fathers and other topics, which I’ve very much enjoyed. I also became a Chanter and there is a possibility that I might even be tonsured so I can serve as a reader and altar server. We will see.

I’ve also been blessed with getting to know some wonderful people. Our music director has been working with me on re-learning music and singing, agreeing that it was good therapy for me. Things are improving and I’m even starting to look for options for some voice coaching for the singing. With all the health issues of late, not being doing as much with the guitar as I would like but hope to change that soon as well. There are others as well, too many to list, who are helping me in my journey.

For all that my particular Church is known for sending members forth, I would like to stay there for a while. I’ve got lots to learn and they are quite gracious about working with me and my limits — and helping me push them at need. And that doesn’t even touch some of the friendships. I’m lousy at those, but who knows…

I know I’ve said before I had accepted that I couldn’t go off on my own and live the hermit life, but the last few weeks have driven that home to me with a vengance. Almost like someone is trying to pound it through my thick skull. I’ve finally accepted that not only do I need people nearby, but I also need people that can and will check in on me.

All this forces me to accept that I can’t move out West this year, or probably any time soon. Which on one level is a shame since this winter has reminded me of every reason I want to do it. I’m also having to accept that I need to stay in Indianapolis for now. I’m also realizing that I need to get a place of my own (or at least with my own kitchen) as my current situation is not the right situation for the future.

I’d really like to find a small house, or even a duplex, preferably with a basement. A basement is not only good for storage, but a good place to ride out a thunderstorm at need. Most apartments these days don’t let you have grills and smokers, and I want both. I’ve started looking around, but if anyone out there hears of anything here in Indy, let me know. Provided it doesn’t have barricade bars on the doors — no joke, looked at one house online that had them, told me all I needed to know about the neighborhood. Would love to find something close to the Church, but prices around there have gone up through the roof as the neighborhood has improved.

I will be updating the GiveSendGo here soon, as while I will be moving it will not be out West. At least not yet. It’s funny, and telling, that every time I thought there was a chance, something happened to prevent it. I can’t be sad though, as each has brought both physical and spiritual healing. What the future holds I do not know, but I continue to have Faith that I will be shown the path.

Thank you for being a part of this journey, and for all your help and encouragement these last 3.5 years. Your prayers and generosity have helped me get this far, and recover far more than I really expected. Thank you.

More to come…

Skin Suits And Skin Walkers

Yesterday’s post ended up causing me to think a bit about David Burge’s take on progressives and institutions. Once they identify a respected institution, they take it over, kill it, and wear it as a skin suit while demanding respect. That led to some additional thought on my part in regards Skinwalkers (Naagloshii if you are into the Dresden Files).

Navajo folklore has the skin walkers as wizards who can change shape into animals, always with the goal of doing harm. This is in opposition to healers, who have the goal of doing good. Simplifying a bit, but it is a rich bit of legend and I think it applies to the current situation.

Looking at what has come out of USAID so far, quite a few institutions appear to be skin walkers. That is, they have been taken over, gutted, and used to attack freedom, liberty, and the rule of law. They dance around grandly, hiding that they are being paid to push not just misinformation, but lies, and to attack those who oppose the progressive intent (power, power, control). It’s not just corporate media, but a variety of institutions that profess to be for the good even as they seek to do harm.

Which brings us to Trump and his team. I noted that it really wasn’t the old Republican party, but instead a new coalition of libertarian, conservative, and progressive. In thinking on that some more, I realized that in many ways, this new coalition was using the skin of the old Republican party as a convenience. Let’s face it, the previous sunken-chested owners had long ago abandoned it as they became the bought-and-paid-for opposition-in-name-only. They were not even truly trying to fill that skin anymore, pretending the big robust figure it had been was still there, as it lay in a wrinkled heap in the corner.

Trump and his team looked at that pile of skin and saw it as a means to an end. That robust character could be revived, and filled with something better than the old. Much easier, in fact, than in creating an all new figure/party/etc. Cuts your development time and cost down considerably.

