Quelle Surprise. If it truly was a surprise to you, I have a bridge for sale… Heck, I’ll throw in the troll for free!
I don’t think this could have been pulled off in the White House, because of the scrutiny, visitor logs, and number of people present. As it is, we have a resignation letter that appears to be digitally signed, no sign of the person signing it, no press conference, no nothing. As for the people complaining it is not on Presidential letterhead, keep in mind that his re-election is not part of his Presidential duties and in fact has to be kept separate.
What is going to be interesting is to see when, or if, Biden goes back to the White House. With family members (and others) talking about health issues including hints of a terminal disease, and all sorts of speculations going on, one wonders. When you consider this from Francis Turner, one does wonder if he is not already metaphorically, at least, in the fridge.
The few weeks will tell a lot of what has happened. As I noted before, I suspect some offers that can’t be refused were made. If pardons and related (sweetheart deals) suddenly pop up in regard Hunter and others, it will not be surprising. What would be surprising is if they don’t, as for all that quite a few in DC would be willing to let the Biden family metaphorically hang, such would quickly expand to implicate (or at least inconvenience) others. As such, pardons and deals are the cleanest way to go openly. Also, I expect some sort of sinecure for Jill. Expect some sweetness and light, for now at least.
Nor do I think Trump is in the clear. Yes, he did survive the first attempt. Not so minor miracle when you think about it. His survival and his response have catapulted him quite high. Which is why if I were him I would be looking to hire the mythical Griswold Security and be asking for the Gunny himself to oversee my security (metaphorical glass raised to toast the late, great, L. Neil Smith). Given all that is coming out about the attempt (which is a story unto itself), only a fool would trust the Praetorian Guard or the Stasi with their life and safety.
Buckle up, the fun has truly yet to begin. The elites (on both sides) are so focused on domestic they are ignoring how this is playing outside of the country — especially with those who have less than tender feelings for us. Cough. They get a vote too, and don’t forget about things like this. People are desperate and desperate people do desperate things — and I’m not just talking about people overseas. For all that people are trying to paper over it (all puns intended), this is just a bit of a Constitutional crisis. Who has the biscuit and who is really running things?
Prepare, and choose any vacation spots wisely. Heck, if anyone wants to get me storage pails off my wish list, or donate funds so I can stock up, please feel free. Hope you are starting to be prepared, or are topping off if you already were.
Speaking of which, thank you to the anonymous donor who just was very generous! I’m putting part of that towards the guitar lessons since by paying a lump sum up front I get a “free” lesson added in. May see about doing some video soon as my homework with lesson three includes openings to Tom Dooley, Ghost Riders, and Wipeout. And I sound about as bad with those as you might expect for only being on lesson three. Jury is still out on truly learning how to play, but having a lot of fun. Thank you all.
So, the ride is just starting to get bumpy. Hang on, as it is likely to get wild unless more sanity breaks out that I think is possible. Be prepared. Keep your family and friends close. Keep your things where you can find them in the dark.
Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.