Quick Monday Roundup

Yes, I’m behind on the book posts and other writing. Trying to get caught up.

First, my thanks to Wombat-socho at The Other McCain for the link! Much appreciated, and those visiting: please look around, check out the other stories, and feel free to chime in on all, but in particular the preparedness pays posts.

Second, congratulations to David Weber on receiving the Frank Herbert Lifetime Achievent Award from Helicon. It is truly a well-deserved honor for a good man and author.

Third, three more good bites of food for thought about the current situation. What do they know that we don’t, from Legal Insurrection. He’s right, what is going on there doesn’t make sense unless it is a hysterical overreaction to the demonstration at the Capitol, or they know something we don’t. I’m not sure there were this many video cameras around the Green Zone in Baghdad when I was there, why so many here? Finally, Orwellian language and nightmare, as the media and others pursue gaslighting.

Working on a new Preparedness Pays post, no promises on how soon. Hopefully some more up today, but again, no promises.