Three Years Ago

Tomorrow, 30 June 24, is a special day. On that date (not day), my life changed as I sat drinking coffee on the front porch.

There was no real warning. I had just put down phone and coffee mug, getting ready to go inside. I remember the hairs on my body suddenly standing straight up, and before I could do anything my world went white. It felt like my brain was vibrating at a very high frequency, and there was a roaring sensation — not a sound — in my brain. I had several thoughts during this time, almost overlapping, starting with ‘this is going to hurt’ and I think some thought of ‘wow the lightning hit close by.’ I thought it was just clenching up in fear, but my body locked up in the chair.

Then my world went dark, and I literally thought the power had gone out to the house/neighborhood from the strike. I was still thinking it had hit nearby, and remember thinking along the lines of ‘bleep, we will have to reset every clock in the house’ which was a pain. In the darkness, I began to wonder what I would see when the lights came back on: Heaven, hell, or something else? I admit I was quite relieved when suddenly I could see again and was on the porch.

I still didn’t realize I had been hit. I don’t remember any pain, and there was more wonder at what was going on than fear. After a moment I thought something along the lines of wow that was close, wonder where it hit as I scanned around to see if I could tell. I honestly thought it had hit across the street. For the record, almost anyone who is hit or has a near miss is probably not firing on all cylinders, even if they think they are — and I truly did think I was firing on all cylinders.

It’s been a heck of a ride, and it’s not over yet. There was a form of failure cascade that eventually led to open-heart surgery, and there is more cardiac testing and scanning early next month. The path I/we think the lightning took through the body tells a tale. There is hearing loss in my right ear, with nerves being dead. My best guess is that the lightning that got me hit in or just behind my right ear. It went down the inside of my torso and eventually exited the ball of my right foot.

Funny that I missed it that morning. You see, being unaware I had been hit, I went inside, took care of a couple of things, gave thanks to God and the Blessed Mother I was alive and that it had missed me (cough), got my shower, and went to work. Missed the hole in the bottom of my foot as it wasn’t bleeding; rather, it was filled with carbon. Looked like a thick pencil lead going back up into my foot when I did find it. Sole of my shoe got the neat burns, but my body didn’t — at least on the outside. Inside may have been a different story.

The docs and therapists at RHI told me that it would take three years for my brain to heal (as much as it was going to heal), and that we should look at repeating tests and doing more tests after that. May look into that, provided I don’t have to go through the useless Dr. Lichen-stine to do so. Sorry, one of the nicer names I have for the neurologist. Having a doc tell you that he’s not going to do a lot because there’s nothing that can be done about it anyway is a heck of a thing. I had to work hard to get into outpatient at RHI and I don’t think I would have had I just left it up to him and his office. In terms of recommendations, thumbs-up to RHI, thumbs down to the neurologist.

Also, belated kudos to the people I worked with at the time. They saw some of the failure cascade starting, and were the first to question my thought that the lightning had missed me. If not for them questioning/pushing, I might not be here. I also want to thank them again for the recliner they pitched in to get me after the open-heart surgery, as the camping chair really didn’t cut it… Thanks guys, you were a great bunch to work with.

Given that some of the short-term memory issues seem to have backslid a bit, and the long-term memories are still messed up, may indeed get with RHI. If some of the (possibly increasing) brain glitches are going to be an ongoing thing, may have to re-evaluate some of my long-term plans. Really hoping we get some answers, and maybe some better questions, with the upcoming cardiac testing. There are things not adding up, be nice to start figuring out what is missing from the equations. There are issues with my right foot and leg, which may (or may not) be cardiac related (and one of the things not adding up), some GI issues, and such.

Since I was hit by lightning though, I’m not going to complain. It could be a lot worse. I could be dead, and in many respects it is surprising I am not. Glad I’m not, mind you. Very glad even. I could have taken far worse damage than I did, and again I’m glad I didn’t. There is a list of little miracles that morning, and I am grateful for them all.

For all that I do think that the best visual to represent things is the last jump of the Battlestar Galactica, shuddering past the moon as it sheds chunks and pieces to slowly fall to the surface, the basic systems are still up (mostly) despite what has sheared away. The brain may not be what it was, the heart is definitely not what it was, and there are a few other system that have indicated they might like to add a word. Even so, I may be (a lot) slower than I was, but I’m still moving. I can still spot a pattern or two in the data, and I hope/think I have a bit more to add on preparedness. Maybe a few other topics too. We will see. My ability to learn is a topic that needs exploration, but I can share a bit of what I do remember.

