I see where according to the DOJ you have been interfering with our election by paying influencers. And while one should not trust anything from our DOJ at any time, but especially at election time, it has caused me to consider that we might, after all, have some commonality of interest.
In fact, given that the influence operation outlined by the DOJ funded people who were encouraging others to NOT vote for Trump (with some unknowing influencers caught up in things), it gives me an idea. While the anti-Trump work of those paid might should be a clue to some as to who you would like to see win, I think we could have the opportunity to work together more effectively and at half the cost.
While you funded anti-Trumpers openly, consider funding me via the more normal cut-outs for such funding (really, going through RT like that was almost like you wanted it found). To quell any suspicions, I continue to be snarky to you, honest in my assessments, and point out that we do have an obligation to Ukraine though I have many concerns about how we are responding.
Think about it: it is the perfect psy-op. You pay me off and no one is any the wiser. I continue to do my cranky independent best, push for individual liberty and freedom, and otherwise proceed as I have for the last twenty or more years. And all for half the cost of the op that just got burned. At five million, it’s a steal.
If you want to keep putting money into burns, that’s okay. I just think there is an opportunity here through more normal tradecraft.
Laughing Wolf
Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.
Need a witting, willing henchman?
Sincerely, Mr. 5%