
I’m watching far too many people celebrating as if the objections to the outcome of the rigged election had already liberated that country. Sadly, this is a tune we have seen before. For all the unrest and for all the countries and organizations denouncing the election, Maduro is still in power.

Keep in mind that there are elements of Quds, Wagner, and others in Venezuela and they are not likely to just sit idly by and let Maduro be easily swept away by a mere election. Keep in mind that there are thousands (hundreds of thousands even) of Venezuelan gang members and a number of males of military age beyond that here in the United States — and one wonders (cough, cough) what they may be up to.

So far, Maduro is arresting opposition leaders at all levels (failure to protect them has been a huge weak spot for the opposition from the start). For all that some gangs, military, and LE have gone over to the opposition, it’s not been a huge amount nor has anything truly meaningful been done with it. How many tanks and weapons were distributed from the base taken the other day? Hmmmm?

It is likely to get bloody, nasty, and unless some brains and backbone start showing up in opposition leadership, it will either be the usual capitulation by the opposition or a bloody slog that is likely to spill over into the U.S. courtesy of all the illegal immigrants/infiltrators. I’m hoping that the opposition gets smart and operates smart and that Maduro does fall quickly. I’m expecting the slog. I fear very much this will be yet again a failure by the opposition to do anything truly meaningful and effective resulting in Maduro remaining in power. Hope I’m wrong, but buckle up as whatever happens there is likely to be reflected darkly here.

UPDATE I: Meant to add this at the start, but over on X someone pointed out that this is not a fight between freedom loving types and evil commies. Rather, it’s more a fight between different sects of socialists/communists and while you could do analogies to Trotsky/Lenin, I think the Chinese and the multiple sects there may be a better analogy. It’s also one reason I suspect the major opposition has mostly been operating with gloves instead of (much needed) bare knuckles or even a horseshoe in the glove…

Again, be prepared. Keep your family and friends close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

What A Week!

Last week, I had volunteered to help with food for a national conference being held at our Church. Officially, I signed up for one three or so hour shift I think. Unofficially, I had already talked with the Chef in charge of all the food for the event, and pretty much signed a blank check. Yes, my mind does still think I’m 20, why do you ask? <smile>

Some of you have figured out a good bit about my Church, but I try to keep them out of the line of fire. Short description of what went on is this: An open annual meeting was hosted by my Church that is in practice national but open to all Churches in our denomination that fall within our diocese. Our diocese covers the United States, Canada, and Australia (!), and apparently a couple of other odd countries. Have sort of gotten the feeling that when they don’t know where to put the Churches in a country, they stick them in our diocese while they figure things out. So, while all of the Churches in these countries can take part, it really comes down to it being the Churches in the U.S. Sometimes there is participation by Canadian Churches, but even that is rare I am told.

Now, the conference is more focused on nuts-and-bolts of operations, though there is some discussion of theology and theological considerations. As a result, the — call him Archbishop though he has a different title — over the diocese (that is all the Churches in the U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.) attends. From a religious perspective, this is — of course — a big deal. Those that have met him before told me a lot of good things about him, but for those that are Roman Catholic or understand their system, you are talking effectively a Cardinal. I had hoped I might get to meet him at a service, maybe get a blessing as part of such, but really didn’t expect more than that. More on that in a bit.

The Chef (and I use the initial cap VERY deliberately) who was in charge of the food is amazing. I’ve met her briefly before, and the short version is that upon coming to America she got a job as a dishwasher at a higher-end establishment, quickly got promoted to cook, and I understand she owned her own restaurant for a while. In short, she knows what she is doing, how she wants things done, and while she may have a small penchant for micromanagement, she’s earned it. I have no objection to being told ‘cut this way and to this size’ and in fact I like it when I am working for someone else if I know EXACTLY what they want and how they want it. Makes life much easier.

Now, it wasn’t one meal. It was an introductory supper; breakfast/brunch, lunch, dinner; breakfast, lunch, (dinner catered as it was also a dance/celebration held elsewhere); then, brunch/lunch. For those who have done restaurant or food service work, it was effectively cooked to order. For those who don’t know what that means, here’s a quick breakdown.

