Your Thoughts Invited

Two quick things before I head to the gym for workout and “home” PT. I really would appreciate your thoughts on two separate things.

First, I think I mentioned that I had been considering getting a guitar to see if I could learn to play it. Someone had suggested it as a form of physical therapy, but it’s really not. That said, it could help test to determine if I can learn a complex new skill after the lightning strike despite memory and other issues.

I put it off a while back simply because I couldn’t justify it in the budget. Missed out on a sweet Ibanez that was on sale used, but just not in the budget. Oh, and I was shocked to find out how few used guitars are available. Still looking and hoping that maybe enough comes in through the tip jar to go for it. There is a nice Ibanez acoustic-electric available for a bit over $300, and I’m keeping an eye out for used. Want to go with the acoustic-electric as the thinner profile is easier on me post surgery.

To be honest, it’s a crapshoot. Positive is that if I can learn, it gives hope in other areas while giving me something fun and entertaining to do. If I can’t, well, I can at least torture the cats and maybe the landlord with my efforts. Not what I want, but I can sorta make it into a win. What are your thoughts on this?

Second, and this is way too soon, thoughts on an option a realtor suggested to me for the move. I still have to get the other shoulder replaced and recover, and that may take a while. For all I would like to get it done here soon, the right arm has to be recovered a bit more before we can do the left I suspect. How long that will take is a good question.

The option was to buy or rent an RV and use it to explore in the area where I want to move. The idea is, park the RV for a month in a general area, and explore on foot and by vehicle to get to know the area and look at options. Want to check out another area? Drive there, park for another month, and lather, rinse, repeat.

Question for you: does anyone know of any low-cost options for getting or renting an RV? I think it a good idea, but also am having to consider that the car is not doing well and replacing it is going to be a challenge. If it does hold on, and I’m not another year out from moving, any ideas on this or other options for exploring?

Yes, still looking primarily at Arizona, but also checking to see options in west or north Texas. My original thoughts of being a lone wolf out by myself isn’t going to work. Probably need to be close to/around more people, would be nice if they were good people. Near decent medical wouldn’t hurt. So, looking hard at Benson area, though it might be fun to check out Winslow or even Flagstaff. After all, a girl in a flatbed Ford might stop for me… If you get that, you might remember Pat Paulsen.

If anyone has any suggestions for a good way to get me out West, explore a bit, and find the right situation for me, please sing out. I just want to get my stuff out of storage and have a place of my own again one day soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.


For me as much for you. Working on a more serious post that I hope to get up later today but more likely tomorrow. Finding that trying to write, or much else, after physical therapy doesn’t always work out. At least one post, on the newspaper raid, on the way. Couple of other targets out there that need a spotlight and mockery as well. Also, check out this from Legal Insurrection, though it comes with a blood pressure warning. As I noted a few days ago, the food issue is not one base and seems to be getting worse. When troops are being given out-of-date/moldy MREs in place of proper food (another base), we have not just a logistics issue, but a major command failure at all levels. More soon.

Interesting Weekend

Sorry for the lack of posting, but my weekend got a bit interesting. A bit mixed on that.

First, my body and I started arguing for reasons that are not clear. Most likely something I ate, but it made for an interesting Sunday evening and Monday. Yesterday was better, and I started doing some “cure or kill” steps to move things along. So far so good on that.

The only thing I ate that was completely out of the ordinary was a small pastry. Housemate is back from visiting his parents and family in Algeria, and one of his sisters always bakes him several large containers of pastries. If she isn’t a professional pastry chef she should be as both the pastries and presentation (wraps, cups, etc.) put some of the high-end pastry stores in the main tourist section of Paris to shame. Baklava to die for. Tried a new-to-me concoction that was sesame on sesame on sesame with honey in a pastry cone. Thank goodness it was small, and that I had to leave quickly as he was offering me one of each type. I think she only did five to seven different pastries this visit. Also, don’t think this was what set things off.