Meantime, I plan to press on. I will be pushing the docs for data and/or answers. I hope to get a lot more writing done. Yes, I am looking for a keeper as such would be good for me on several fronts and levels. To be honest, though, I am putting it all into God’s hands. I’m not joking when I talk of minor miracles, and that there is a reason I’m still here. I have my Faith, and the faith to say “Let that which is right be.”

That doesn’t mean sitting back passively, as that’s not the way things work. In fact, work (and working at things) is the key. We are expected to work, and work hard. It is just a lot better and easier when we work in the ways directed and shown. I really am trying to listen better, and not do anything too stupid (despite dehydrating last week). Really. Honest. I’m trying to be good. As best I can, at any rate…

Been a heck of a ride. Thank you for being a part of it, and for your prayers and assistance. You have made a huge difference in my life and recovery, and I thank you all profusely for it. May there be a good bit more to come for us all.

Also, pay attention to the lightning safety brief! Be careful out there.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Still Here

Sorry for the silence, but having to deal with ensuring all doctors are aware of what the others are doing, etc. Also trying to arrange a ride to the day of cardiac testing, would help if I had more (any) faith in the service my insurance provides. Or that it wasn’t such a (needlessly) complex and convoluted process that requires you to jump between phone, computer, and text within a poorly designed system.

Also, while I’ve had more than one close brush with death, I decided last year to combine all the alive days and my birthday into one big Alive Day. That day is 30 June, and it is the day lightning hit me and by the Grace of God I got up and walked away. As I noted on GiveSendGo, not unscathed, but still moving and fighting. Slower and weaker perhaps, but I ain’t dead yet.

Circumstances are such I will not be doing a celebratory meal or such on it this year. While I will be giving thanks for it in Church, am putting off anything else until after the next round of cardiac testing and such are completed. Besides, budget isn’t great right now and I need to see how some things go.

More soon I hope. Right now, have to go see about using a blender to grind some grains for bread. My Godmother wants some rye bread made by a certain recipe, and I am going to do everything I can to make that happen. I also am going to grind some red and white wheatberries once done with the rye, as I want to see how it does in the sourdough bread. The Dijon-style mustard turned out good (!!) and I will share the recipe soon. If anyone knows a good source of bulk mustard seeds, do let me know as I see a lot more mustard in my future. 🙂 Also, need to share an updated chili-lime mayo recipe with you as it and regular mayo are easy to make, tasty as all get outs, and a LOT healthier than what you will find in the store.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Manual Grain Grinders

I’ve been thinking about a manual grinder for grains, that if it can handle more (nuts, spices, etc.) great. Real key is to have something that is easy to use, adjustable, and can handle a variety of grains. So, I’m asking you what you think of the following, or if you have a better suggestion based on experience. If it is something that can be added to the wish list, so much the better.

This grinder seems to get a lot of praise, and can even be motorized with an accessory kit. Pricey, but if it works and lasts…

This hand grinder and its electric sibling also get good reviews. I like the idea of stone or ceramic grinders for a lot of reasons.

This one looks to be identical to the very first one, though less expensive. Anyone have any experience with it?

This one is very inexpensive, but tin plating worries me. Anyone try it?

Finally, another that can be electrified. I wouldn’t mind having that option.

Feel free to list others that work for you in the comments. For a number of reasons, want to stay manual though being able to motorize is a big plus for me. What are your thoughts?

UPDATE: Thanks to a comment by RCPete, I’m adding this, which is the first referenced grinder in cast iron. Will last decades longer than the aluminum, and should withstand any emergency. Much higher cost, but is effectively multi-generational. Sounds like a plan to me. Thoughts?

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

That’s Not Good

By now, you’ve probably seen this story or similar about the missing NYPD uniforms, car markings, and other delights. Not sure about you, but I’m hearing from sources that NYPD is not alone. In fact, it sounds like this is far more widespread that anyone sane should like.

One of the things that I’m finding interesting is that not all the missing uniforms and such are in major cities. That said, the areas where they are missing seem to be in areas with interesting (and critical) infrastructure, military, industrial, or other. Worrisome that is, at least for me. That this is traveling via LE-member and related circuits, and is NOT being discussed by politicians or political leadership military, LE, etc. could well be speaking volumes.

