Some Interesting Reads

On COVID19 and treatment, this study looks at T-cell reactions that provide a possible immunity, or at least a body primed to fight off COVID19, based off previous T-cell reactions to colds, which share some of the COVID genome. By testing blood samples taken well before the spread of COVID-19/SARS-COV-2, it would appear that some people do indeed have T-cells already primed to go after the disease. Interesting.

This article and this article by Molly Hemingway are well worth a read. One deals with the media and it’s coverage of the spymaster story and it’s crumbling. The other deals with the disturbing (though far from new) efforts and willingness to falsify history for political gain.

Some Thoughts For The Day

I could hope that some sanity would break out this morning, but don’t expect it. Indeed, I fully expect to see the usual suspects double down on a variety of fronts.

The hysterics shouting about WWIII, the return of the draft, gloom, doom, despair, and excessive misery (points if you get the reference) are idiots. Or, in a few cases, cynical provocateurs who know better but also know that the gullible will (once again) buy into those themes.

No, this is not WWIII nor is it likely to morph into that anywhere in the next couple of years. No, the draft is not returning you snowflakes as none of the troops or their competent leadership want to have to carry your useless ass. The all volunteer force, despite the best efforts of Obama, remains an amazing and effective force. Not what it once was, but on track to get back IMO. If they brought you in, a troop of girl scouts armed with popsicle sticks could probably do you and those like you in, and do so in less than a minute. Not going to happen.

But, you keep rising to the bait. How many times has the draft been coming back? How many times has an evil conservative President been going to be responsible for WWIII? How far did Obama expand Presidential war powers? How many times did Obama conduct military strikes, including the targeted assassination (just like was done with by Trump on the General) of a U.S. Citizen who technically was a high school sophomore without Congressional consultation or approval? Hint, there were more than 2,500 such strikes.

Iran lacks the military to do any serious punching; and, in fact, their military is hurting. The leadership in Iran is quite literally shocked and scared right now, for all the bluster, as they finally have realized that they personally can (and would) be targeted. A message was sent, and from all reports it has been received.

Will they do something and call it a major victory? Likely. In addition to realizing that they are now personal targets and not exempt, they also know that they are in a bad place. It would not take 52 targets, but would take about 35 minutes, to destroy Iran via taking out the only things left propping up the regime. Nice thing is, no American forces actually need to go into the danger zone to do this. There are a couple of other options available that stop short of the complete destruction of the current critical infrastructure, options that would leave something for the population to rebuild with after the regime has fallen.

Meantime, the so-called leadership of the Democratic party is once again hard at work to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Orange man can’t be allowed to succeed, because, reasons. Most reasons revolve around power, graft, and an impressive amount of outrage that the “experts” were not consulted. That is the insult that has driven them into a frenzy, and they have taken it extremely personally.

Nancy et al were fine with Obama assassinating an American citizen without warrant or let; but, Orange man must be stopped before he has any other success. Nancy et al were and are fine with the deaths of Americans (military and civilian), so long as prevention of same doesn’t make Trump or the evil Republicans look good and/or harm the Democrats.

In all the hand-wringing panty-peeing pearl-clutching hysteria of American “bumbling” towards war with Iran (here’s a hint as you flounce to your fainting couch, they’ve already been at war with us since app. 1979), a few things are being missed.

One, look at what else got hit with the initial strikes against the PMF forces in Iraq, the ones who injured and killed Americans. Tend to agree the people were collateral damage, but in this case quite good with the collateral damage.

Two, look at what happened when our embassy was attacked. We held. We reinforced. We pushed back. Things didn’t go to the terrorist (or democrat) script.

Three, this brought not only Soleimani (Suleimani is what I’m seeing in a number of Iranian sources) to Baghdad, but look at who all else was traveling with him. Hint, it wasn’t a troop of girl scouts armed with popsicle sticks. More than one general and/or leader got popped, and that’s a good thing because you rarely have that many top people in one spot in a country they are not supposed to be in, if they were only planning an ice-cream social.

Four, this has shaken the top leadership of Iran; is causing some potentially major fracturing of both the public and the leadership in Syria; has had additional impacts in at least four other countries; and, has exposed some extremely ugly anti-Americanism at home and abroad.

On a different front, I’ve been extremely amused at the media vs. public response to the Golden Globes opening (and later jokes); and, at the panty-peeing by a reporter at CNN about the Babylon Bee.

On many fronts, the masks have been ripped away so that the only ones not seeing the hideousness beneath are those who deliberately and willfully do not want to see.

The good news this morning, is that not only have the masks been ripped away, but some interesting stands have been taken. Both Rowling and Gervais have taken important stands against cancel culture and woke culture. We may well have just witnessed the watershed moment for both, and the start of some long-needed pushback. The winds of change are blowing, despite frantic efforts to block them.

Some Unpalatable Food For Thought On Our Military Leadership

I’ve written a small bit about the purge of the military that occurred under Obama. If you were a warfighter (especially a proven warfighter/leader), didn’t embrace making the military a social experiment, or otherwise didn’t toe a very progressive line, you were gone. While most focus on the officer corps, the NCO ranks also were thinned out.

There is far less data on the enlisted loss, but the purge — and there is no better word — of the officer corps was unprecedented. There is some bitter fruit to come from that purge, as I am very concerned that despite a lot of effort on the part of Chaos and others, the rot could cost us dearly on many levels.

Bookworm has two excellent pieces you need to read. The first one is here, and the second one is here. Read them. Also, read Jim Hanson’s take here.

The uniform matters. It matters on many levels. On that note, I leave you with some extremely unpalatable food for thought. I would also add my thoughts that with the purge and the rise of those like Vindman, that our troops face peril because they will not be up to the task of leading in real conflict.