Good Monday To You!

More soon, I hope! The lunch for the Church went well, and it appears they liked my vegetarian gumbo as they almost took enamel off the dutch ovens scraping it all out of both pots. Have already been asked about doing a proper gumbo once fasting is over. Long weekend, and we have been having special vespers at different churches each Sunday evening. Between it all I’m exhausted and having to do more resting today than I would care for.

Have a post I hope to get done today, up later. More on long-term storage and that it applies to much more than food.

That said, it turns out I have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday for which I have to do an early-morning fasting blood draw tomorrow. Going to be interesting as my GP is not easy to get to via bus, so may have to try to limp the car down there. It’s actually not a bad walk from the closest bus stop; but, the ride down takes about two hours with all the stops and you then have to cross one or more major roadways/highways without the benefit of crosswalks or lights. My insurance allegedly provides rides, but the system for that requires almost a week notice, is a mix of online and text messaging that is not easy, clear, or convenient and there is no way to get human help that I can find. Which means if you make a mistake, or the system makes a mistake, your only option is to cancel that appointment and start over. My thoughts on the set-up are better left unsaid as I’m really not supposed to be using such language anymore.

Also, lots going on at Church the next couple of weeks. The week of the 28th I may not be on much as I will be down there almost every day. We have a massive cleaning of the Church coming up next Saturday as well, and I will be helping cook breakfast (more a brunch really). Was asked if I could do some more gumbo, but may go with a jambalaya for time and pot considerations. I keep doing this I’m going to need a couple more dutch ovens and at least one more good pot. Oh, going to do speckled heart grits for the brunch as well.

So, thank you for your patience. There is more to come (I hope).

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Good Monday To You!”

    1. I love them, though they are more expensive than regular. The difference is, your instant and most other commercial grits are highly processed, and are only part of the corn kernel. Speckled-heart grits are most often stone ground and contain the germ and pericarp (the whole grain in other words). Because they are not highly processed, they do take longer to cook and have a much richer flavor. Need to do a post on this, and also talk about the old Calloway Gardens, Grandpa Watt’s Mill, and Nora Mill which is where I order my speckled-heart grits these days.

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