On top of that, I was contacted Sunday by someone who wanted to let me know that Flo might be up for sale online. They had been looking at buying her, but in doing some research found my article, and was pretty sure the one for sale was mine. Or what had been mine, as the insurance company paid up and now owns her if found. No way to buy her back right now from them (or anyone else). The person selling her says he got her from an estate sale. No reason to doubt them, but I would dearly love to know what estate, when the deceased bought or obtained her, and from whom.

I’ve contacted both the relevant PD and the insurance company. Crickets. No apparent interest in pursuing this. No, not going to contact the seller either electronically or in person. Hard, but if this is my Flo, and I strongly suspect it is, such contacts rarely work out well and I have been having to remind myself that she is no longer mine. The lack of interest on the part of the proper authorities in pursuing justice both hurts and is not a surprise. Just another sad marker in the decline of civilization, the rule of law, and the Republic.

On top of that, I discovered that the big box store pharmacy I thought I had moved away from proved to be as competent at that as they have on other issues recently. Ended up taking phone calls from myself and the new pharmacy to finally get them to do what they were supposed to have done last Thursday. Good news is, now finally switched over and the new pharmacy is close enough I can walk to it when the weather is nice. Initial service is good, and they were thanking me for becoming a customer when I picked up my first prescription. Cautiously optimistic.

May be a food and a music post later. Trying to catch up on all that is going on, and take care of a few things that have to be dealt with. More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

General Update

For those that are interested, here’s where things stand as of this morning. Honestly, can’t complain (too much). My left shoulder can and does though. It hurts worse than the replaced shoulder.

I am doing and feeling better than I expected based on research. Pain has not been too bad, have had far more discomfort than pain since about the second week after surgery. If I, or someone else, do something stupid, I get the message immediately. Jerks, pushes, or impacts bring strong but thankfully brief bits of pain. The industrial cold pack does a good job on the rest. I’m not taking acetaminophen right now as I think it toxic as all get out, and am going to be exploring NAC and another option thanks to some comments.

My range of motion is improving, at least towards the front and up. We can’t yet start on taking my hand/arm backwards. Hoping by the end of the month we might can do that. Meantime, PT twice a week and gym at least three days a week.

I’m setting up at home to do most of the PT I do with the therapist. The initial PT really didn’t require any gear, but doing PT at home on the “off” days has really paid off. Besides, want to be set just in case insurance cuts back on PT (see below). So far, I’ve gotten the ice pack, the pulley system, a couple of other small things, and some PVC pipe. The latter needs to be cut so I can use it for certain lifts and stretches. Amazing how much you can do on the cheap!

I need to pick up some small weights (1, 2, 3, 5 lbs to start, may need to pick up some other soon as well) as we are now doing some of the stretches and exercises with those. Also, need a ball. I’ve gone from pure isometric pushing against a wall/door frame to pushing against the ball to get movement as well.

Still limited on how much I can pick up, carry, etc. Trust me, if I overdo that one I know it quick. Hoping the weight restrictions will come off by the end of the month.

At the gym, I am getting my aerobic/cardio and some core/lower body work in as well as some of the PT. Just added in some wall crunches to go with the ab work, as I have a gut to get rid of. Easing into the aerobic/cardio instead of my previous normal “jump in hard” mindset. As is, getting in at least two miles every session and am starting to ramp up. Have been keeping the BPM under 110, but as things settle I’m going to work up to the “optimum” target of 135.

At the end of the month, I go back to the surgeon’s office to evaluate where things stand. Already working up questions, including some on shooting and future shooting of rifle and shotgun. With luck, will get cleared to start the fun phase of working the arm backwards and handling some weight. We are also going to talk about the left shoulder and when to schedule doing it. I’m actually hoping for September, for all that it will make recovery interesting as I would still be doing PT on the right even as we start doing it on the left. We will see.

