Monday Musical Madness

While I have several posts I want to get to this week, Monday is an odd day for posting because of my guitar lessons. Before I forget, thank you to everyone who has helped with those efforts! It truly is a neat and fun way to explore if I can learn new skills after the lightning strike. I’ve had six lessons so far, and I’m not totally horrible and having a lot of fun with it.

The lessons are every Monday morning, barring days where there is lightning or heavy rain. I’ve sprayed commercial waterproofing on the case to beat the band (ba-da-boom), but still don’t want to expose it to the wet if I can help it. If there is lightning around, well, I’m not going out. Heck, I don’t even like to go near a window. 🙂 It is almost exactly 1.75 miles to the lesson, but have found a (mostly) nice route to get there and back. I’m actually using my bus-compliant rolling grocery cart to hold the guitar for the walk. If the weather is iffy, I can take one bus downtown, switch to another, and get fairly close to where I’m going. For now, the walk does me good and gets the week off to a good start.

While the jury is still out on my ability to learn a new skill, my instructor has made it fun to try. He knows about the lightning strike and the issues, so in terms of memorizing he tends to come at it a bit sideways. He warned me today there was some rote memorization coming up, but he’s also found a way to make part of it practicing notes and techniques, which may help with getting some of it into long-term memory.

Rather than rote scales and drills (which made piano and other instrument lessons such a joy when I was a child), he’s got me doing “Ghost Riders in the Sky,” “Wipeout,” “Tom Dooley,” and “The Star Spangled Banner” to work on everything from techniques to scales. We are working on chords as well, and I’ve got the feeling that the chords are going to be combined soon into some well known music just because he is sneaky like that. Within those songs and such, I’m learning a lot and practicing transitions until my fingers can’t take it any more. When I do practice “rote” things, he has found ways to make it interesting, and even a challenge. Boring it is not.

If I didn’t mention it before, my landlord has donated a music stand to the effort. I need to get a guitar stand, and want to get a swivel-top stool for practice as the wooden chair in my room slopes funny and makes it fun to hold the guitar properly. Nothing too expensive, but not in the regular budget. Been looking for used on both, but no joy so far. A couple of big-box music stores have gone out of business here, but they mostly shipped things out to other stores rather than putting a decent price on them. Oh, not sure I ever showed you all a photo of the guitar you helped me get.

It is an Alvarez, and it was one of many owned by my barber, who actually has encouraged me to take up guitar for a number of years. He got into playing as a way to help his arthritis, and he really got into it — and into collecting guitars. I bought it from him, and my lessons are taught by a buddy of his in the barber shop while it is closed. I’m apparently one of several who come in on Monday’s when it’s closed. The buddy is a professional musician who, at 70 or 70+, is still playing at a number of venues around town. I suspect he’s forgotten more about playing guitars than I may ever learn. He makes it look so easy…

He’s also already dangled a couple of other guitars in front of me. One is a nicer acoustic, and one is an electric. On the latter, I was a bit surprised as there is a (vintage?) Stratocaster in baby/robin-egg blue but he says the other one is the better guitar and the better buy. Basically, if I keep going and get good, I might get a good price on either (or both). Good incentive as while I do have a good guitar, I’ve also learned to appreciate even better ones. If I can learn this new skill, it would be a good reward.

The only issue with the lessons is that with the time to get there, when the lesson is scheduled, and then the walk back, it does make posting on Monday’s a little bit of a challenge. Especially as I am usually having to deal with calls, follow-ups, and other delights on most Mondays. It’s not that I’m forgetting you, it’s just a busy if fun (the guitar part at least) time.

More soon!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.