The Death Of Pvt. Journalism

Many years ago, at my then blog and later on Blackfive, I wrote a series of posts about what it would take to save modern journalism. In that series, I went into a number of symptoms that had taken journalism from any semblance of fair and balanced into pure advocacy. While the Camelot-like myth of an unbiased media is just that, it used to be that real journalists would occasionally do real journalism.

The problem is, I was focused on the symptoms rather than the root cause of the symptoms. While I am not the first to say this, I have come to think that journalism died when it became a profession, rather than a trade. In days gone by, journalism was not a respectable profession. The portrayal of low-income, not socially acceptable to high society, hard working, hard drinking, and somewhat disreputable (to highly disreputable) portrayals of the media in film noir and beyond was in many ways more accurate than those in the field would have liked.

While there were always exceptions, they were just that. Even some of those exceptions were not as portrayed; rather, they were creations to give a veneer of respectability to both the trade and to the news being disseminated.

I was fortunate to have been trained by some of those who were legend in the days when it was a trade rather than a profession. My first journalism professor was representative of the movie caricature, down to a bottle of booze in a lower desk drawer. Some of the rules of writing still are drilled into me, such as the proper use of “over” versus “more-than” which he taught by the explanation of ‘I have a brick over your head, that weighs more than x pounds. When I drop it on your head for using over, it will hurt.’ Humorous then, likely to get him reprimanded or disciplined today because to snowflakes, it’s a threat.

Looking at things, I’m not sure that any like Mike Royko, Darryl Feldmeir, or Les Brownlee (who set a number of milestones as a black journalist) could find work in the field today. Today, you have to have a four year degree to get started as a “serious” journalist. To truly get ahead, at least a Master’s degree.

And there lies the problem. Our universities provide and demand lockstep indoctrination and obedience to a certain political thought. Increasingly, if you hold a different view, you are shunned. The net result is that while newsrooms might contain every color and multiple genders, they lack almost any ideological diversity outside a very narrow progressive spectrum. Don’t believe me? Take a look at what is going on inside the New York Times (where the spirit of Duranty lives!) right now with the battles between staff and management, or even within the publishing field where the lower level staffers are revolting over the publication of conservative (or even moderate) books.

Can Pvt. Journalism still be saved? Perhaps. I see real journalism happening, even at risk of life and reputation, in the independent media. People like Andy Ngo, Sharyl Attkisson, and organizations like Newsmax give me some hope. However, before they can be truly effective, what passes for the mainstream media will have to crash and burn and/or new media outlets dedicated to real journalism be created and flourish. I see the start of the latter, and am watching the growing fires and explosions within the “old” mainstream media growing. What comes of it remains to be seen, especially since Big Tech and establishment politicians are doing all they can to shore up the ‘right’ type of outlets despite the growing problems.

That said, until there are more organizations like Newsmax and they have real viewership, journalism is dead. Again, others have said it before, but if Trump and others are smart, they will start news organizations and means of distribution (like Parler and Rumble) to bypass the censorious Big Tech and get the word out to the broadest possible audience. Note that such efforts are being fought tooth and nail, and both Big Tech and the media devote a large amount of time to trying to paint such efforts as racist, allowing hate speech, and other double-plus-ungood things. Such efforts rightly terrify them (and those in the establishment political class), and they will stop at nothing to destroy them. Indeed, I expect to see actual physical means used as well to literally harm or kill those behind such efforts. Yes, I’m serious as political assassination was a tool in this last election, though the media did its best to not cover such things.

To save Pvt. Journalism, who — like the Republic — may be dead in many respects, means making use of the “golden hour” for revival. It will take funds and, frankly, more courage than I think many may have. It’s one thing to be fearless for yourself, but when family and friends are threatened and attacked (as has happened) in a variety of means physical, fiscal, and beyond… All we can do is do what we can as individuals to either create such efforts or support them as best we can. Oh, and it would be good to make journalism into an honest trade, rather than a dishonest profession.

Some Interesting Reads

On COVID19 and treatment, this study looks at T-cell reactions that provide a possible immunity, or at least a body primed to fight off COVID19, based off previous T-cell reactions to colds, which share some of the COVID genome. By testing blood samples taken well before the spread of COVID-19/SARS-COV-2, it would appear that some people do indeed have T-cells already primed to go after the disease. Interesting.