We will also have to see what the insurance will approve on PT. Theoretically it should not be a problem to get all the PT approved. Reality is, it doesn’t matter what the doctor or therapist say, it matters what the bureaucrat says. Always a fun game. I will have to say, however, that so far my insurance as been very good to me and I hope they continue to be…

Between carry limits and motion issues, “real” cooking is still a challenge. Thank goodness for the cooking I did before the surgery. I did do two pans of enchiladas this week, one beef and one chicken. An experiment in several ways: could I do it with the arm; I couldn’t get my regular cheat sauces (doing from scratch not an option yet); and, I couldn’t get my regular grain-free tortillas.

It went okay. Shredding the chicken after it slow cooked actually worked the arm a bit, but not too badly. The sauces were okay but I do prefer what I usually get. Not keto, but went with some good white corn tortillas which worked very well overall, and were a fraction of the cost of the grain-free.

Will do a separate post on the half-batch of Adm. Nimitz’s CINCPAC special I’ve made. It’s a drink made by the gallon, and was apparently considered a version of old fashioned despite no citrus. Letting it age a bit so that the whole vanilla bean (!) in it can make it’s presence known.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Between Annoyed And Giving Thanks

A week or so ago, I rejoined the local Y as it is close and they give seniors and those on limited incomes special pricing. Options being limited, having to make use despite how woke the Y has become as an institution.

Given that there were storms forecast for later this afternoon and some other factors, I went early as I was supposed to kick things up a bit today. After the aerobic/cardio workout, I was doing my E-gym work and was supposed to add in some regular machines afterwards. Right now, no upper body at all, concentrating on the aerobic/cardio and waist-and-below work. I’ve got goals in regards waist, lower-body, and cardio-response. For now, taking it very carefully and building.

The E-gym equipment is designed to make it almost impossible for people to screw up, and to get the most out of each workout. Not completely sold on the latter, but the former is a good thing for someone already in PT. You have to get a special wrist band, then you are fitted to each machine by a trainer, do an initial strength/mobility test, then the machine will guide you through a workout. Everything is stored in the wrist band, hit it near the sensor and you are good to go. Right now, hitting back extension, crunches, leg press, leg curls, and leg extensions. Not sure I will ever get back up to 400lb leg presses, but am curious how close I can safely get.

Today, if all had gone as planned, I was going to be adding regular weight machines for additional lower body strength (and some flexibility). Add in some of my daily PT routine, and it would have been a great workout.

Great plan. Right up until lightning hit very close by. As in I wasn’t sure the building (which is rather extensive) might not have been hit. We were informed that unless power came back on pretty much immediately, everyone would need to evacuate. While I had only worn my gym shorts, I was wearing my shirt jacket with all the pockets. One of which had a Streamlight stylus pro in the pen slot. Given that large portions of the upper floor area were pitch dark, I played lamppost and helped get people safely to and down the stairs. Think I’m going to put the Streamlight pro tac light I usually keep in a pants pocket in the shirt jacket from now on when only wearing gym pants. We really could have used those extra lumens.

So, annoyed that I didn’t get to add in the new stuff, and because I was rocking the last E-gym machine. Power went out right as I was about to finish. Giving Thanks that the lightning was no closer than it was. When it hit, part of my mind went ‘I know that tune…’

Remember, Preparedness Pays! And if you don’t have something besides your phone for emergency light, you are not fully prepared.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Alive Days Weekend

I will be trying to reply if and as needed to comments and such, but I also hope to mostly take the weekend off. I’m celebrating a bit this weekend.

This weekend represents a combination of alive days, including surviving getting hit by lightning on June 30 two years ago. Like I say, several days, one weekend of celebration/contemplation. Plan to relax, enjoy life, and give thanks that I’m still around to enjoy all of it.

More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Recovery And General Update

Sorry for the lack of posting, but it has been intense and interesting on several levels. Been getting to test both surgical and general preparedness a bit.

