A Proclamation From His Majesty’s Governor Northam

His Majesty’s Governor Northam, Duke of Blackface, and by consent of His Majesty the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hereby issues this proclamation to the commoners of the Commonwealth.

For far too long, things have been allowed that all right-thinking subjects should have abhorred and repudiated. We, your intellectual, moral, and social superiors are now working most diligently to rectify the terrible oversights allowed by previous Governors and Governments.

As such, many additional legislations to control the weapons owned or to be owned by you, the peasantry, are now in work and progressing to my desk where I will sign them into law. These laws are for your benefit, as they will allow you to be more easily governed and your safety secured by the State.

It is most distressing, however, that you continue to resist these needed and benign efforts on your behalf. The nicknames of “Racist Ralph” and the low-class chatter of “Rectum Ralph” are most distressing to the finely tuned minds such as my own. How dare you have the temerity to continue to resist the actions of your betters, which are only in your best interest since we know far better than you what is best for you.

Accordingly, I am pleased to proclaim that His Majesty’s loyal subject Bourne, the Duke of Felching, has introduced into the assembly House Bill 1627 to outlaw all mockery, threats, or other hurtful words against any Governor, Governor-elect, or other leaders of this Commonwealth. I expect this bill to press on forthwith and reach my desk as expeditiously as possible so that we can heal the wounds of this Commonwealth by jailing and/or fining anyone who dares mock my most noble personage.

The Violent Racist Gathering That Wasn’t

Despite the best efforts of His Majesty’s Governor Northam, the Duke of Blackface (more commonly known by the Commoners of the the Commonwealth as “Racist Ralph”) and members of the media, the rally in Richmond was peaceful and did not feature bigotry (save by the media and progressive politicians).

Indeed, it was in most ways an idealized representation of what it means to be American. You had diversity of races, sexes, genders, and more.

This white supremacist (according to the media he is one) nuked several media memes and political talking points. Kudos to him.

This guy just cracked me up. He was the epitome of the humor and camaraderie I’ve seen in almost every video from the event.

Love the fact that some (am hearing that more did as well) LE came and joined in.

At least one agitator showed up. He was shown his ass and had it strongly suggested he get his ass, get on it, and get out of there. Again, Kudos to those who shut him down.

All this classic and ideal Americana has thrown Racist Ralph and members of the media into funk. Racist Ralph is still trying to smear those who came out. A typical example of media coverage is here. Here’s a good summary of the media malfeasance, though it is not complete IMO. There is another take on it here that is well worth the read. A good summation is found here. A very accurate piece about the media coverage can be found at America’s new newspaper of record (as opposed to the newspaper with a record).

BTW, loved this takedown of a bigot bloviating about the rally.

This group that was there were far more accurate than the media. And, finally, a huge difference between your typical progressive event and one like this one. Think the media would ever report that? No, I don’t think so either.