There are those who are technically competent; there are those who are technically incompetent, and then there are those who just don’t give a…
I almost fell out of my car laughing at this one. Enjoy.
Commentary, Punditry, and More
There are those who are technically competent; there are those who are technically incompetent, and then there are those who just don’t give a…
I almost fell out of my car laughing at this one. Enjoy.
Because calling it Chinese isn’t “Raaaaacccciiiissstttt” but factual. A thumb in the eye of the Chinese and their agents here.
Starting with a bit of humor today, as the vast majority of people in the U.S. have not been paying attention and for them the world turned upside down yesterday. Beloved celebrities, sports, music, movies, and more. For the majority, many of whom who reacted with anger and more, the Game Of Loads And Vectors just got real.
For me, I just wish this one had been real. Fake news, outstanding troll, and really well done. Sadly, it’s not and what follows is all too real and all too frequent
There really isn’t a lot to say right now. This never has been (and never could have been because of the Chinese) about prevention. It is about slowing the rate of infection so as not to overwhelm the medical system. It is about slowing the rate of infection to allow time to ramp up resources, do research, and develop both treatments and vaccine(s). It is about protecting as many lives as possible, along with the economic health of the Republic and its Citizens.
Sadly, we are behind the curve. Not because of the Administration or Trump or Pence, etc. No, the failure rests squarely on the shoulders of the elite, the pros, the deep bureaucracy/deep state. Don’t believe me? Well, here’s this in the New York Times and here’s this in Reason. Then, go read this about a different aspect of the failure of the CDC to prepare to perform their basic and fundamental mission.
Why does it matter? Well, immediately it matters because that lack of preparation and failure to do the job not only spreads infections, but results in needless deaths. This comparison of the difference in outcomes between Italy and South Korea puts it in black and white. It also matters in a few months, when we vote not just for candidates, but between freedom or an expanded inflexible incompetent bureaucracy (a la China, Iran, and several other countries). Seriously, use the interactive graphic to compare outcomes between those with robust systems and competition to those that are state monopolies. Interesting difference, no?
As for why those now braying that it is no worse than the flu are wrong, this is just one point but it is a good one. Those saying it’s just the flu are idiots on par with those claiming it doesn’t exist and those claiming we’re all gonna die. Ultimately, there is no real difference between them.
Is it going to get worse? Yes. The infection will spread. Potentially to millions of Citizens. What matters is the rate of spread. The more it is slowed down now, the better the outcomes on every level. The spread is not a failure on anyone’s part. The rate of spread, however, may well be a massive failure on the part of the bureaucracy if it is anything but slow.
Again, there is no need to panic. In some ways, it is worse than the flu, and in others (for others) it is not. What is needed is rational thought, rational preparedness and response, and just general rationality. To get the latter (or most any of the rest) turn off the media. Then, try turning on your brain. Read, study, listen, learn.
But, hey, don’t listen to me. I’ve only been a science writer (former journalist) for more than 30 years covering medical/biomedical research during much of that time; been involved with medical/biomedical research to varying degrees for more than 10 years; and earned my basic Military Emergency Management Systems certification and badge. Obviously, by the standards of the politico/media elite, I have no clue what I’m talking about.
If my posts are enjoyable, helpful, or otherwise a benefit, please consider hitting the tip jar. With the levels of stupid out there, really do need to up the strategic alcohol and tobacco reserves…
As always:
If you suspect you have COVID-19 or have been exposed: call your state health department and work with them so that you can be dealt with in a way that minimizes the chance of spreading the virus to those helping you and to the general public. Can’t get them? Call your local department or see if your health service has online/telemedicine screening set up; or see if one who has will let you use it even if you are not in their network. Do not go out in public, and don’t go to an ER or other facility without calling ahead. Be smart.
Use the interactive graphic to keep track of things. Is COVID19 an epidemic? Yes. Is it a Pandemic? Yes. Is there need for panic? NO. HELL NO. Should you be paying attention? Yes. Hell yes. Should you be preparing? Yes, better late than never. And good luck finding/getting stuff.