We started food preparation on Wednesday. While some things were bought commercial and pre-made (desserts, chips, etc.), everything else was prepared from scratch. What this really means is that the clock started ticking Wednesday and it is a very complex clock. Some of what I did Wednesday was to prepare ingredients or to prepare to create ingredients that would be needed on Sunday for the final meal. It is a complex process to ensure everything comes together at the right time so that the final products come out at the right time, at the right temperature, and in the right condition for each meal.

Now, to add to the fun, each meal had a different number of people signed up for it. We also had to take into account that there were fasting requirements in place. My Church takes fasting rather seriously, in that during the average week there are two fasting days where depending on circumstances you can’t use meat; you may or may not be able to use oil or wine; and, there may be other restrictions. Also, some of the monastic orders have dietary restrictions on members. So, the whole menu has to be planned around this.

One example. The opening day was an open day, so anything went. The next day was a fasting day with no meat, no dairy, and some minor considerations. We did a salad on the first day native to the home country of the Archbishop, which included a special cheese. Great in that respect (and he was quite happy at seeing it); but, it could not be used in any way on the second day. The Chef did an outstanding job of threading the menu needle with the planned dishes. She also did an AMAZING job of timing things out so that every dish was on the table at the right temp and right condition at precisely the right time.

Which of course meant that almost immediately we got the dreaded ‘can you do this 30 minutes earlier/hour later’ well after the clock had started in earnest on that meal. Unless you have worked food service or cooked professionally, you don’t know what a big hairy warty deal that is, or how much it sucketh more mightily than an 10-to-the-negative-16th TOR vacuum. The clock on that meal starts 8 or more hours before that meal. When you have multiple dishes (and most meals literally have six to 10 dishes/components), you are talking a very complex operation. A good Chef can handle 5-15 minutes even if it is a major pain in the patuchas. Beyond that, only the really good ones can handle it and not at the very last minute. You get much beyond 30, well in advance, and most are going to laugh at you. Thirty minutes, we handled, though the “customer” didn’t have a clue how much work that entailed. When you have a good team, the customer only sees the result, not the massive amount of extra work and sweat. We had a good team.

Now, we did have to change a couple of things on the fly to accommodate both changes and issues. The latter is expected, and you account for it in planning. An ingredient may not be available, a product not delivered on time, etc. Changes are a major, major, pain.


Which leads me to something I want to say to everyone: When you do something like this, and they ask on the flippin registration form if you have dietary issues (for any reason), tell them. If you are going out to eat and have special requirements, call ahead and ask/notify. Please, for the love of all, do not wander up and demand/ask people to stop setting up the meal service to tell you what dishes do/don’t have X in them. If you are massively allergic to dairy, shellfish/iodine (my issue), or peanuts, or whatever TELL THEM AS FAR AHEAD OF TIME AS POSSIBLE.

When you don’t, and we have used prepared ingredients, say a store-bought sausage we did not make ourselves, when you wander up at the last minute we then have to dig through the garbage can (and/or the dumpster, potentially) to find the package and check. This is a bit of a disruption to getting the meal out on time as you then have to have everyone not only stop to try to find every ingredient label from everything used all freakin day, then clean up, sterilize areas, and wash up and sterilize ourselves, and well, if you don’t get it, it is a major pain in the rump and a MAJOR legal liability for those doing the food. In short, if we can’t find all the labels the default (legal and the court of public opinion) is that we have to tell you that a given dish has to be considered as having dairy/shellfish/nut/etc. in it as we can’t prove it DOESN’T. And, no, having just cooked food for 50 to 200 people, we can’t just whip up dishes to accommodate your needs in five minutes. Even if we have the staff, you are talking 30 or more minutes to send someone to the store and hope it has products that meet your specific requirements, prep time, cooking time, and serving time. TELL THE PEOPLE AHEAD OF TIME ESPECIALLY IF THEY FLIPPIN ASK YOU!!! If they ask and you wander up at the last minute, you are either seeking attention or are an idiot. DON’T BE THAT CUSTOMER!!!