Which is why the never-Trumpers hate him. He not only disturbed and and imperiled their grift and graft, he did something far worse. In taking up that skin suit, refilling it, and giving it new life, he showed them for the pathetic things they are and they could see clearly what they could have been if they had tried. He showed their view of themselves to be flawed, horribly so, and they can never forgive that.

It is much the same as with Elon and DOGE and the skin suit they are wearing. It was a beautiful bit of legal maneuvering to take an obscure and not terribly important bit of Obama bureaucracy and turn it into one of the most important facets of the new Trump administration. In fact, they didn’t even have to change the acronym as they did so. However, instead of the elderly asthmatic Chihuahua it had been, the new suit holds as much wolf as it does Shiba Inu.

Those skin suits are not worn to harm, but to heal. That is the difference between the two sides. One side lives up to Navajo folklore, while the other works to heal and do good.

Which I find highly amusing on several levels. This unlikely group of heroes came very close to never existing. Both Trump and Elon were democrat, and pushed the standard causes. Both, however, had their eyes opened. I wonder how often Obama regrets doing this:

Elon probably would have been happy just to keep doing all he is already doing (and we need him to do it so we can get humanity off this mudball and out to the stars) but the progressive need to have absolute power and control struck yet again.

It wasn’t the defining moment, I suspect, but it is a good representation of what happened to change Elon’s course. I wonder if she ever regrets what she did, but I’m not sure (as with Obama) that introspection can overcome the sheer narcissism that is a hallmark of the modern progressive.

Both questioned, which is not allowed. Both then put up some mild challenges, and were attacked because they dared go off the reservation. I find it interesting that both have picked up unused/under used skin suits and are using them to do good. That may be the hallmark of the new Republican party.

Just some musing for a Friday. Enjoy your day and weekend.

Best Laid Plans

Last week, I had the chance to test some of my emergency preparedness when I was hit with the fun joys of food poisoning. If your emergency plans don’t encompass dealing with illness and injury, you may want to update your plans. Fact is, if you end up in a true emergency and sheltering for an extended time, you are going to have to deal with any number of illnesses as it is impossible not to share in those circumstances.

Now, I thought I had some pretty good preparations in place. In fact, I had just upped my anti-nausea (AN) and anti-diarrhea (AD) a month or two ago, and thought I was in pretty good shape overall. That turned out to be a touch optimistic.

Here are a few lessons learned that I will share for your planning use, and to remind me of what I need to do as well. Already taking steps, but…

First up, I generally don’t try to control things at first. It used to be that doctors would try to stop both ends as it were. However, it turns out that if the body is trying to purge things, there is a good reason for it and it is best to let it happen. The “plug them up” school may have done more harm than good it seems. The problem comes if the body doesn’t stop trying to purge and/or you (the patient) gets dehydrated.

Problem 1 for me was finding myself on the bathroom floor at one point, doing pinch tests to check for dehydration and checking other vitals to see if I did need to call an ambulance/help. However, when the body had signaled the urgent need to get to the bathroom now, now, now I did not think to grab my phone or do anything other than run, and my bedroom and the bathroom are at opposite ends of the basement. Not sure what to do about this, but do need to figure a plan for emergency communication.

Problem 2 was the bathroom itself. The landlord’s relatives who built it out did their usual high-quality job (cough, choke, wheeze) with the result that literally freezing air from outside was effectively being ducted down onto the floor — and me. Eight inches up from the floor, blissfully warm. On the floor, not so much. I did eventually manage to get back to my room and get a throw, but it really needed additional help. Was not surprised to have some respiratory issues the next day (and very cold feet and hands). Moving is an option, otherwise not much I can do about this one. Considering vacuum packing some throws and blankets and finding a way to store them in the bathroom, but…

Things That Worked 1: I always have solid, liquid tight wastebaskets in every room. Both in the bedroom and in the bathroom, this proved wise. Having them allows for emergency storage and transportation of liquids. In this case, I used them to catch and store what came out up top while sitting on the can. Was able later to empty them, clean, sterilize, and put them back to normal use. I use plastic grocery bags to line them as it makes getting trash out quickly an easy process.

