More Soon

Today I’m back to regular baking, which got put on hold because of kitchen access issues and my being under the weather. In fact, I’m still feeling the latter as I am exhausted already. That said, got a dozen sourdough English muffins made, and the sourdough bread is almost finished with stretch and folds. Actual baking of the bread is early tomorrow morning, as it needs to rise overnight in the refrigerator.

If not too tired, hope to get a post up later today. Way I’m feeling, no promises but will try. Could be tomorrow. Either way, more is to come.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.