Any further proof that the Rule of Law, and the attendant Innocent Until Proven Guilty, are dead, check this out. A major bank, with no warrant that we know of at this time, scanned customer transactions to identify anyone who was at a given location at a given time, and gave it to the government. The government then proceeded to use this data to investigate all those people though they were accused of no crime. It was simply an effort to tie them to a crime without any burden of proof. Then, read and think about this. I would add to this, my questions about the status of Ashli Babbitt’s body and if her autopsy would be/has been released (no sign of it that I can find). Again, if you are counting on the military to do it’s sworn duty, read this (HT Sarah A. Hoyt at Instapundit). As stated before, if faced with an illegal order to take action against the Citizens of the United States, I think it will shatter with catastrophic damage to the Republic. Also, watch for the lie that it was only pro-Trump supporters who broke and/or were let in to the Capitol. They were not alone, and it is interesting that known BLM and Antifa there have either not been arrested or let out without bail. Interesting, no? There is a lot we don’t know about what happened that day, or in the days before (pipe bombs anyone?) and no one in LE or the government seems interested in providing those details.