This last week, we started kicking things into high gear. I am now doing “real” PT with a therapist at a facility three times a week. This is an hour or so of the home exercises, additional exercises, and range of motion manipulation. Great results so far, almost enough to make me nervous as I don’t want any shoes to drop as it were. That said, I’m most happy to report that in one area we got a 20% increase in the range of motion.

Now, in addition to that, I get to do the home exercises twice a day on every day that I don’t do real PT. It does make a difference, but is also a bit tiring. I’ve actually invested in a gymnastics slider like we use at the therapist for a couple of exercises, as it works so much better than the make-do’s. I also have invested in the same professional grade cold pack that the therapist uses. I think it was only $5 more than the home-use pack I got at the big box store. For all I do love the Aircast liquid cooled system, it gives me something intense but not quite as intense.

We are still having to keep an eye on that area of the incision that did funny. Very glad to be finishing the antibiotics today! So far, so good.

Interestingly, more discomfort and pain in my biceps/triceps than the shoulder as he apparently he had to move some attachment points for those muscles. I’ve been very lucky on pain, and suspect the pain management plan worked very well. Thanks to the re-arrangements, my right arm has guns like it hasn’t had in years.

Yes, I am driving (with permission) though I try to limit it to essentials as it is one handed. Mostly to PT or for groceries. Okay, I may have driven to the taco truck once. Not comfortable doing much more than that, especially with Indy traffic. The sling comes off July 4th, which is quite appropriate. No weight and limited use, but no sling. Some trepidation as the sling has kept me from doing stupid things, particularly in my sleep or upon awakening. Probably another four to six weeks before I’m anywhere near starting back into real two-handed operations.

Now, on top of all this, we’ve had some interesting weather. Canadian smoke was so bad one day you literally could not see the downtown skyline, even downtown. Then came the storms, and more than 80,000 lost power in Indy, with some 20,000 still without power this morning. More than 140,000 others lost power across the state. Truly sad to see the number of 30+ foot trees that came down in town.

We did lose power, though thankfully for only 5 or so hours. The big complication for me is that both the recliner (where I’ve been sleeping post surgery) and my bed (head raises up like a hospital bed) depend on electricity. The idea of a battery backup for either never crossed my mind before this. It has now, and if anyone has suggestions please let me know. Meantime, I’ve adjusted the bed as best I can while we have power. Sadly, adjusting the recliner in advance just isn’t feasible.

I also never contemplated initiating various preparedness protocols one handed. Need to think, make notes, and consider some specialized SOPs. Also considering a few additional items for purchase.

To make life interesting, we have a good chance of more severe weather both today and tomorrow. Joy. Few things I would like to get today, but thinking that’s not going to happen.

So, that’s a bit of what has been going on. Need to do a Russia update, invest in popcorn as the fat lady has not sung and may not yet even be in the building. On France, I’m wondering if Col. Kratman is going to be right yet again. Be prepared, and keep your things where you can find them in the dark — especially if the power goes out.

Beginning To Figure Out

Why my efforts to move keep getting thwarted. There’s a long version, and a more condensed I will try for this morning. In short, I think I was looking to move at least in part for the wrong reasons.

In part, I was looking for an alone place, a place to finish up various projects then see what life had in store for me. To put off things like the shoulders for a while longer. The old lone wolf off happily in his remote lair.

Fact is, I both can’t put off some of it any longer, and I need to be around people. I need the interaction (at least to some extent as it is easy for my introverted self to get overwhelmed), I need help on occasion, and I need to be able to help.

I’ve been getting smacked on the nose and muzzle a bit about accepting help here recently, and about the need to be around people. And a couple of reminders that I still have a few things to offer as well. So, it’s less about the where and more about the why and the who. Which means looking at things with a fresh eye, and maybe revising some of the conditions at the starting point.