Want to avoid catching COVID19 here in the U.S.? Wash your flippin hands frequently, wash them thoroughly every time you use the bathroom, then follow with hand sanitizer after every washing, use hand sanitizer liberally when you can’t wash on a regular basis. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze, and stay away from those who don’t. Also, keep your bugger hooks out of/away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Do NOT shake hands with anyone, and avoid touching or being touched by strangers. Or your strange friends.
Avoid travel if at all possible. Right now, there is no way I’m going to a trade show, major convention, etc. If you can telecommute, get that set up now. If you have to travel, use lots of hand sanitizer and go to full flu protocols. If you have to use a public restroom, take full precautions including using paper towels and such to handle faucets, doors,etc. Believe it or not, this was highly recommended before now, and major grocery chains have long told employees to use those practices to avoid getting or spreading colds, flu, etc. Not many actually do it, but…
If you own a business, make sure your employees know the above protocols. Have someone who refuses to wash their hands or otherwise follow the protocols? Talk to them, write them up, and if necessary fire them as they now pose a risk of infection to you and your customers. Extreme? Yes, but while the CDC and others are working to slow it down, odds are it is already here and could hit hard and fast. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
I want to reiterate that there is no need for panic, but there is a strong need to be alert, be informed, and be prepared.
Other COVID19/COVID-19/2019-nCoV articles:
COVID-19 9Mar20 The Game Of Loads And Vectors
COVID-19 7Mar20 How To Do It Right If You Have/Have Been Exposed To COVID-19
Quick Additional Thoughts On The Bureaucracy
COVID-19 28Feb20 Reasons To Hope, Reasons To Fear
COVID-19 A Plea To The Politicians (And Media)
COVID19 The Situation In China Gets Even Weirder
COVID19 24Feb20 Raising DEFCON
COVID19 21Feb20: Just Look At The Blooms Dear
Update & Quick Thoughts On Preparedness
As I noted before, I travel a lot for work. We use our phones for navigation as well as communication. While we never quite know what vehicle we will be in, most have it where you can plug your phone into the vehicle to have hands free operations, display maps and navigation, and do all other sorts of fun and nifty things.
That said, I’m not a huge fan of the voice command system. It has it’s issues, and some vehicles just seem to make it worse. Then again, I’m halfway to the opinion that our robot/AI overlords are trying to kill off those of us who suspect it may be more than simple problems.
A week or so ago, I had been sent about an hour and a half north to take care of an issue. Those who sent us out (different department) did not have their, er, act together (not an infrequent occurrence) which resulted in my supervisor having to text critical updates to me. Most of these were met with “copy” as a reply.
The third time, however, things got fun — and funny in retrospect. I went through all the voice command prompts, and recorded my “copy” to send. Apparently, I said “send” too soon, and confusion ensued between me and the voice commands. I will also note that I have mine set to a British female voice.
Having lost my patience with the confusion, I finally said “No, you stupid (bleep), I said send!”
To which she replied: “New message recorded. ‘No, you stupid (bleep), I said send!’ Shall I send the message?”
I swear, she sounded smug about it when she said it and I yelled “NO!”
Copy finally got sent. The supervisor in question laughed long and hard when I told him the message he almost got. He said a couple of times similar messages had gotten away from him.
For the record, I welcome our robot/AI overlords. Please don’t kill me.
In a previous post on the coronavirus I made reference to going from concerned to worried. My mind, not working like most people’s, remembered the excellent comedy piece on other nations alert status that was allegedly done by John Cleese. With that, I realized I did have my own version.
DEFCON 5: The Dude Abides All is right and good in the world, pull up a chair, sit down, have a beverage of your choice and light up a cigar/pipe/whatever. Chill dude, all is good.
DEFCON 4: Sit Up Something is going on, time to sit up, pay attention, and perhaps even make some contingency plans.