Also, if it is not from a medical issue, don’t be that customer who goes into a barbecue joint and demands a vegan option. That’s just being something I’m not supposed to call people these days, and frankly if you do it you get what you deserve. Choices are not medical issues. If you have a medical issue, you should know to check ahead. If it’s not a medical issue, don’t be a jerk. Period. No, we did not have any of those, thank goodness. We did have a couple of people that should have notified us ahead of time on the registration form when asked. We could have at least has signage out saying that X dish was dairy/nut/shellfish/etc. free. Signage is easy. Scrambling at the last minute is not. Be considerate. Also, just a reminder, ask early rather than trying to stop service to get an answer. Again, be considerate.


Oh, and a few extra people showing up usually isn’t an issue. More than seven or so gets to be a problem, but a few is okay. If a few don’t show up, well, your food staff is usually appreciative as it means they get to eat. (smile)

In our case, everything went relatively smoothly. Some changes, some timing changes, etc. Nothing too far out of the park. Which was good as we were usually starting full prep on the next meal before the guests were finished with the one being served. Again (and again) the Chef in charge ran the operation like a restaurant and I really appreciated and enjoyed that. Lots of good reminders.

Also, some good lessons. Her method of cutting/preparing fresh pineapple was much better than what I had been taught. Quicker and less waste. Picked up a few other new takes on how to do things. I’m not as fast as I used to be with some of the prep, but can still get the job done.

I did have a bit of a (pleasant) shock the first day when setting up the food table for the first dinner. A gentleman in robes wandered up and was admiring the table, we chatted a small bit, and I froze as I realized I was talking with the Archbishop and had not been briefed on protocol. I think it amused him that I froze up for a moment, but he just went on and made a couple of nice comments on how good everything looked. I then dove back into preparation and he got ready to eat. Had the impression, and heard from others later, he was very happy to see the salad from his home country on the table, and apparently enjoyed it very much. I did get a more formal blessing later, and he was kind enough to describe the food as “manna” and was quite happy with all the meals from what I could find out. Came away with the impression of a laid-back and even humble man, though he was quite emphatic in the areas that truly counted.

So, it was a week of long (very) days. I’m still exhausted and could tell it both walking to/from the guitar lessons and even with the lesson this morning. Other than this, trying to take the day off and recover a bit. Might have even had a glass of wine. Going to cook up something quick and easy for supper soon. If the weather was nicer, would walk back down to the taco truck, but the weather isn’t nice and the walk to the guitar lesson was a PITA from the humidity and from having to push things because of weather. Really glad I didn’t do anything in the kitchen yesterday as I attended Matins then Liturgy. Was so tired, and voice was off, so made no attempt to sing in the choir/chorus. Besides, let me focus on the services, which were unusual as we had more than 20 priests and deacons (40+???) taking part in addition to the Archbishop. When they sang or chanted in chorus, wow! I did get asked to hold a large bowl of blessed bread at the end of service, which I did as it was just standing there holding a large bowl. Easy.

Because I was in the kitchen so much, didn’t get to mingle and meet quite as much as I would have liked. That said, did get to meet a few new people and was amused at one young man who saw my hat (straw Panama) and thought I looked like an archeologist, which is what he wants to be. Have some invitations to attend other Churches around the U.S., and who knows, I may take some of them up on that one day. Wish I could have met more/spent a bit more time with the crowd, but had a great time in the kitchen. Kitchen is home in many ways.

So, while I’m sorry I didn’t post a whole lot since last Tuesday, I was a touch busy. Today will be a bit of a let-down food-wise, but that may be for the best.

I hope you all had a good weekend, and there is more to come.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Hump Day Update

For all that there is a lot of sound and fury, things are also sort of calm beneath the surface. Won’t last, but enjoy it for now even as you keep your eyes and ears open.

Use the time well. Prepare in ways large and small. Enjoy things as much as possible and while you can. Enjoy each day.

I’ll have more soon, but the next couple of days I’m going to be busy as my Church is hosting a national get-together and I’ve volunteered to help the chef who is handling all the meals and such. Going to be an interesting but also hopefully fun time.