This article and this article by Molly Hemingway are well worth a read. One deals with the media and it’s coverage of the spymaster story and it’s crumbling. The other deals with the disturbing (though far from new) efforts and willingness to falsify history for political gain.

Thoughts on Mass Media, Epstein, and More.

I cringe when I read about Epstein being a pedophile. I know better than to expect accuracy, much less precision, from the media. From the mainstream media, I fully expect them to call him that, as it allows them to sidestep a major SJW issue. From others, well, I’m sad to see them using the same sloppy meme.

Jeffrey Epstein was either a hebephile or a ephebophile, depending on which definition you go with. My own take is that he was an ephebophile, which is to say that he was focused on post-pubescent girls.

Why does it matter? Well, for one thing, it matters to the victims. Everyone jumping on the pedophile bandwagon is not helping those who are victims of either. Second, it obscures a number of problems going on today with sexual abuse — and various institutions.

Pedophiles are generally attracted to pre-pubescent children, and in general will go after either sex. There are, of course, a few who are gender specific, but most don’t care which gender is abused. For the victims, the abuse is a life sentence in that there are documented changes to the brain as a result of the abuse. There is also the long-disproven stigma that those abused become abusers themselves. In fact, only about ten percent of those abused will become sexual or other abusers, and there are several other things involved that have a far stronger impact on that happening than the sexual abuse. I would also point out that in addition to the documented changes in the brain, there is growing evidence that childhood abuse is related to significant inflammatory and health problems later in life.

Hebephiles and ephebophiles concentrate on those who are pubescent or post-pubescent. Statistically, they tend to be gender-specific unlike pedophiles. To some extent, such interest is normal and results in things like ‘wow, he turned into a handsome young man’ or ‘she is gorgeous/has bloomed/etc.’ thoughts or comments as we are wired to notice those who can now produce children. For most people, that is the extent of it.

However, those who are hebephiles or ephebophiles, it is not enough and there is a strong sexual attraction. While such was indeed common in the past, more so than many would like to consider, it is not accepted today. It is also a topic that the media wants to avoid like the plague as it ties into certain practices — particularly grooming.

While there is some coverage of heterosexual grooming, I suspect one reason a number of sex scandals in almost every church (hint, it’s not just the Catholic Church) and other institutions are getting scant coverage is that there are strong signs of organized and extensive homosexual grooming — and that is something the media will go far to avoid covering.

A while back, I contacted a pundit who was accusing a political candidate of being a pedophile. I pointed out that the person was not, that there was scant evidence that he was a hebephile or ephebophile, and that the pundits comments (which went beyond just accusation) were, in fact, harming victims. I was told that the pundit didn’t care, what mattered was winning, and that I and real victims could ‘fuck off.’

Of course, this is not the first time the media has ignored, distorted, or outright lied to push a meme. Want a good example? Let’s go to Vietnam, and a photo that changed the course of the war, another that continued that push.

Today, the media continues to advance the chosen narrative. The only difference is now that the mask has slipped. Anyone who cares about the truth can easily see the mask and where it has slipped. Here’s three photos that make the point.

A hat tip, writ large, to Instapundit, for links and for the photos. I also need to give a hat tip to Iowahawk for his line, which I cheerfully use on a regular basis.

Some food for thought this morning.

Some Food For Thought

There is a lot going on, both here with me and in the world at large.

In the latter, the soft-coup against Trump is well underway. I said a while back that the Republic was dead, and that we just didn’t want to accept it yet. More than ever, I’m afraid I believe that. Why?

Well, here’s a group of physicians and other health professionals that one would have to be a fool to let treat you, even if you were a full-blown SJW as you could never be SJW enough for their best efforts. Don’t believe me? Then read their own words.

The rot that is the modern media has been on full show for a while, but you really should read this take (and I agree whole-heartedly with the thoughts presented on the reprehensible and self-centered Amy Robach) and this takedown of the ABC excuse for spiking the story. It makes no sense, from any standpoint, especially a true journalistic standpoint.

