Posting may be off a bit the next couple of days. I was supposed to have that long-anticipated (and needed) cardiology consult today. However, as I walked out the door to see if I could get the car to run, I got messages asking me to call.
The consult has had to be pushed off until tomorrow. Just thankful that it is not for a longer period. I really need to get this done and find out what is going on/not going on.
That said, it is throwing my writing off a bit. Apologies about that, but more is on the way at some point. Thank you for your patience.
Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.