If You Needed

Any further proof that the Rule of Law, and the attendant Innocent Until Proven Guilty, are dead, check this out. A major bank, with no warrant that we know of at this time, scanned customer transactions to identify anyone who was at a given location at a given time, and gave it to the government. The government then proceeded to use this data to investigate all those people though they were accused of no crime. It was simply an effort to tie them to a crime without any burden of proof. Then, read and think about this. I would add to this, my questions about the status of Ashli Babbitt’s body and if her autopsy would be/has been released (no sign of it that I can find). Again, if you are counting on the military to do it’s sworn duty, read this (HT Sarah A. Hoyt at Instapundit). As stated before, if faced with an illegal order to take action against the Citizens of the United States, I think it will shatter with catastrophic damage to the Republic. Also, watch for the lie that it was only pro-Trump supporters who broke and/or were let in to the Capitol. They were not alone, and it is interesting that known BLM and Antifa there have either not been arrested or let out without bail. Interesting, no? There is a lot we don’t know about what happened that day, or in the days before (pipe bombs anyone?) and no one in LE or the government seems interested in providing those details.

The Trump Doctrine In Action

Two of the three principles of the Trump Doctrine I discussed here are that if you harm/kill an American the you will die; and, if you use a proxy, both you and the proxy will die. Simple, straightforward, and a good and much needed thing.

While the media highlighted the attack (and some ongoing), they seem to be downplaying the fact that we did retaliate. What’s more, according to Gateway Pundit and other sources, guess what, we did it again.

It seems that our strike took out General Siamand Mashhadani, one of the top leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who just happened to be in Iraq. Pity about that. Seems some people just can’t get their head around the fact that there has been a change in leadership, and that he means what he says.

Reminds me, I need to go back and do a more detailed post about the Trump Doctrine, as it is in action on everything from the defense front to the coronavirus fight. I truly do believe it is one of the most profound doctrines to come out of the White House since the original Monroe Doctrine.

Some Thoughts On The Recent Shootings

To say that I am unsurprised that two of the three recent mass shootings in the US (there having been one this morning in the Czech Republic) happened on military bases is an understatement. The continuing policy on weapons, and the failure to learn even the most basic of lessons from Ft. Hood all those years ago, guaranteed that such would happen. The only real surprise to me is that it didn’t happen sooner.

The misguided social experiment that is the disarming of the military when on base is a failure. It deliberately sets up the military and their families as targets, even as it works to undermine responsibility, growth, and the social fabric of the military. To have what are in effect “Hall Monitors” rather than actual armed security is deliberately setting them, and those they are there to defend, up for failure and death. That the three killed at Pensacola appear to have tried to stop the terrorist despite being unarmed says much about them, and in my mind illustrates the fundamental difference between them and the leadership that condemned them to death.

I doubt that much of the military leadership will listen to the calls to rethink the policy, as they are fully into social experimentation with the military. They are woke, and not likely to change even at the costs of far higher death totals. It would be nice to be proven wrong on this, however.

As for the Broward (Coward) County shooting, I will simply note the illustration above. Serve and protect rings hollow right now, and as with the school shooting in Florida, an amazing degree of incompetence and cowardice is on display. While I could hope that evidence will come forward to mitigate, as with the above I will believe it when I see it.

The next time anyone tells you to leave your safety to the professionals, point at the above. Prepare, be vigilant, and hope for the best.

Some Unpalatable Food For Thought On Our Military Leadership

I’ve written a small bit about the purge of the military that occurred under Obama. If you were a warfighter (especially a proven warfighter/leader), didn’t embrace making the military a social experiment, or otherwise didn’t toe a very progressive line, you were gone. While most focus on the officer corps, the NCO ranks also were thinned out.

There is far less data on the enlisted loss, but the purge — and there is no better word — of the officer corps was unprecedented. There is some bitter fruit to come from that purge, as I am very concerned that despite a lot of effort on the part of Chaos and others, the rot could cost us dearly on many levels.

Bookworm has two excellent pieces you need to read. The first one is here, and the second one is here. Read them. Also, read Jim Hanson’s take here.

The uniform matters. It matters on many levels. On that note, I leave you with some extremely unpalatable food for thought. I would also add my thoughts that with the purge and the rise of those like Vindman, that our troops face peril because they will not be up to the task of leading in real conflict.