My apologies for the lack of posting, but life has been interesting. Think I noted before that I am having to switch over to Medicare from my current insurance, and that has been a process. I actually have a meeting on Wednesday to go over everything and make my decisions on what I’m going to do for now. Complicating things is that my upcoming birthday actually increases my options so what I do for now may only be in place until the next enrollment period. Fun.
I’ve also continued to have some digestive issues, and am about to go do something either brilliant or stupid to try and finish getting over the current round. Looking at going to see a nutritionist as a lot of what we are having to do in regards diet is trial and error. Have some ideas, want to get some good input on them and modify as best.
There is a lot going on in the world and I am trying to keep up with it. Hope to get some more substantive posts up soon, but for now will note that the first 100 hours of Trump were amazing. Instead of the usual, he came in with a blitz from which they still have not recovered. They have yet to figure out where to start because he’s hit with so much, so fast.
Glad to see Pete approved, and it is the most military thing ever to see a junior officer rescued by a member of the E-4 mafia. The defense industry worked hard behind the scenes against him, and one might want to look at donations to the three alleged republicans who voted against him. Noting that the AF is going all-in on malicious compliance to directives, thinking that might not be a good idea nor go as they think it will. Lots of topics for discussion later.
Not surprised to see the trans-dating terrorist (former? You sure about that?) president of Columbia suddenly become the darling of the progressives. Yep, he sure stood up to Trump and showed him — for about 30 minutes. Short take for now: Columbia has many serious problems, and the people are already fed-up with this guy to start with. As someone noted on X, this isn’t Central America where calling the gringos names gets you approval. The path he started on will collapse their economy pretty quickly I suspect, and even if all ends up patched up with the US, the reality of what he did and it’s potential impact may result in a rapid departure for him. Again, lots of good topics for discussion later, though I do wonder if Japan still has some ties/influence that could be leveraged…
More on Ireland here in a bit. After they dragged a pregnant Jewish woman out of the Holocaust Memorial (and threw out a dozen or two other Jews) for that midget (mental and physical) fascist anti-Semite of a president, I’m done. He was asked by the Jewish community not to attend I understand, so of course he did, had thugs throw out Jews, and then bashed Jews and Israel. Disgusting is too kind a descriptor.
I may talk about Greenland, if I can quit laughing. Good reasons to have good relations with an independent Greenland, or even to have it become the 51st state.
Also find it interesting that Russia is cutting back its coverage of Trump. Seems Trump has become too popular with the Russian public for the comfort of Vladimir and others. Fractures and fractals, oh my.
Have appointments that may keep me out most of the day tomorrow, and Wednesday is also filling up. That said, hope to get more up this week than I did last week.
More soon. Be prepared and keep your family and friends close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.
Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.