DEFCON 3: Really?!? Are you really trying to pull that? Are you going to make me dig into things, respond to things, and/or otherwise take action?
DEFCON 2: A Bit Miffed Well above peeved, I’m alert, ready, and will take what actions are required though I will do what I can to de-escalate things if I can and if it is the right thing to do.
Defcon 1: Welcome To Scotland.
It’s on. I can make it as personal as the above, or we can go larger scale if needed.
Thought I would share a bit of humor (such as it is) today as I think we all could use a bit of a laugh.
So many topics, so little time. Since the progressives hate jokes being made about them (just ask the Babylon Bee, which has CNN and other progressives working hard to put them out of business), I’m going to have a little fun in making some points.
First, do something to make the week better for all. Go commit a random act of beauty or kindness. Heck, if you have the opportunity, do it every day this week.
This is a huge story, and is only the tip of the iceberg as it were. PowerLine has been on this, since the media refuses to cover it.
Yep, and Climate Change is not science but is a religion. A cult being used towards this very end.
Just ask Venezuela… And most of Eastern Europe.
Yes, they do want to take away your guns. The mask is off, as His Majesty’s Governor Northam demonstrates yet again. Why? A disarmed citizenry are no longer Citizens, but subjects.
I also agree with a comment I saw online about gun control having to be the most White Privilege thing ever, coming from an ivory tower and equivalent of “let the maid take care of it.”
The party of Diversity for thee, but not for me.
The media every day of the week. Lots to talk about there, and am amazed at how many intelligent and sane people I know can’t seem to get that the media routinely lies despite the many examples of that out there.
Impeachment is now just another political tool, to be used at whim. The theatre is designed to discredit Trump and his legacy, with an aim of undoing as much of what he does accomplish as possible. It is designed to taint every judge or other position appointed. That it will also do some other things along the way, along similar lines, is just icing on the cake. Nancy, you have sown the wind, now reap what you have sown.
Public education needs a lot of help, possibly more than can be given. One thing that does need to be done is to restore real history and real civics classes. Then again, if you don’t know history or civics, you are a lot easier to manipulate and control.
If you have ever talked with those who escaped from behind the Iron Curtain, you will find that our groceries were and are amazing to them. Think about the logistics, international trade, and even support of local sources come from the modern grocery that we take for granted.
Sorry, given all the hysteria over “WWIII” I just find this funny as all get out.
Getting ready last Friday for the Prohibition Party at O’Banion’s to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Prohibition. May share a few more photos in the days ahead.
Be careful, be safe, be informed.
With the start of the impeachment circus, I think some intentional humor is needed. Given the arbitrary and capricious (and well outside constitutional bounds) “rules” enacted by Congresscritter Schitt, what is going on is a show trial reminiscent of the “best” of Soviet or Volksgerichtshof systems. So, here we go:
Enjoy your Thursday.
I’m thinking about making Wednesday a day for humor (Hump Day Humor?). Given all that is going on, think we could all use a good laugh midweek.
That said, I’m combining both humor and some interesting food for thought with today’s post. Juliet Akinyi Ochieng, better known to us old farts as Baldilocks, posts an amusing yet interesting idea over at DaTechGuy blog.
Enjoy your Wednesday, find something to smile at if not laugh with (if you want to laugh at, Congress usually provides plenty of targets), and be safe.
It’s hump day, so decided a little humor is needed.
I’m not saying some hypothetical discussions took place about 35 years ago along this same track. I am simply going to say, ‘It is satire, isn’t it?” Really would be a good way to mess up potential or actual enemies, now wouldn’t it.
Back in high school physics, we had some interesting discussions and debates about FTL. If you read both the theory and the special theory, FTL can’t be done in space normal, hence hyperspace or similar terms. There is no reason such isn’t possible outside space normal. A possible way to get out of space normal may be possible, and it is now getting some attention.
Enjoy your Wednesday, be safe. More soon.