NOTE: I may expand this later, possibly as a new post, to deal more with why the old ways are gone. The world changed on Saturday, in ways strategic and otherwise that I don’t think many people yet grasp. There are profound implications on many fronts, including what some seem to have planned for here via invasion.
This one may be a long one, it may seem crazy, and, hopefully it will in the end make sense. Not so much a single definitive conclusion, but some rather unpalatable food for thought and some smaller conclusions.
First, let’s start with international law and what defines lawful and unlawful combatants (UPDATE: UCs for the reading challenged). Most law on such deals with the Geneva Conventions (ICRC I know, but best source I could find), yes, multiple. Things have evolved a bit since the first Geneva Convention in 1864, which focused on wounded and sick soldiers on land. The second focused upon those wounded, sick, or shipwrecked at sea. The third focused on prisoners of war and superseded the Prisoners of War Convention of 1929. The fourth focuses on civilians. For all that the fourth convention gets credit for lawful versus unlawful, the real definition of who is lawful is spelled out in the third, and definition of unlawful has been more a matter of military and other related law. While biased IMO, here are takes from the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Research Society of International Law. Keep in mind that both these papers are written in support of making terrorists and others have the same legal standing as regular troops in a war. As such, I would like to cite this definition and this paper.
A quick and dirty definition of an unlawful combatant is one who, as an individual or member of a larger group, engages in war by attacking non-military targets in ways not allowed by the Geneva Conventions and other Articles of War. In short, they are not members of a standing military, may or may not openly carry arms, and attack civilian and other non-military targets. Therefore, they are not accorded the rights assigned to lawful combatants under Convention III or any subsequent conventions or codicils. In most cases, those who are terrorists or labeled as terrorists automatically lose the protection of the Geneva Conventions and other International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and treaties. Keep this in mind, it’s important.
Now, let’s take a quick look at Hamas and what is happening in Israel. Hamas was founded not to create a Palestinian state per se; rather, from it’s inception it has been dedicated to the complete and utter destruction of the state of Israel. This is a good take, and this and this back it up. I read a very good report on why Hamas loves to desecrate bodies (humiliation and intimidation in large measure) and to rape and/or torture then execute women of all ages though the execution can and does come before the rape in a number of cases (strong women scare and enrage them basically). If I find it, will add the link.
While I expect the intellectually and morally deficient (often IMO those who would like to take part) to defend the actions of Hamas and the people of Gaza seen celebrating and helping desecrate the corpses of victims (and terrorizing children and others taken hostage), there is no real defense in terms of this being both an unlawful action by unlawful combatants. While military targets were hit, the primary attack was on civilians and it appears that the orders were to broadcast as much as possible to the world. Hence, cell phones being taken and the execution of families broadcast on their Facebook and other social media platforms. It’s why you see so much video on so many channels.
And spare me the ‘good and innocent’ people of Gaza bit. I remember when they danced and celebrated the attacks of 9/11, and I’ve watched them do the same and gleefully take part in atrocities now. I’m sure there are some good and innocent people in Gaza, and I hope they got out per the advice of the Israeli government despite Hamas doing all they could to keep people from leaving.
Hamas has long used mosques, schools, and hospitals as cover. On the latter, a number of corporate media operations were well aware of them having facilities under a major hospital and refused to cover or acknowledge. They often shoot from beside such facilities so as to use them as human shields. So, when you see mosques and other facilities not only go boom, but then cook off from what was hidden inside, don’t be surprised and don’t fall for those wringing their hands hypocritically over such actions. They know what’s going on, they support it, and frankly most of them would love to see Israel gone and every Jew dead.
Human shields will no longer work for Hamas. The idea that it’s international partners (Iran, Qatar, etc.) would protect it is ill-founded. The idea that the useful idiots and fellow travelers (such as the Hamas Caucus in Congress) would save it isn’t happening. That the West Bank, Hezbollah, and others would rise up and join in is iffy, for all that a lot of posturing is going on. No doubt, the government of Iran (as opposed to the people of Iran) is doing all it can to take out the state of Israel, but I think they’ve miscalculated in this case. Israel can and should go in and destroy every last vestige of Hamas in Gaza, even if it takes out most of Gaza. Not a war crime, not a violation of the Rules of War given what has happened.