What just happened in Russia could be the opening bell as it were. Given the large numbers of military aged Chinese, Muslims, and others from a variety of countries inimicable to the United States and the tenets of Western Civilization… Well, if you were the Chinese and wanted to prevent a U.S. response to an invasion of Taiwan or annexation of portions of the Philipines; if you were Iran and wanted to cripple the United States while setting yourself up as a significant/major nuclear power (not just regional); or if you were one of several others: what would you be doing different via our open Southern Border?

Even if the tsunami of military aged males (and tens of thousands of children being trafficked too) weren’t a real threat, look at what is happening with our economy. Look at the debt, look at the loss of the petrodollar, and more. There’s more beyond that, lots more, and the new Kristallnacht that is underway here and abroad is but one sign . None of the things is good of itself, and offers much worse in synergistic terms.

Stock up. Keep your eyes open, head on a swivel, and your things where you can find them in the dark. It’s not the end, but I doubt it is going to be fun. Keep your family and true friends close, and be careful out there. If you care to help me with some food and preparation, feel free to hit the tip jar.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Baking Day

And laundry day. And cleaning day. And the day I put Zombie Car up for sale. Also the day I am experimenting with mustache wax.

Had another brain fart while baking this morning, but this one is (I think/hope) recoverable. Doing one loaf of rye and one loaf of regular. My godmother wants me to bake her some rye to her recipe, and started that process this morning by creating a rye starter with dark rye flour. The loaf I did today is so I can get a better feel for the rye flour and proportions. One or two more feedings of the new rye starter, and we should be good to go later this next week.

I ordered a pizza stone for cooking bread (and pizza) but had another brain fart and instead of arriving Monday it is arriving on 1 July. Not what I wanted, but will live with it. Need a good stone no matter what.

At least five years ago, I bought mustache wax and wasn’t thrilled with it. That said, they sent two tins and one has sat in a drawer as I slowly worked through the other one. About out on the first, so pulled the other one out and it was a hockey puck. So, the tin is currently in some water on the stove getting melted, and I’ve added a small bit of avocado oil, olive oil, and scented beard oil. Mixing it up good and once uniform will let it cool and see if it will actually work. I am cheap, and refused to give up without trying. If it works, should hold as well as it ever did (not great, but good enough) and have a very light bit of scent to it.

Haven’t done as much cleaning as I should, but have gotten a good bit done otherwise. Special services tomorrow at Church as we pray for the departed, but hoping to get to the barber (long overdue) so I can stop looking like a long-haired hippie freak. (smile). Also hoping to set up some regular guitar lessons while there.

Bed is changed, laundry done and put away, and bread should be about doubled here in just a few. After doing final work, hope to get it into the baskets and in the refrigerator soon. Have to bake super early tomorrow because of the special services.

By the way, here’s the text of the sale ad for ZC. Figure even money odds it triggers someone:

For Sale: 2004 Ford Taurus L(X), 3.0L engine, 235,685 miles

Like many a tale of an ex, this one is sad. When I got hit by lightning three years ago, she apparently did as well, but unlike me she kept running. I replaced the radio that died then with a Kenwood, and she kept plugging along. Alas, this year she started drinking heavily, and has quite the anti-freeze habit now though she still only sips oil. She has arthritis (rust), and needs work. Sold as is, no warranty expressed, implied, or hinted. She runs, but would probably appreciate a ride to her new home.

Landlord laughed and liked it, so… More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Building Underground, More Thoughts

Going back to a previous post, I want to continue my thought experiment on building underground. There were a number of good comments on the previous post, which serve as a good jumping off point.

Re-purposing old silos is a tried and true thing, and there are some very nice ones out there. The problem on water is well taken, as I know one around Abilene, TX where the silo is/was actually used for swimming and scuba instruction last I heard. In pretty much all cases, silos can become cisterns, though the living quarters usually stay dry. Good planning is required if you want a dry silo.

The take on them still being targeted is quite valid. For all that our bureaucrats are horrible at getting things done, Russian bureaucracy is worse IMO and there is no guarantee that Russia has updated its targeting — though I hope it has. As noted before, if they have not, I am going to be (very briefly) amused and annoyed given proximity to former targets. Though I admit the strip mall now in one location is somewhat hideous in architectural terms…

The one I know of that was just left “as is” not for sale and buried quite deep. So much so I could do an underground house on top of it and a house up above that. If I had millions to acquire, renovate, build, etc. would be tempting.