Problem 3 is that I can’t find the flippin AD meds. Apparently I put the OTC and one prescription AD in a good safe place and not with all the other meds. I ended up using InstaCart to get some more delivered. BTW, would have been more impressed with them if they hadn’t left out the sports drink I ordered. I may try another service one day soon to see how they do, as a delivery service could be a good thing to include in preparedness planning. Didn’t need a lot on the AD, but did use it to taper things down later in the week.

Things That Worked 2: having a full-range of OTC items. In this case, having both antacids and anti-gas OTC agents has been very good and effective. In the case of food poisoning, having the anti-gas items is a big plus.

Things That Worked 3: During the time I could not get back to my room, I used a measuring cup from under the sink as a cup. It’s normally used to make saline and fill things. Rinsing the dust out got it clean [it’s kept clean normally, but the dust issue in that bathroom (mostly from the ceiling being another “quality” job) is incredible]. May look at a bagged cup and maybe putting a can of lemon-lime soda in there for emergencies. I will say it was very nice of the housemate to bring me down some bottles of water and ginger ale when he got home from work that next morning. The landlord just had a knee replacement and was not available to get down the stairs and help.

Problem 4 ties back to Problem 1 in that I really do need to be where people can get to me at need. When I move (more on that here soon) I really do need to be where there are good people around me and/or nearby. I’m not real thrilled with that on some levels, but I do have to recognize reality.

Things I Need To Add 1: I used to keep a couple of 2L bottles of a popular lemon-lime soft drink and of ginger ale around for illness. Not sure when I quit doing it, but need to add in some cans (longer storage) of same to my supplies. I also need to find some good powdered electrolytes (little sugar and no B vitamins) to keep on hand. Sugar and salt can make a good emergency solution, but having the better ingredients is the way to go if possible. Oh, no B vitamins because if you are flirting with dehydration you don’t want large amounts of B6 as B6 toxicity is no joke. When hydrated, it usually flushes out, but dehydration changes that equation.

Still recovering, but on the mend. Wanted to get an AAR down for my planning and to give you some food for thought for yours.

More soon. Be prepared and keep your family and friends close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Thoughts And A Warning

May you live in interesting times. The opening of an alleged Chinese curse (I’m too tired to research it but seem to recall it was such) and a reminder that even rapid positive changes can be unsettling.

Unlike some, the last three weeks (roughly) have not been something where I’ve been scared that I would wake up and find it a dream. I’ve been far more scared that I will wake up and the enemy will have gotten it in one sock and is effectively fighting back. So far they haven’t, and I bow towards Donald Trump and his team.

I had a sneaking suspicion that things would be interesting as soon as I heard that the transition team would be privately funded and not working with the previous Regency as used to be the norm. When I didn’t hear the usual leaks, or even some of the usual behind-the-scenes chatter, suspicions intensified.

Wow. What was being planned was beyond my wildest imagination. There has been a blitz from the word go, and like all good blitzes it was meticulously planned, contingencies developed, great legal counsel was clearly involved, and the logistics were in place. It hit so many places at once the enemy couldn’t figure out where to fight back, and it was also clear that the Trump team was setting things up so that the enemy had to defend their worst assaults on freedom, liberty, and the Constitution in public.

Read this as an example, looking at just one of the EOs and actions. Then read this excellent take from David Strom. Then think of how much work went into the hundred plus (?) EOs piled up and ready to go that first night. That was quite the sight with them all on the desk to be signed, and more keep coming. It is worth noting that every time the enemy even starts to think about getting back on balance, out comes another major EO, often on a hot-button topic for the progressives, to throw them even further off balance. Right now, I’m not sure they can truly decide where to start and can’t handle the sheer volume of things to challenge.

Then, add in the extremely prudent acts in putting people on leave, locking them out of buildings and systems, etc. to prevent the open sabotage that was a hallmark during Trumps first term. I noted with approval that apparently one of the first acts done by DOGE was to mirror drives so that such sabotage would be easy to detect and deal with. That it also preserves a lot of data many would have liked to seen deleted before the audit is another good thing.