More to discuss on preparedness soon, from short-term to long-term; suspect more current events will be discussed; and, tied into preparedness is some self-reliance as I hope to share some experiments in mustard and mayo making. Did some deviled eggs for Church the other day, and suspect I’m on Southern Living’s ‘headed to hell’ list for using my own mayo instead of Duke’s. (smile) Did some classic, wasabi, oriental hot mustard, dijon-style mustard, and chili-lime.

More soon. Be prepared and keep your family and friends close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Biden Out

Quelle Surprise. If it truly was a surprise to you, I have a bridge for sale… Heck, I’ll throw in the troll for free!

I don’t think this could have been pulled off in the White House, because of the scrutiny, visitor logs, and number of people present. As it is, we have a resignation letter that appears to be digitally signed, no sign of the person signing it, no press conference, no nothing. As for the people complaining it is not on Presidential letterhead, keep in mind that his re-election is not part of his Presidential duties and in fact has to be kept separate.

What is going to be interesting is to see when, or if, Biden goes back to the White House. With family members (and others) talking about health issues including hints of a terminal disease, and all sorts of speculations going on, one wonders. When you consider this from Francis Turner, one does wonder if he is not already metaphorically, at least, in the fridge.

The few weeks will tell a lot of what has happened. As I noted before, I suspect some offers that can’t be refused were made. If pardons and related (sweetheart deals) suddenly pop up in regard Hunter and others, it will not be surprising. What would be surprising is if they don’t, as for all that quite a few in DC would be willing to let the Biden family metaphorically hang, such would quickly expand to implicate (or at least inconvenience) others. As such, pardons and deals are the cleanest way to go openly. Also, I expect some sort of sinecure for Jill. Expect some sweetness and light, for now at least.

Nor do I think Trump is in the clear. Yes, he did survive the first attempt. Not so minor miracle when you think about it. His survival and his response have catapulted him quite high. Which is why if I were him I would be looking to hire the mythical Griswold Security and be asking for the Gunny himself to oversee my security (metaphorical glass raised to toast the late, great, L. Neil Smith). Given all that is coming out about the attempt (which is a story unto itself), only a fool would trust the Praetorian Guard or the Stasi with their life and safety.

Buckle up, the fun has truly yet to begin. The elites (on both sides) are so focused on domestic they are ignoring how this is playing outside of the country — especially with those who have less than tender feelings for us. Cough. They get a vote too, and don’t forget about things like this. People are desperate and desperate people do desperate things — and I’m not just talking about people overseas. For all that people are trying to paper over it (all puns intended), this is just a bit of a Constitutional crisis. Who has the biscuit and who is really running things?

Prepare, and choose any vacation spots wisely. Heck, if anyone wants to get me storage pails off my wish list, or donate funds so I can stock up, please feel free. Hope you are starting to be prepared, or are topping off if you already were.

Speaking of which, thank you to the anonymous donor who just was very generous! I’m putting part of that towards the guitar lessons since by paying a lump sum up front I get a “free” lesson added in. May see about doing some video soon as my homework with lesson three includes openings to Tom Dooley, Ghost Riders, and Wipeout. And I sound about as bad with those as you might expect for only being on lesson three. Jury is still out on truly learning how to play, but having a lot of fun. Thank you all.

So, the ride is just starting to get bumpy. Hang on, as it is likely to get wild unless more sanity breaks out that I think is possible. Be prepared. Keep your family and friends close. Keep your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Biden Has Covid

So, after doing events in crowded areas including at least one restaurant, Biden was found to have tested positive for COVID. As a result, he is self-isolating at home in Delaware, rather than at the White House where he is near Walter Reed and other facilities at need.

The very cynical part of me wonders about this. Timing is almost too good, coming on the heels of his saying that if the docs told him he needed to drop out he would. And on top of Chuckie and others delivering messages about dropping out.

If I’m being darkly cynical, one might see it as Ol’ Yeller being taken back behind the barn. Yes, a doctor can and does travel with him. Yet, in DC he has access to a top-flight clinic in the White House, Walter Reed, Bethesda, etc. etc. etc. (</Yul Brenner voice>). But, the man who had trouble getting up the low stairs on AF1 is going to Delaware.

