Interesting Weekend

Sorry for the lack of posting, but my weekend got a bit interesting. A bit mixed on that.

First, my body and I started arguing for reasons that are not clear. Most likely something I ate, but it made for an interesting Sunday evening and Monday. Yesterday was better, and I started doing some “cure or kill” steps to move things along. So far so good on that.

The only thing I ate that was completely out of the ordinary was a small pastry. Housemate is back from visiting his parents and family in Algeria, and one of his sisters always bakes him several large containers of pastries. If she isn’t a professional pastry chef she should be as both the pastries and presentation (wraps, cups, etc.) put some of the high-end pastry stores in the main tourist section of Paris to shame. Baklava to die for. Tried a new-to-me concoction that was sesame on sesame on sesame with honey in a pastry cone. Thank goodness it was small, and that I had to leave quickly as he was offering me one of each type. I think she only did five to seven different pastries this visit. Also, don’t think this was what set things off.

On top of that, I was contacted Sunday by someone who wanted to let me know that Flo might be up for sale online. They had been looking at buying her, but in doing some research found my article, and was pretty sure the one for sale was mine. Or what had been mine, as the insurance company paid up and now owns her if found. No way to buy her back right now from them (or anyone else). The person selling her says he got her from an estate sale. No reason to doubt them, but I would dearly love to know what estate, when the deceased bought or obtained her, and from whom.

I’ve contacted both the relevant PD and the insurance company. Crickets. No apparent interest in pursuing this. No, not going to contact the seller either electronically or in person. Hard, but if this is my Flo, and I strongly suspect it is, such contacts rarely work out well and I have been having to remind myself that she is no longer mine. The lack of interest on the part of the proper authorities in pursuing justice both hurts and is not a surprise. Just another sad marker in the decline of civilization, the rule of law, and the Republic.

On top of that, I discovered that the big box store pharmacy I thought I had moved away from proved to be as competent at that as they have on other issues recently. Ended up taking phone calls from myself and the new pharmacy to finally get them to do what they were supposed to have done last Thursday. Good news is, now finally switched over and the new pharmacy is close enough I can walk to it when the weather is nice. Initial service is good, and they were thanking me for becoming a customer when I picked up my first prescription. Cautiously optimistic.

May be a food and a music post later. Trying to catch up on all that is going on, and take care of a few things that have to be dealt with. More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.