Yes, I do keep using the term “enemy” deliberately and advisedly. They are not the loyal opposition. What they have shown themselves to be are opponents of individual freedom, individual liberty, the Constitution, and even of civilization itself. They pretty much dropped all pretenses otherwise during the Biden Regency and declared war on the American people. Or, did you think all those SWAT raids that saw people judicially executed/murdered, and became one of the features of the J6 persecutions were an accident? Messages were being sent, and not just through the corrupted corporate and political media (and boy have the last couple of days been fun with the data coming out of USAID on that). Did you think the 80,000 IRS were going to go after anyone on the left? The Lois Lerner brigades had a target, and it was everyone not a progressive. I could go on, but the point is made. These were not and are not the actions of a loyal opposition, but a disloyal (to the Constitution) enemy.

I’m going to skip over a few things I’ve noticed as I am hoping Trump and DOGE can get several more weeks of accomplishment in before the enemy starts fighting back/fighting back effectively. I really hope the enemy does not figure some of it out and the grand rope-a-dope going on continues.

That said, it is not a time to drop your guard or your preparedness. The usual suspects have doxxed the DOGE team, and while the new leadership at DOJ is investigating that and a myriad of threats, it’s still a problem. It is a bigger one for the people doing this as within their bubbles they have no clue how PO’d the public is and how much (and how fast) that is growing as more corruption comes out. The public mood is far angrier than most realize, and far too many of our credentialed so-called elite really don’t get that this time they need to care. They have not caught up with the times, and still think violence (by their usual crew) is something to be controlled like a rheostat so as to make the controlled opposition behave. Reality is that for the majority of Americans, it’s a switch and nobody on any side should want to see that flipped. Violence against Trump, Vance, his cabinet, and the DOGE team is almost guaranteed to flip it though.

Again, they live such insular lives within their bubbles that they really don’t get that it is truly no longer the Republican party (and controlled opposition) they knew all their lives. What it is now is a mix of libertarian, conservative, and populist that used the existing structure because it was convenient. It’s no longer the group of squishes that would let them keep running things even when the party “won” an election. The concept that the winning team would govern and not let them keep on like always is, I suspect, a horrifying lèse-majesté that truly shocks them. The horror!

There may be a few of the enemy who get it, and understand where they are at right now. Most don’t. They can’t (or won’t) deal with reality and the changes underway. Which is where danger comes in. As noted above, violence against Trump and Company will have repercussions no sane person wants to see happen. Yet, the BlueSky crowd was busy doxxing and making threats early on. I’m hoping that legal consequences for same may cause some to hit the brakes a bit, but I think far too many are not going to calm down given how many rice bowls just got kicked over.

Cornered rats are very dangerous, and the credentialed so-called elites are several steps above that. They see the system that they grew up in and that has given them power, money, and more failing. The NGOs were sinecures for children, nieces, and nephews that guaranteed the money and power would stay in those families for generations. Quite a few of those types have no other marketable skill nor do they have alternate career plans even if they did have skills. Given that, I truly am worried we could see some nuclear-grade stupid.

I actually think there are plans already in place for such (note Trump’s “I’ve left instructions”), and even if not I would be saying restraint, restraint, restraint. Stupidity on their part does not demand stupidity in return.

Make no mistake: we are in a revolution. This type of revolution has very high odds for success and a return to a truly Constitutional Republic. As someone noted on X the other day, it’s not something you can shut off at this point. Fact is, it is burn the boats time and we need to go all in on DOGE and the efforts underway. We have even more to lose in some ways than the enemy, in that we can lose our gains and freedoms, as well as our souls. However, we also have far more to gain through a successful revolution/restoration than they will. Their way of life is gone no matter what.