If you are deeply, darkly, coldly cynical, one might even wonder if Jill and/or Hunter got made an offer. Perhaps one that could not be refused even.

Or, it could just be an elderly man in declining health with multiple jabs getting a bug. It happens.

Me, I just said a prayer for him. I also wonder if the DNC convention will go as currently planned. Especially if the reports of the roll-call vote to make Biden the formal candidate is indeed being delayed. Time will tell.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Quick Thoughts On Fights & Protection

Sorry for the lack of posting, but life has been interesting. Mostly in good ways, as still processing the unexpected news from last week. The heart is good. Associated issues (hypertension, etc.) are still there. The body, well, that’s a different story. Trying to get some more medical lined up, and also having to verify that my insurance is good and will remain in effect. Just love paperwork…

Yesterday (I think) I posted on X about abject stupidity and breathtaking incompetence being indistinguishable from malice. Which leaves me with a bit of a quandry as I can’t quite believe either and am leaning towards embracing the healing powers of the word “and” in this regard.

Yes, I have helped do security, physical and other, including being close in. If you are close in, your entire job is to play bullet sponge and protect the package. If things go well your armor will keep you alive. If not, too bad, what matters is keeping the package alive. I could get into zones and such, but I figure most of you can guess that I do have at least some clue on the subject.

I’ve held off saying a whole lot for now, as this needed at least 72-hours and not 48. Problem is, it really doesn’t matter if it was malice or just DIE-inspired breathtaking incompetence and abject stupidity. Again, I’ve begun leaning towards “and” being operative here. Regardless, Mayorkas and the entire senior leadership of the Secret Service need to go. At this point, they have willfully endangered the lives not just of Trump, but also RFK and others for political reasons. The more that comes out from the assassination attempt, the worse it gets for the SS, DHS, and even LE.

I may get into all the failures one day soon, but they are legion. From SS members appearing to hide behind Trump to a response that couldn’t clear a basic fence, this is beyond amateur hour. Diversity Inclusion Equity leadership and participation failed spectacularly at the only thing that matters: protecting the package.

If Trump is eliminated, or if the public even thinks he MAY have been eliminated, I don’t think it will be pretty. It’s the whole rheostat versus on/off switch thing, and those playing with the dial don’t have a clue what they are doing or what will happen. Only idiots (on every side) are stupid enough to want such to happen. Those of us who have seen the world a bit, and studied history, have a clue and want to avoid such.

Which also gets into the calls for a new Munich by the Chamberlin Brigade. Cancel culture is now coming for the progressive side, and the civility brigade is all a dither at the horror of the “new rules” being done to “average people” on the left.

You know what? It’s not nice. It’s not pretty. It’s not the best of the best. It is, however, necessary. For long years, those anywhere to the right of Lenin (and mostly “average people”) have had their lives destroyed, families and friends threatened and attacked, and worse by the progressive cancel and rage mobs. The progressive elements have cheered those attacks and destruction, be it on children or adults.

Until it is driven home on them, until they experience what they have cheered on others, they will continue to do it and gloat. Our Republic can’t survive living under two sets of rules where only one side is destroyed. To paraphrase their secular icon, make the enemy live up to their rules. They have to experience it and do so unto a level that they stop this dreck. It’s like rubbing a puppy’s nose in the puddle or mess until they get the hint.

I don’t particularly like it, and look forward to the day it is no longer needed. But if we are to destroy the evil that is cancel culture and the rage mob, it needs be done and those demanding the high road will achieve nothing but the destruction of liberty by their misplaced and misguided efforts. The progressives were warned what would happen, and that they would not like the new rules; but, they were convinced that the rule(s) never would apply to them. Again, and again, and again: until those rules do apply to them and it impacts them, things will not change. If we stop now, not only will they not change, they will get worse. That’s a discussion for another day, but to the Chamberlin Brigade/MoQ types, this is NOT a fair fight, if you are in a fair fight your tactics suck, and if you insist on trying to be noble, high-minded and fair right now you are guaranteeing the death of freedom of speech. Suck it up, hold your nose, and rub the puppy’s nose in it until the lesson is driven home. Hold them to their rules until the rules are changed for the better FOR ALL.