Last year was all about testing and recovery, and ensuring the Big C wasn’t trying to put in an appearance. Going to have to stay vigilant on that, but maybe this year is about taking care of all I can (on several levels) so the move can be at the right time for the right reasons. We shall see.


Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Final Preparations

Okay, this may be the last post for a while. I’m going to be exploring what I can do via dictation and such, but no promises

Meantime, I’ve been trying to prepare as best I can. While I really liked the oven mitt idea, I just tried doing things one-handed as best I could, and decided it’s really going to blow in some respects. I can shave one handed/off handed, though it is not pretty and not the best, but with practice I hope it will get better. One of the real problems is with caps on things, so I’ve done up baggies with two weeks of morning and evening meds/supplements to make that easier in the days after the surgery. It really is the small things, like getting toothpaste onto the toothbrush, that are going to be a pain one handed.

The Unbreakables!
The Unbreakables!

As discussed before, I have gotten as many things unbreakable as I can just in case. The Mueller stainless steel French Press is nice, and I’ve noticed the loose lid seems to be holding a bit better these days. I got an Ideal Servings stainless steel airpot, made in Taiwan, and am very much enjoying it. I also caught a deal on a Mueller electric grinder that while they have a very different take on coarse grind than I do, works well and I can operate it one handed. While I am still playing with brew times, finding that I like the current set-up: grind fresh beans, pre-heat the French Press, let the grinds soak a minute, then fill and brew. I then pour through a pour-over filter with a number 2 filter (found the holder on clearance at a grocery store a while back) into the airpot. Oh, am pre-heating the airpot with the water from the French Press when I start to brew. Also, my landlord bought an electric kettle for me to use as I was using a boiler and pouring from it. Have to admit, I’m liking the kettle.

Given that my mugs are breakable, I have disposable hot cups for the first few days post surgery. Actually, figure the weekend will not be fun, so have as much set-up for ease as I can. I have instant coffee (bleh) and some tea as it may be easier to make than coffee. Annoyed that everyone is out of Scottish Breakfast tea, but have some good Russian Caravan to augment the (meh) English Breakfast. The recliner is set to be my home at need, though my bed came with a platform that will raise the head like a hospital bed. Both will be set before I head up for the surgery. I also have what I hope is two weeks worth of breakfast and supper (I rarely eat lunch) tucked away in the freezer and refrigerator. Even have some snackage, though not a lot. Deliberate on that.

Things have been re-arranged so that things are to my left: the controls for the recliner, tables, etc. It’s amazing the number of “small” details that going around one-handed I have found, and I know I’ve missed a few. UPDATE: Should also mention I found a surge protector/power block that actually clamps to the desk I set up as my food/drink area. Makes plugging and unplugging much easier! Will try to post a photo later.

The bathroom has been scrubbed and sterilized to within an inch of it’s life, as I get to start bathing in special medical soap tomorrow. I’ve been tested for any sign of flesh-eating bacteria, and now they want to do what is needed to prevent any infection via the skin. I’m amused in that the name-brand version of this soap is often promoted for cleaning “adult” toys, and I am not to get it anywhere near my face or private parts. I get to scrub down with it (using fresh washcloth each time), wait five minutes, then rinse. Joy. Still need to find a mechanical kitchen timer for that if possible.

Also, have my first pair of old-man velcro shoes. No way I can tie my shoes one handed, so got a cheap pair to get me by for now. Hoping to start back in on walking next Monday, will see how it goes.

Pain management is the question. I’m hoping they do as good a job as the heart surgeons did, and am giving them that challenge. Don’t expect it to be fun, but am hoping for the best.

I have a book someone was kind enough to send me that I’ve been saving for post-surgery. If it’s as good as I think it will be, will be promoting it later. Reading may be a challenge one handed, but it’s one I will cheerfully meet.

If all goes well, I go in Friday morning and will be home Friday evening. Because of the prior heart surgery, they are going to do the operation in one of the hospital ORs rather than in the outpatient surgery suite. Amazing that this is now done outpatient given that they effectively (though not completely) amputate your arm, make the repairs, then re-attach it. All in about three hours if there are no problems/complications.