Frankly, Israel truly needs to take the gloves off. Hamas leadership anywhere is now a legitimate target. Iran and the Taliban are now fair targets for the weapons, intel, and other support given (gee, where did those American arms we see in some of the videos come from, that just happen to match what we left in Afghanistan). As noted elsewhere, boxes have been opened that can’t easily be closed, and this could spread a lot further and a lot nastier than the people behind this attack believed possible.
Which brings us to the next point: the attack by Hamas is just the beginning. First, look at the “humanitarian crisis” that are “refugees” in the Mediterranean and otherwise pouring into Europe. Funny how many are military-age males and wives and children are nowhere to be found (except for a few for corporate media or complicit NGOs feelz pieces). Look up Lampedusa, and look at the hordes trying to get in to northern Europe.
Now look at our Southern border, which is wide open. Out of the millions who have crossed in the last three years, look at the number of them who are military-age males and the dearth of women and children (yes, there are some and a heck of a lot of sexual trafficking, but it is a small part of the overall). It’s not just people fleeing Central and South America, it is a surprising number of Chinese, Afghans, and others. Add in to that the not just rumors, but reports of Hamas and other fun and interesting groups having training centers in northern Mexico, recent if not current.
I’m very much afraid that Eva is right about what is coming. It’s not just that the large (and often militant) populations will be encouraged, but that they have been let in specifically for that. That they are shock troops who will be used by powers foreign and domestic as unlawful combatants to subdue populations and areas. Which brings us to the next point of consideration.
Why do you think the Stasi (aka Justice Department) is pushing so hard to declare the majority of the population to be terrorists? It not only makes them “other” (like the Nazi’s used Jews, Gypsies, etc.) but it strips away various Constitutional protections and makes them — and anything they do — to be unlawful combatants engaged in unlawful conflict. It opens the door to harsh reprisals if such groups should do anything in response to provocation, even defend themselves against aggression from illegal aliens. When they tell you they want you in camps, believe them. Oh, and if those poor, poor, disenfranchised helpless military-age refuges were to rise up in riot against the hatred and bigotry and take revenge, well, who could blame them…
On the face of it, it seems stupid. But, remember, stupid is the defining hallmark of the Biden Regency and our so-called elites. I agree with Sarah that this will not work out well for them, given how many of the different groups that are known to have come in over our Southern Border (and I strongly suspect that applies to Europe as well) hate each other with blazing passions. They will turn on each other as well as those who are allowing them into the country in a heartbeat.
There is a reason a number of us on Twitter were sharing the line from Red Dawn the other day: “Infiltrators came up illegal from Mexico. Cubans mostly. They managed to infiltrate SAC bases in the Midwest, several down in Texas and wreaked a helluva lot of havoc, I’m here to tell you.” They aren’t coming, they are already here. And it’s a hell of a lot more than Cubans flooding in.
Which is why I asked my senators for that third provision. I want it on record in Congress what constitutes unlawful combatants and the horrors inflicted by same. I want a contrast between what happened in Israel and the barbaric horrors inflicted on the innocent by Hamas, and anything brought by the Stasi against segments of the American citizenry. It may not stop it, but it will make an important point and provide a way to challenge those actions.
Keep in mind that the Biden Regency seems determined to try to provoke a response from any group they are targeting. It may be hard, but show restraint and do not give it to them. Doesn’t matter if you are a Trump supporter, a parent trying to hold your schools and school boards accountable, or any other ‘disloyal dissident’ that isn’t fully onboard with the progressive agenda. What is happening now in Israel and the Middle East is because various boxes have been opened that can’t be readily closed again. If at all possible, we do not want to start opening boxes here, lest they prove as hard to close as those we see there. Keep also in mind that they are already losing, and much of what is being done reeks of desperation in an attempt to retain power and control.
Nor is it just here. The same applies to China, Russia, and Iran to name but three. The Iranian people are a powder keg and already up in arms against the government. Won’t take much to let that go, and it would be a pity if something happened to their government (and various security HQs) while it was in session calling for death to Israel… China is much more a house of cards than many realize, though I would not underestimate their military threat. Russia has been exposed for what it is. The fracture lines there are growing, and it may well break on up without outside assistance (which is for the best). Meantime, isolate and negate on as many levels as possible.
The problem is, weak and failing leaders and systems make for interesting times. Add in millions (literally) of military-age males flooding Europe and the U.S., and you have a recipe for very VERY interesting times. With God’s help, a measure of luck, and some hard work, we may can still prevent and/or avoid the worst of it. Frankly, I think it is going to get very bad before it starts to get better. Some thoughts on what we need to think about for later is my plan for tomorrow.
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