More soon. Be prepared. Keep your friends close and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.


I got home from choir practice (they are foolish enough to have me training to join the choir/chorus/etc.), Vespers, and Matins, to the news that Donald Trump was almost killed in an assassination attempt. The photos and video of him in the aftermath are iconic. Sadly, at least one bystander was killed and at least one seriously wounded.


Yes, among the odd things I have done I have done PPD work. YOU FLIPPIN SECURE THE LINES OF SIGHT! Basic, textbook one-oh-one stuff. I get that they have been asking for augmented security/assistance and been denied by the Biden administration — just like RFK has been denied ALL protection. Are they really so stupid they don’t realize what will happen if either is killed?

Well, the answer to that is yes, they are that stupid. I’ve long said they will not let Trump live to take office. Really, they won’t let him live until the election. By the Grace of God, he survived tonight. If he is to survive further, I would recommend he ditch the SS, and hire the nastiest bunch of pros he can. If not for him, for his family.

To say I have a lot of questions is an understatement. May we have honest answers fast, for much depends upon it.

Meantime, pray. Pray for our Republic. Pray for the dead, and pray for the injured. May God’s mercy be upon them, and may God grant unto all that which is needed to meet the challenges in all aspects of the lives and souls involved. Pray. For if this goes the way it is headed, they know not what they unleash. May we all avoid that, and may God’s mercy be upon us.

Checking In

Sorry for the lack of posting, still processing what happened and trying to keep up with life. Friday is my baking day, and bread production is underway. In between stretch-and-folds and such am doing laundry, pretending to clean my room, and the other usual activities of life. Got the girls (my sourdough starters, Audrey and Rachel) fed and giving them some time out of the refrigerator.

Had coffee yesterday with my Subdeacon, and one of the topics was what has happened. He was also the second or third person to ask me recently what it would take for me to be able to increase my bread production. That basically boils down to some equipment and having a kitchen of my own. Also, he told me I’m not allowed to move or move to another Church, even if I win the lottery. I do have a dream of sorts of if I win the lottery move out west and put up a diner out in the middle of nowhere and feed those who stop by. Have a little chapel as part of it. It’s a dream.

The second guitar lesson went well on Monday, and I am practicing and trying to build up my fingertips. Can’t remember if I mentioned it before, but my landlord gave me a music stand that is perfect for guitar work. Now considering finding a used guitar stand to go with it.

More soon, off to do more stretch-and-folds and start the first proofing of this week’s bread. More later I hope.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Amazing News

As those of you who are regular readers know, I’ve had an interesting year on the cardiac front. There was a mystery diagnosis or two; there were interesting symptoms and odd data; lots and lots of questions; and, more than a few concerns. Throw in things not matching between previous tests and what was done in surgery or treatment…

So, I got an outside review of all things cardio, and in the process a new and fantastic cardiologist. As a result, I spent yesterday at a heart facility getting nuked, stress tested, echoed, and otherwise having all sorts of fun. Really needed to get good data, either for answers or for better questions as to be honest, the way things were trending I should have been headed towards cripple or dead.

What we found instead, amazed and delighted both my doctor and myself, and the term miraculous does apply. All that had been seen before, was gone. The mystery diagnoses were disproved in spades. In short, my heart shows as completely healed.

No apparent major or even minor blockage; no ventricular or other failure, no nothing wrong. Healed. It may not be the heart of a 20-year-old, but it is healed, whole, and going strong.

Again, miraculous is not an understatement. Lots of prayers of thanks going up, and I thank all of you who have prayed for me, especially on this.

The remaining edema is likely caused by a medication, so we are switching it out to see if that takes care of things. I will also write a bit about getting there and back, which was interesting but worked. In fact my cunning plan to get there on time worked almost too well. But that is all secondary. I’m still processing the news and the extent of the healing. I can’t describe the feeling of looking up at the EKG and thinking ‘that’s not right, that’s almost textbook normal.’

