Moving Along?

I apologize for the long gaps, but the last few weeks have been interesting. My faithful laptop purchased in 2007 reached the limits of it’s abilities towards the end of January, and I got a new-to-me newer laptop. Along with dealing with the issues on the old, the new laptop won’t run the software from the old system (64 bit versus 32 bit). It also won’t do migration, so there has been a lot of very time consuming manual file transfer involving an external hard drive since none of the ports on the old computer work with the new generations of computer. Fun, fun, fun. For now, going to reconfigure the old computer for photo and video work, and am getting everything else set up on the new. Have to do that as the software people want me to buy everything new again, and that’s not in the current budget.

There continue to be health issues, including a positive test that forced me to isolate for a week. The blood pressure is still not under control, and I’ve had some life experiences that have reinforced to me that I can’t do a lot of things (yet) that I used to do.

On the good news front, I did get to the Southwest and loved it. I can’t begin to describe how much better I felt out there. It truly was amazing. Also, being able to go check things out in person resulted in some areas/opportunities being taken off the list, and a couple of new things added. In fact, I left with a most interesting job offer: dressing up in 1880s period clothing to interact with visitors about history and more. Pay isn’t great but I am very seriously considering it. Meantime, following up on some more traditional employment opportunities and continuing to refine things down with the goal of moving in as little as six weeks if I can raise the necessary funds.

For those interested, I have narrowed it down to two states. The first has decent ratings on various personal freedom/individual liberty indexes. The second is not as good, but there is some movement towards improvement. One state took itself out of consideration because of its low/red ratings. Within the first state, there are three locations under consideration right now, two semi-close together and the third being remote in almost every way. I really, really like the third location, but don’t see it right now as being a likely place for the initial move. The fourth location was a surprise as it was not on the list, but I liked it a lot and there are some job opportunities in the area that I hope to spend a good bit of time this week exploring. All locations have basic medical, and both air and ground transport to advanced medical care.

It’s going to be a busy few weeks, but if the next two are as productive as I hope they will be, a lot will get done. We’re about halfway on the fundraising goal, and with a bit more help, I can get a place to live and hire the movers to get me there. I’m not happy about having to hire the help, but life has reinforced (along with some friends) that I can’t do it (at least right now).

To everyone who has shared with me, and offered prayers, my thanks! It has all helped and made quite a difference. There are no good words to say how much I appreciate all the help and support, other than Thank You. So, Thank You!

BTW, if you don’t trust GiveSendGO after the hack, feel free to hit the tip jar in the upper right. Both will get to me, and it is all appreciated!

I’m Not Dead Yet

And at least I’m not on the cart at the mercy of Monty Python. Sorry for the long silence, but life has been interesting. I’m having computer problems, and it may be a week or two more before they are fully resolved. I’ve also dealt with testing positive for COVID and other issues. The cardiologist still can’t get the BP under control. All that said, there is a LOT of positive going on. I will share more soon, once the computer issues are fixed.

I know GiveSendGo is down right now, so feel free to hit the tip jar in the upper right if you like. Prayers very much appreciated. Let’s also hope that GSG is back up soon.

Take care, and thank you all for the amazing support!