Dealing With Dying

No, everything is okay here, but it is an important topic. I’ve been blessed to have had access to an amazing Hospice organization for both my parents. Having their help and support made a very difficult time much easier, including on levels I didn’t fully appreciate at the time.

There is a new blog/substack out from a Hospice nurse called Life During Death. Please allow me to commend it, and the discussions therein to you. There is already a lot of hard-learned and much needed food for thought there. Yes, the topic is one that can make many shudder or want to turn away, but it is important. Don’t turn away, and use it to have some conversations that are needed with family and friends. Much better that way.

2 thoughts on “Dealing With Dying”

  1. Thanks! I really appreciate you sharing my blog, and I’m glad that you had a good experience with hospice. That’s how it should be.

    1. Glad to do it, and thank you for sharing. The hospice actually made me laugh right after my Dad died. I had called to let them know he had passed, as he had just entered hospice less than 24-hours before (I think). When I called and gave them the news and time of death, the person answering went “But, but we just got him!” in a surprised and sad tone that did make me laugh. I needed that. Good people.

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