Thank you all. At least from a cardiac perspective, there is more to come!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Tales From MOC Con

Really, there is a redundancy in that title, but if you don’t know what MOC stands for, or accept that it became a proper name unto itself, the extra Con is needed. Today, a quick (?) tale from my time on the science fiction convention circuit and an interesting (if ultimately slightly horrific) interaction with one of the actors from Dr. Who.

For today’s post, I blame Amy and Aymar as it was a discussion with them that led to my thinking about/remembering this episode. We were discussing Dr. Who as the result of some rather loathsome comments by an actor, and got to thinking about the Doctor who brought us into the series. Given my memory, the first episodes I ever watched (most likely on PBS) may have been Jon Pertwee, but it was really Tom Baker who was “my Doctor” and got me to enjoy the series.

Over the years, I actually met a number of actors from the show, including Mr. Pertwee (still, I hope, have an autographed and personalized copy of his autobiography somewhere). When I met Louise Jameson she was on a tear trying to scandalize those attending a convention, I suspect in part because of the location where it was held. A story for a different day. Can’t remember some others (stupid lightning), but I did very briefly meet Patrick Troughton.

For several years, I was a guest at MOC con, which started as “Macon Opus Con” and then became “Magnum Opus Con” before just getting called MOC con by most. It started in Macon, Georgia, and was too big (and just too much for sleepy Macon) even in the first year. As a result, it moved to Columbus, Georgia, for its second year. And, yes, I did look up a number of things for this (stupid lightning).

Since I was not a television star, but a science (and minor writing) guest, I was not in the main convention hotel at the start of that second year. Disappointing, as being able to go back to your room, store stuff there, and be close to your room between panels was handy. Got through the first day okay, but was on a list to get moved to the main hotel if a room came open.

One thing I do remember from that first day was opening ceremonies. I seem to recall that one of the guests had played “The Master” on Doctor Who, and when he was introduced to the crowd a bunch of booing and cries to do bad things to him broke out, such that the poor man looked rather scared for a moment. Then he realized that the “crowd” doing the booing and making comments was one person: Patrick Troughton. Who, as the other actor clutched his chest and shook his finger at him, was doubled over in laughter at having gotten his colleague. Everyone cracked up, relaxed, and a fun time began.

I was surprised to get a phone call early the next morning, telling me a room had become available at the main hotel, and asking if I would like to move over? Of course, I said yes and move I did. Made it much more convenient in regards my panels, and things were going along well until around lunch time I think. It was then someone mentioned a thing not being discussed in public (I don’t even remember any rumors that morning), that Mr. Troughton had died of a heart attack at breakfast (just after ordering apparently). Thankfully, the room I had moved into was not his, but had belonged to friends traveling with him. I have to admit I was relieved.

Yes, it did cast a pall over the convention. Mr. Troughton was friendly, had a good sense of humor, and was very much enjoying himself. I seem to recall some DJs put out on air that the “star” of the con had died so don’t bother going, which did hurt attendance. Jerks never did apologize for that one if memory serves.

I was a guest at a couple of other MOCs over the years I think, and I met some interesting people as part of it. Got to meet some literary figures I enjoyed, and was surprised a bit at some of the media people truly being interested in what NASA, DoD, and others were doing. Got to visit with Mr. Doohan on a couple of occasions at MOC, which was always a pleasure and not a surprise that he was interested in current projects.

Over the years, I was a guest at some other conventions, including one or two of the early DragonCons. I remember one at least, as that was the one where I spent a bit of time with Larry Bond, Tom Clancy, and some other interesting people. I also got Timmyed (a word I just made up) into helping with the start of LibertyCon, working with Klon on programming. If you never worked with Uncle Timmy, especially when he had a project (crusade), by the time you heard the whistle, the locomotive had already run over you. The Timmy Train was quite the thing. Again, a story for another day.

I think I’m making getting back to LibertyCon a bucket list item. It would be good to see how it’s grown and to meet up with some old friends in the process. Maybe even make some new ones. Heck, with what the lightning did, some of the old I don’t remember might become new again.

That was the interesting thing about the cons: you did meet some very good and interesting people, and sadly I’ve realized writing this how many of them have passed. Which means it’s time to try to meet some new good and interesting people.


Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.