Part of me is more than ready for it right now. I had to go off my supplements and such that I use to deal with the arthritis and the pain, and the experience does not make me a happy or patient wolf. In fact, with the pain, I might even be tending towards being a bit grumpy on occasion. So, I’ve been joking and cutting up a bit more than normal to compensate.

There are a few more last minute things to take care of. Going to go get my hair cut after lunch, and tomorrow will be focused on emergency stuff for if there are any problems. Thursday is going to be spent picking up advance medicines and taking care of a couple of last-minute items. If something earth-shattering comes up, will try to post but for now my focus is on all the last minute things I have to do. I even have a timeline provided by the doc for what I am to do, when, and how. Which, given my memory issues from the lightning strike, is a very good thing.

More soon I hope!

French Press Review/Update

Even with not being able to do the surgery last Friday, things have been interesting. Thankful for the extra time to get things done, and to start practicing to be a one-armed menace for a while.

One of the things I’m doing is trying to “break proof” some key items, including my french press for making coffee. The one I had is glass and plastic, and frankly I’m amazed it’s lasted almost two decades around me as I am a bit of klutz. It’s also hard to clean up two-handed, much less one.

So, I was reading reviews of french press coffee makers and found two reasonable choices for stainless steel models. Both were on sale online at Wally World, and one was temporarily sold out. So, I went with the Mueller 34oz (1L) base model.

NOTE: every stainless steel french press I can find is made in China. I could not find any made in Taiwan or the U.S. At least one place hints their product is made here, but that appears to be (very) misleading.

I’m really not sure why, but there is a tremendous difference in my coffee. I had long suspected the glass and plastic bargain was not a 34 oz as stated, and that was true. I’ve had to adjust the amount of beans ground (takes more) and am continuing to play with things to get exactly what I like. That said, with pre-heating the press, and putting just enough hot water in to make a slurry with the grounds and waiting 30 seconds, then filling up I’m getting some amazingly good coffee. For anyone interested, I’m putting in a pinch of smoked salt and doing 6.5 minutes.

Plus Notes: easy to clean and operate, though trying to wash any dish one handed is going to be fun. The insulated body will keep things warm for quite a while, so I have to remember to open the lid when done so it is cool enough to wash after breakfast. Sturdy.

Minus Notes: The finish will show fingerprints and water spots in a heartbeat, so if looks are super important, it will take extra work. The lid is a little loose, which is only a problem (for me) when pouring that last bit out.

I’ve broken down and also ordered a new airpot that is stainless steel instead of glass-lined, and is made in Taiwan. I like to pour my coffee out of the press, through a filter, and keep it in the airpot. I filter because of a study I read (found through Instapundit) that suggested filtering could improve some lipid numbers. While I did not get the lipid results the researchers claimed, I did find I liked the taste of the filtered coffee.

I’ve still got a lot to get done to prepare for the surgery. Hard to believe that in effect my arm will be amputated, repaired, then re-attached and all this is now outpatient surgery. I’ve actually started practicing trying to do things one handed, and that’s been interesting. I’m also going to have to do some minor re-arranging as things are currently set-up for me being right arm dominant. Going to have to have things were I can get to them with the left arm for now.

Also, figure for the first two weeks I’m not going to be up for a lot, so am trying to cook and freeze meals. Plan to buy some frozen breakfast stuff that I can heat and eat one handed (thank you Jimmy Dean!). May not all be keto, but will make do. Actually going to get some of the Folger’s “tea bag” coffee for the first few days as hand grinding the coffee like I do is going to be a real bear. May even drink tea for a while as much easier to make.

I’m trying also to see if the laptop will do voice-to-text so I can get some posts up. It is likely to be sporadic at first, and given pain and pain pills such posts might be a more interesting than usual. So, more soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.