Expect the unexpected; think, then act; and, sit back and enjoy the show. I think Sarah used an analogy recently of a roller coaster and it sure is a good descriptor of the last couple of weeks. It’s fun, more than slightly scary (occasionally even terrifying), and not something you can leave mid-ride. My inner geek keeps hearing Kosh from Babylon 5 saying “The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.” Apt, and there are some interesting parallels between what is going on and what went on in Babylon 5.

I am going to pray for success, sanity on all sides, and the best possible outcome. I am going to make sure I’m prepared for turbulence. Most of all, I’m going to try not to get whiplash from the rapid events and not laugh too hard at all that is happening. Feel free to join me in sitting back and enjoying the show.

Those Aircraft Accidents

As everyone knows, we’ve had the horrible crash involving a Blackhawk helicopter with a CRJ jet at Reagan; the crash of an air ambulance in Philadelphia; and, people are freaking out over the engine fire that required an evacuation. There has also been a huge amount of disgusting, despicable, and vile attacks on the helicopter crew even before their bodies were cold. To say that I am repulsed by what is being said, and especially by WHO is saying some of it, is an understatement.

Let’s start with some basics that are getting missed by far too many online or in the media. First up, there’s this whole thing called an investigation to be done. We really don’t know anything at this point, as there are few established facts beyond the fact that the crashes/incidents occurred. There is a process for such things, and for aviation a very specialized process.

If you can, look for a copy of an older booklet “Air Accidents and the News Media” from the sadly defunct (the late Martin Caidin and I did what we could to try and save it) Aviation/Space Writer’s Association. While old, the basic process remains much the same even though technology has changed some of the elements of that process. If I ever get moved and can find my copy, will look into scanning it in as a PDF as it is not a large booklet.

The “we want scapegoats and answers now or we will make shit up” crowd are not going to like the process. It is time consuming, because it is thorough. Some things are already underway: data from ATC and other sources has been secured and will be available for examination and review; mechanics and others involved with the flights were or are sequestered and initial statements taken (note, logs and such were taken in the first part I mentioned); and, photos, video, and other efforts to record the scene have been made. All of this has been going on even as recovery of the bodies is underway, and I will note that the only reason anything should have been moved was to recover a body. See the booklet as this is an issue.

Now, comes the hard part. The wreckage, once documented, will be moved into a hangar somewhere to be re-assembled as best possible. Sometimes all you can do is lay it out in the rough shape of the aircraft. It will be examined in detail as some of the smallest things can tell a huge part of the story of what happened. There are metallurgical tests and more that will be done. While this is going on, the Flight Data Recorders will be examined, and based on that yet more controls and parts will be examined grossly and even on a microscopic level.

Even as the mechanical exams are going on, other investigators will be going over all available records of the crews involved. Training, evaluations, and more will be examined, even as autopsy results are gone over thoroughly. Investigators will also talk with friends, family, those they spoke to in the days prior to the event, and try to get an assessment of the psychological condition as well as the physical. There is no detail of their lives that will be off limits.

All of those investigations alone would be time consuming, but as they are investigating they often decide they need additional specialized testing, retesting, and follow-ups. They may need to bring in outside experts to examine things. It all takes time. Also, believe it or not, I’m not listing all the steps. There are others.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) usually does a pretty good job on these. In fact, they’ve solved some crashes that were head scratchers to be polite. It just takes time.

Now then, for all I was on the board of AWA, I am a very low-hour pilot and claim nothing like the expertise of Buzz Patterson and others who have not hundreds but thousands of hours. That said, I’ve also worked a job where if a plane I had worked on had gone down, I would be one of those immediately sequestered. As such, I’ve paid attention to things and will share a few with you.

I want to link to a thread of posts I did on X while recovering from the food poisoning (ongoing). Start here. Within that thread there are links to others including a Blackhawk pilot who provides some excellent perspective. A short version is that the airspace around DC is the worst in the nation, and that’s more than just my opinion. It is congested, it is complex, and it is dynamic. For all that I have a soft spot for Reagan National, it should not still be there. All the runways are at best marginal (too short, 33 worst), and when you add in other corridors, noise abatement, etc. it should not be used as it is used.