As for former mines being converted into homes, that remains a very good option if one has the funds. Keep in mind that not all mines are pits (literally or figuratively). Many hard (or semi-hard) rock mines and such are actually up local mountains/hills. The ones I saw out in West Texas are literally carved into mountains, and are up above a canyon system. This simplifies water/sewage/other runoff issues and offers good opportunities for water mitigation.

One of the things I had looked at with shipping containers was going on top of a hill or into a good hillside, doing all the digging and such required for household and rain runoff, then putting down a concrete pad and going from there. The key point there are to involve a special type of geological engineer both to guide with where to put a well (and what depth and other considerations are needed) as well as dealing with normal and emergency runoff (any number of disasters will change rain/water patterns temporarily or permanently). Once structures complete, backfill and be good to go.

Problem is, as several noted before, shipping containers can make decent housing in certain circumstances. Sadly, underground is not one of them. The real problem is the need to put about a foot of reinforced concrete around them. By the time you do all the bracing and such just to pour the concrete, it is not worth it. You would be far better off just doing regular temporary construction bracing for such.

Another option that sorta combines both concepts is to do like Cheyenne Mountain: dig big “cave” and put up buildings in it. Works, but a bit expensive for the average homeowner. Smaller scale, however, is not impractical.

I really like Old Paratrooper’s idea from a personal standpoint. Again, my thought is to go into a hillside or take off the top of a hill. Though, to put in a decent small library may have to use two quonset huts with one dedicated to being a library (smile). Gives you more than enough volume for a home, the opportunity to build and even change the interior at need, and works on several levels. Again, get good geological/hydro advice (as well as structural engineering involvement), dig out gravel drain fields (and put in diversion walls and such if/as needed), then put down the pad, the hut, and upper concrete. With the right planning, you have water/air/other issues worked out well in advance.

For a limited budget, the above works. If you win the lottery, look at converting a mine or mining out “caves” for use a la West Texas. If you win insane amounts of money, there are other options.

Just a few thoughts on what I may make a continuing discussion/thought experiment. Keep those good comments coming!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Amazon Wish List

I hate giving them any business, but… Some have asked about donating things rather than funds, and I like that idea. So, I have created a new Amazon Wish List that if I’ve done everything right should allow people to send things rather than money. It should be showing up in the top right under The Bard’s Jar but I’ve been having some weirdness where it shows up, then is gone, then shows back up.

On a few of the things on the list, I’ve noted things I think you may be needing in the days to come. With the loss of the petro-dollar and other systems dropping the dollar, on top of the hordes of military-aged males from so many countries coming across the border (and missing police uniforms, complete vehicle markings/wraps, etc. in NYC), now is a good time to stock up. If you can help me do so, much (MUCH) appreciated too.

More soon, been a busy day already dealing with lawyers, government, and more. Hoping to get to a real post up in a bit, but no guarantees as the infernal ones (lawyers and govt) get first dibs on attention today. 🙂

UPDATE: Think I noted on the list, but stock up on supplements now. Not only do disasters not wait, but keep in mind all the attempts to control food production and distribution. Also keep in mind that if they go after that, the previous war on supplements will be nothing compared to what comes next. Paranoid? Perhaps, but keep in mind the “conspiracy theorists” are batting about a thousand and the so-called experts about zero. I’m opting for the CTs on that basis alone.

UPDATE II: Getting Zombie Car ready to sell, but am calling off further work on that due to rain and the possibility of thunderstorms. Oddly enough, I’m quite content to come inside and hunker down in the basement where it is cool and at least semi-safe. 🙂 Really do want to get back to building underground, both as a thought experiment and to respond to the excellent comments. Think Old Paratrooper hit on something that may well work for me in reality rather than in thought experiment.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Whew! What A Week

Okay, I am back (sorta) and hope to be back to regular posting this week. As noted in earlier posts, I was not feeling good most of last week. This didn’t keep me from visiting a new dentist, and doing some things down at the Church. Almost recovered from those activities…

Saturday saw the one-day-only opening of Brother Juniper’s at the Church as part of the Talbot Street Art Fair. See previous post for links. I had been told that it would be busy, and they were not joking or understating at all. There were people that drove in from all over the state to get the sandwiches, and I’ve heard that some may have even driven in from out-of-state. I didn’t get to talk to the customers at all, and frankly was too busy to do so anyway.