Here’s a good take on the CNN response to the Project Veritas story. There is a lot of effort to smear Project Veritas (not just at CNN), but unlike the major media, they have always put up the full info so you can learn and decide. Good people, doing a lot of good work — and doing the journalism the media is unwilling to do. After all, there is a great deal of truth to the adage that the media covers the truly important stories — with a pillow, until they quit moving. Along those lines, something that hits a point that I glanced on in my ‘Saving Pvt. Journalism’ posts many years ago. The media has long paid lip service to “objectivity” but when there is no standard, there can be no real activity. Hat tip to This Ain’t Hell.

Finally, amid the smoke screen being deployed large and thick out Congresscritter Shitt’s ass, a major point that is frantically being hidden by those behind the latest front in the coup effort. Yes, it does matter and no, it is NOT against the law to name the whistleblower. Anyone want to place a bet that ABC (and possibly CBS) are going to do everything they can to name and destroy the (former) ABC whistleblower, and yet demand that the so-called Whistleblower in DC be protected? Hypocrisy much?

As for here, I had to give more blood on my lunch break the other day as one of the tests got screwed up somehow. Was told it was one vial, but it was three. Joy. Getting some results, and am interested in what the rheumatologist will say/want to do next. As for me, I want to get to the bottom of this, and find out what is going on. Meantime, if you care to hit either the Bard’s Jar or the wishlist in the top right corner, please do so. My current joint coctail seems to be doing at least some good, but at a cost.

Thanks for reading.

Thoughts And A Request

The news of al-Baghdadi is confirmed. Couldn’t have happened to a better man. Those so opposed to Trump that they are praising al-Baghdadi show themselves for what they are. Pity them, and hammer them into the ground.

On top of that, seems we took out the spokesman for ISIS on Sunday. There may have been a few other targets in there as well. Again, couldn’t have happened to better men.

The West, and Western Media, have largely ignored the horrors inflicted by ISIS. Sexual slavery, rape of captives (including at least one U.S. citizen who was then made a slave and had to serve as the wife of an ISIS leader), crucifixion of Christians (and others), burning prisoners alive, tossing gays off rooftops. Western media, particularly that in the U.S., are determined to cover stories that undermine the progressive narrative with a pillow, until they quit moving.

More on supplements tomorrow, but for today, a favor to ask. If you can hit the tip jar, or perhaps the Amazon wish list, up there in the top right corner, it would be appreciated. The supplements are expensive, as are some other steps I hope to take here soon. Also, I’m going to have to learn/re-learn how to shoot offhand. That is going to take ammo, range time, and probably even some coaching/instruction. Anything will help. Thanks.

Some Thoughts For A Monday

I’ve said for years, as the few of you still reading will remember, that any time the media all points at the same thing and shouts, look in the opposite direction. Anyone laboring under the idea that Journolist is dead is not paying attention.

Case in point, Hillary’s seemingly bizarre claim that Tulsi Gabbard is being groomed by the Russians to help rig the election via a third party candidacy. Nuts, right? Or, could it be Hillary killing two birds with one stone?

Hillary has a beef with Tulsi going back to 2016 when Tulsi left her post at the DNC and went to work for Bernie. Worse, she called out Hillary and the DNC for rigging the primaries. Thou shalt do nothing to thwart Hillary or to make her look bad in the press, after all. There is a reason the DNC has tried to thwart her campaign at almost every turn.

While not very well covered in the MSM, who in fact seem determined to cover the story with a pillow until it quits moving, the results of a State Department investigation into what Hillary e-mails remain (and keep in mind a lot of them officially were destroyed by her) were announced. It seems some 38 people, unnamed, were “culpable” in some 91 cases of sending classified info to Hillary’s personal e-mail that was unsecure. The same server that was sending copies of every e-mail to China…

So, you need to draw attention away from a potentially damaging report, and you have a grudge against a primary candidate who could indeed be a threat to whomever is the DNC “Chosen One” both in the primaries and as a potential third party candidate. You also have some additional constraints, including not wanting to do anything that would point towards the Ukraine where most people have missed the fact that a DNC server that was hacked is being held. What to do, what to do?

Hillary is many things, but stupid when it comes to politics is not one of them. She also still has friends and allies in the media; plus, she can trust the media to be itself. So let it rip.

Notice what is in the media? Stories about the “bizarre” allegation by Hillary. Multiple stories from multiple angles. Notice what’s not in the media? Yep.

Whenever the media all points and shouts, look around. There is always something, or even several somethings, they do not want you to see.