ATC is shorthanded (thank you Obama and esp. Sec. Pete of the Biden Regency) because of diversity efforts that have left some 3,000 (4000?) plus qualified individuals denied employment because they were white. Also, the tech used by ATC truly is from the 80s (and late 70s) and has needed upgrading for quite some time. I would love to see Elon’s team take it on as I suspect that much better could be done with commercial off-the-shelf gear for a fraction of what the usual contractors want to charge.

Now then, if you didn’t read the thread and all the links, at least read this from someone who knows Blackhawks, training, and more. My experience with NVG is limited (glad to get some to test, cough) and did not involve flying. That said, read what he said. It’s true.

As a quick aside, reading a good bit on social media from people complaining about the VIP “air taxis” and such. They may/do have a point about people over-using/abusing it as a status thing. Yet, the training flight wasn’t for that, it was for continuity of government. Yes, the practice was for getting leadership out of DC in the event of emergency. It’s pretty constant as it is the true mission for most of the choppers. It really does need to happen.

I’m going to skip ahead a bit here, as to continue on right now leads to a topic where I really want to lose my cool. Which I really shouldn’t do, so…

Let’s skip to the air ambulance. From some of the video that has come out, it appears it suffered an event in flight before it came down. That event appears to be an explosive (or expansive) event. That does NOT mean it was a bomb or missile; but, something occurred in flight that emitted a flash just before the jet started down, and it appeared to be on fire on the way down. Based on the color of the flash, it was not a low-order event. However, the video does not give a lot of details.

That said, it is not confirmed and may or may not be verified. I will note that Robert Davi did several posts on X going into the complex fuel management system for that particular jet. Weight and balance are a thing, and if something happened to send fuel forward…

In both cases, smart and/or knowledgeable people are choosing not to speculate absent facts. The fact is, we DO NOT YET HAVE FACTS. That said, allow me to posit the following:

There is no one cause for the DC crash. In fact, I already see multiple issues that may have contributed to the crash. While, yes, I do have a theory, it does not rest on one person. Read the threads on X and you begin to get an idea as there were multiple issues.

Also, for all the baying about lack of experience, what the everliving do you you think training missions are for? In this case, I do not yet buy into lack of experience. I will, however, point out that when you are with an IP, you are a bit nervous and minding your Ps and Qs.

Further, when flying with an IP they are in command and responsible for the aircraft. They have to catch mistakes the person being instructed makes; they have to teach you to handle the unexpected; and, teach you to get the routine right. Among other things I’ve had an IP do to me was to effectively kill the engine a mile or more out from the airport and tell me to make it. I did. Could that IP have gotten the engine back on and gotten us down if I had bleeped up? You bet your bippy. In this case, in DC, the actions of the Blackhawk rest with the IP, no matter who was doing what at the time.

Which make the vile and loathsome attacks on Captain Rebecca Lobach even worse. That is not to say or claim that she didn’t make a mistake or mistakes. What I am saying is two fold: we DO NOT KNOW yet if she did or not; and, even if she did the ultimate legal responsibility rests with the IP. To trash her, her service, and her skill without any shred of proof simply to make money or political points is beyond despicable. It is bereft of honor, humanity, or integrity.

As for those making hay (and engagement bucks) off the fact that her social media accounts were scrubbed, along with those of some family members, allow me to ask you this: have you looked into the mirror or is the torch you carry blinding you? Given the braying mob, the trash already being talked, and the vicious smears I can’t blame them. You can excuse your behavior however you wish, but you can’t justify it.

Just a quick note for those who are trashing her because she is female. I’ve got a suggestion where you can stick your ignorant misogyny. The woman my Dad dated after mom died was the baby sister of his best friend growing up. Happens she was one of the first female pilots in the U.S. She was taken with flight, and the local IP/flight school cheerfully taught her for free with one caveat — she had to fly low and wave at all the guys below as they would then come for paid lessons as they couldn’t let a guurrrlll outdo them like that. It worked, and she ended up in some competitions and such in the 30s, properly chaperoned. She was good enough that when war came, Jacqueline Cochran personally asked for her help. If you don’t know who that is, you are not in aviation and should look it up.

