Sourdough English Muffins

Today wasn’t only my baking and cleaning day, it turned into a major cooking day. Got as much done as I could for reasons I might get into later, and wish I could have done more.

One thing I did get done was to cook up a batch of sourdough English muffins. I’ve been asked for the recipe, so decided to share it here too.

Ailbe’s Sourdough English Muffins

Hardware: Cast iron skillet, lid, large bowl, tea towel, pastry/cutting board, cutter, scraper.


  • 360 grams all purpose flour
  • 5 grams sea salt (I use half smoked, half pink)
  • 20 grams maple syrup
  • 240 grams warm distilled water
  • 100 grams (plus) sourdough discard or starter

The day before you want to cook them, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix by hand. If using active starter, use 100 grams. If, like me, you use your “discard” for this, I will go anywhere from half again to double the amount. Scrape down the bowl if needed, and cover with a tea towel/thin dish towel. Let sit in a safe place overnight. NOTE: I will mix the batter anywhere from noon onwards, and put it on a shelf in my room to keep the cats and others out of it.

The next morning, put a cast iron skillet on low heat with a lid. Use your scraper to get the dough out of the bowl and onto a well-floured work surface/board. I do a few fold-and-press until the dough firms up just a bit and forms a rectangle. I then work it out (can be rolled out) to about a quarter inch thick (may be a bit higher, the dough will tell you where it needs to be) and cut into disks. My high-tech cutter is a pint glass which I’ve found to be the perfect size for a proper muffin.

Place the muffins into the skillet (I do four at a time) and cover with the lid, and cook for four minutes each side. Place on a plate to cool, stacking as you go. This recipe will do a dozen muffins, sometimes a bit more depending on how generous I was with the discard/starter.

Two key things: use a cast iron skillet (it does matter) and get the heat right. Too high and you will burn the muffins. Two low and they will not cook through. I’ve done them enough times now that I know where to set the knob to get good marks and cooking. Plan to experiment on your first batch, and give the pan plenty of time to come to temp before starting.


Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.