As for me, I have no idea how many sandwiches I made on Saturday (having volunteered to be a sandwich maker trainee), but would not be surprised if it were about a hundred — and I was the slow one. The man working next to me used to manage of the of the two Brother Juniper’s here in Indy, and he was doing four to my one, easily. Most orders were multiple sandwiches, quite a few to go. I was at least smart enough to toss some of the training and start following the lead of the man next to me, and both speed and accuracy (and sandwich “fluffiness”) improved as a result. Accuracy being consistency in both presentation and weight of measure of meats. Got where I could tell how much meat I had in my hand even before I weighed it.

It was a long, long day but a very good one. I only heard (of) one real complaint out of the hundreds of orders, so I’d say we did pretty good. Those that did this, then made it to Church yesterday, may have been moving a little slower than normal, but we were all bouncing back. Almost recovered, though I think I may can make a “Happy Hermit” sandwich (seemed to be the hands-down favorite from the number ordered) in my sleep at this point. Given that I screwed up the bread making last Friday, had been a bit concerned about how I would do. Told I did okay, will take their word for it. Also thankful the edema med really didn’t kick in too bad, though it has been making up for it yesterday and today.

So, more soon. FYI, did get the latch on the freezer door, and while I think I’ve found a replacement freezer for far less than previous prices, going to be a while as I need to get some other things (pizza stone, latching-lid slow cookers, food processor and/or blender — in that order more or less). Oh, and a wire-rack shelf unit along with some more dutch ovens. The latter are not an immediate, but… Really hoping to cook a lunch again soon for the Church if funds allow. Want to do one hearty meal (corned beef and cabbage or Moroccan-style chicken) and one light (salad nicoise variant). Hits last month prevented doing much beyond bread as I hit effectively zero funds about three weeks ago. Really looking forward to getting my stipend this week. Onwards!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Still Here

It’s been a week. Have not felt good, which may or may not be tied to switching out a medicine. The new med was working on the odd edema (which is not a sign of congestive heart issues per tests), but is sort of in a holding pattern right now IMO. Only issue is that the edema is having a small but negative effect on mobility. Grrr.

Yesterday, I visited a new dentist since it’s been a year or more since my last visit to such. My former dentist was always about the upsell: this test while you are here ($25/$50), this extra treatment ($25/$50), you need this ($5k), you need that (again $5k), you absolutely must do X (again $$$), etc. Dentist I visited yesterday was aghast at a couple of the things, basically ‘you don’t need that and they wanted to charge you how much???’ as we discussed things. She and her staff did a good job, and she talked WITH me and treated me as a patient who needs to be involved in treatments and planning, and not a mark. Even had some great suggestions on what I need to do in a year for Medicaid (I’m currently on Medicane: here’s a cane, good luck). If some work she wants to do next week goes well, thinking she will become my new dentist.

Despite all, managed to get in a mile or three of walking. I also helped with some of the preparations for something very special as part of the Talbot Street Art Fair. If you are a long-time Indy resident, be advised Brother Juniper’s will be open for a limited time SATURDAY ONLY. This only happens once a year for the fair, and I may have spent an hour or two yesterday helping with some of the preparations for that.

Trying to get my regular Friday baking done today, but it is off to an odd start. Left out half the water from the bread at first, now trying to recover. Should be doable, but not an auspicious start to the day especially since I am very much feeling yesterday. That said, plan to push on. I haven’t needed my walking stick since my Baptism and hope that continues. Looking forward to getting the rest of the testing done in early July, and having data even if it only leads to better questions. Nice to be dealing with proactive medical types, cardio and dental.

So, dragging but still here and still moving. Heck, might even be able to manage a kick or two. More soon I hope!

UPDATE: Was not able to salvage the bread from the brain fart. Even if I had a commercial mixer, don’t think I could have salvaged it. Doing everything by hand (Church bread is a labor of love)… Months without a real issue on baking, so can’t kick too much, but still not happy.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Holding Pattern

Sorry, dragging a bit and hoping to avoid getting what the landlord had last week. Lots of good comments on the underground post, thought experiment to continue soon. Short version is there are at least two good ways to go, neither of which I can afford but may be options for others. Right now, I would be happy with about anything, but at least want a basement.

Having some apparent network issues as well, which is not making it easy to do anything right now. Taking that as a hint and hoping to rest and get back to what passes for normal tomorrow. More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.