Now, as for Philadelphia, again I have a theory but prefer to wait for some facts. The fact that this service lost a plane a year or more ago may or may not be germane to this crash. That may be a discussion for another day.

As for the engine fire, it’s not good but not that unusual either. Wish it were.

The fact is, the aviation safety system is in trouble. It has been since Obama first stuck an oar in and messed with hiring and more. The technology has needed updating for decades. Frankly, I’m optimistic right now given the new team in place and that they should have the backing to make substantive positive changes. Who knows, maybe some of the 200+ NTSB safety recommendations that have been ignored might get implemented.

For now, let’s sit back and wait for some solid data before flying off the handle. Let’s get some facts before defaming people. Let’s give the investigation time to actually do what it is supposed to do.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Thank You!

There was no paperwork at all in the box, so I simply want to say Thank You!! to whoever sent this. It really did brighten my day (needed that) and I am looking forward to trying it out and playing with it here soon. As for those who don’t know what it is, you are in for a treat too soon I hope. Thank You!

Best Laid Plans…

Sorry to be away from keyboard, but Tuesday evening decided to eat dinner out on the way home from the ENT appointment. Stopped at a place I don’t hit often but have enjoyed as they do good hamburgers among other things. Tried a different appetizer with homemade aioli, and then did get a burger. Started feeling off even before the appetizer completely done, and feeling bad by the time I left. Few hours later I was in the bathroom with the joys of food poisoning.

I will do a longer AAR here soon, as there were some preparedness lessons learned. Couple of tweaks needed in my plans and systems, and if I am going to be collapsed on the floor I want a nicer, more comfortable restroom. Definitely not one where literally freezing air from outside is being vented onto me.

I’m on the mend but no where near 100 percent yet. May end up having to call the doc on Monday, but also hoping it won’t be needed.

More soon. Be prepared and keep your family and friends close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

No Irish Products Need Apply

Part of my family is from Ireland, and I appreciate Irish contributions to the world. Heck, the enclosed Catholic confessional came from the Irish I’m told (by an Irish priest no less). However, there comes a time when you have to let rubbish go; and, to call the current leadership and government of Ireland rubbish is to insult every midden heap and landfill in the world. They are a disgusting lot, and you should pay attention to the ethnic and religious makeup (and how few generations they’ve been in Ireland) of many of them.

As I noted in the previous post, the despicable fascista midget serving as president had Jews removed from the Holocaust Memorial service yesterday, with his goons dragging a pregnant Jewish woman out by the arms. My understanding was that he has been asked by the Jewish community not to attend, but did anyway just to be the largest anti-Semitic ass he could possibly be. Suspect he’s more than happy that many Jews are fleeing Ireland (and I strongly suggest they do as this guy would be right at home in the Third Reich and I suspect he mourns that they no longer exist).

Made the decision a few weeks ago to stop buying Irish products, but decided to go public with it after yesterday.

Kerrygold butter? Not any more. Plugra is as good, costs a little less, and is made here in the US I think.

Alcohol? On the stout front, America as a large abundance of good stouts, not to mention craft beers, that are flat-out better than Guinness. It may be heresy to some, but Guinness mostly coasts on reputation. Diageo is the owner and is not Irish, but promotes it as an Irish brand. Had just been introduced to an independent Irish distiller, but Irish whiskey is off the list. Frankly, lots of small independents to explore here, and I would offer that Scotch was the better choice usually. Again, easy choice to make and I won’t suffer for doing without.

Irish wool and fabrics? Eh, check out this U.S. company that I’ve heard good things about. Again and again there are a lot of good options here to check out, and you would be helping small U.S. businesses.

Seriously, it may not make a huge difference but it is something I can do. I don’t have to support Nazi-loving politicians. I can instead invest in American products and small American businesses. Hope you join me in so doing, as if enough of us do, it might help make a difference.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.