Dezinformatsia. Period. Full Stop. Origin unknown, but it is yet another effort to meddle in our election/prevent a free and fair election. I hope that any competent authorities we have will look into the origin and possibly do something about it if it is of domestic origin. As for the Shady Lady who “broke” this “exclusive” all I can say is the Spirit of Duranty lives…
Tag: Fake News
Fake Hate Versus Real Hate: The Real Barbarians Are Inside The Gates
I followed the 48-hour rule on the case of the NASCAR noose. I am unsurprised to find out that it was a fake hate crime. The fact that no one released a photo was a major red flag, and there were others. I was going to write a bit on the fact that if we truly were a systemically racist nation there would be no need for all the fake hate crimes. And, yes, look it up, most, almost all, of the so-called hate crimes that hit the news turn out to be fake. However, there is no need to write, as John Hinderaker has done so with some eloquence.
Now, turn from the fake hate to the real hate and barbarity that has not just become common, but is now the standard for our so-called civilization. Two cases show exactly how brutality is the new norm. First, there is this story of a teen girl who does something good for society by making special teddy bears for the children of policemen killed in the line of duty. That she has long gotten threats of violence and death is sad, but they’ve hit a point in the last few weeks that she’s had to effectively hide by taking the wrap off her jeep and undertaking other precautions. Then you have the loss of a science blog after the Shady Lady threatened to doxx the owner/author. There were both ethical reasons for him to be anonymous, as well as safety since he’s received death and other threats.
Sadly, such threats come with blogging, and have for a long time. I’ve had my share of them from terrorists and psychopaths foreign and domestic for my work here and at Blackfive, though my latest appears to be related to my China coverage and doesn’t appear to have originated in the U.S. The problem isn’t that I or anyone else has gotten these for a while, it is the explosion of such threats against almost every type of blog out there simply because they post opinions, coverage, and even data with which the unhinged mob disagrees.
As bad as such is, and it is getting worse and worse with real harm to those threatened growing daily; but, we are also seeing it in everyday life. If you are on social media, you no doubt have seen a number of videos posted showing people being attacked, often without warning, simply for the color of their skin. Many/most of these attacks are savage, and could easily have ended in the death of the victim. Some are likely to have permanent damage. I’ve seen Asian, Caucasian, and others I’m not not sure what they are, nor is it really important. What is important is that in almost every video the perpetrators are being egged on, encouraged, and protected. It is the new norm, and bodes ill for what is left of civilization.
More is needed than having each of us simply prepare and be ready to defend ourselves and others. After all, when we do we will be vilified as evil right-wing racist extremists, even if we are an African-American woman fleeing an armed threat on her life. NPR has yet to apologize to the woman and to the public for that ‘misrepresentation’ that should be called a lie.
What is needed is for law enforcement and the prosecutors offices to start taking such threats seriously, and to treat the attacks that are themselves racist as serious crimes and even hate crimes. Given the politics involved, the prosecutors are pretty much a no-go from the start. Law enforcement has many other things on it’s plate, and few there take such threats seriously. That said, I wish to thank LE where I used to live for taking one real threat seriously and working with me to deal with it.
Unless such crimes are taken seriously and dealt with firmly and publicly, the norms of civilization are ended — just as those encouraging such behavior want. The Marxists behind much of what is going on have no hope of getting what they want so long as the norms of civilization stand, and the Republic, which is founded in large part on those norms, also continues to stand. Civilization and the Republic are interlocking, and both need to be defended. The ability to do so via reason and persuasion is being systematically and deliberately destroyed. It’s not just the large sites, this war must be waged against the greater whole since no trace of dissent can be tolerated. Besides, the public elimination, if not soon a real execution, of those who dare disagree serves as a warning to others and to make many cow in submission. It is a deliberate feature, not a bug.
And there lies the real problem and the real threat. If you eliminate the soap box, that leaves few non-violent alternatives. The Marxists believe they have the edge on violence because they’ve been willing to, eager to, use it from the start. I believe they are gravely mistaken. They are pushing hard to get someone, anyone, particularly on the so-called right, to over-react to one or more of their stunts. So far, both President Trump and those who are not Marxists have refused to play along. For how much longer that will hold for the Citizens of the United States is the question. Even if we avoid the false-flag efforts to provoke such a response, the time will soon come when there is no other choice but to respond with force to the actions of the Marxists and the mob they incite. While I still hope for efforts through the courts, sane leadership at the State and local levels, and even the ballot box, I am not optimistic. I see no sign of any actions that will force the progressive Marxists to change their operations.
I’ve talked several times about what is to come, and how the Great Silencing and other activities are planned, coordinated, and executed. There is more planned, and it is not good. Parts have kicked off sooner than I expected, but that is not letting a good crisis go to waste.
I ask you to stop, look around, get outside the MSM/political bubble, and see for yourselves. Then, do what you can and prepare. If things continue as they are, what happened in the 1960’s will seem as an ice-cream social. We appear to be headed for the worst upheaval since the Civil War. I hope I, and others, are wrong about that. I hope the ballot box and the rule of law will prevail. But, given what is happening in prosecutor’s offices across the nation, in the courts, and in the halls of Congress, that hope is faint.
To quote the late, great Robin Williams on Jimmy Carter when the Martians invaded earth: “Good evening. You’re on your own. Good Night.” Prepare accordingly.
You’ve Got To Be Fracking Kidding Me…
The news coverage to which I awoke this morning already has me banging my head against walls, desks, and other hard surfaces. The hysteria burns…
First, Iran did NOT launch ICBMs. They don’t have any. An ICBM is an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile, and again, for the cognitively impaired, they don’t (yet) have any. Yes, they would love to have some, especially if they worked.
It’s not clear (to me, yet) if they launched IRBMs. For those playing at home, that is an Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile. Yep, they’ve got some. That work sometimes. That might actually go to the target area instead of deciding to go walk-about.
They most likely launched SRBMs, aka Short-Range Ballistic Missiles. Keep in mind that the model rockets I launched as a child were technically SRBMs, at least when the “warhead” failed to pop off and the parachute deploy. Which happened more often than I cared for.
SRBMs include several flavors of SCUD missiles. Yes, some SCUDs can be IRBMs, at least technically. I say that given the targets of the air strikes that brought Suleimani to Iraq (hint, in parts of Iraq and especially Syria, even SRBMs can threaten Israel).
Is the launch an escalation? Yep, and a significant one in that they openly launched from Iran. Is it a major earth-shattering pearl-clutching panty-peeing Flouncecon 1 event? Nope.
Couple of things to note about Operation Symbolic Revenge. First, look at the number actually launched, which is 15 (best sources), not 10s or dozens. Then, look at the number of birds that failed between launch and landing. Then, look at the accuracy of the attack. To a great extent, yawn.
Also look at the immediate response of the Iranian government after launch. In short: We’ve taken revenge; if you don’t retaliate we won’t do anything further; if you do retaliate you will be great big mean poopyheads and you will pay a bitter price via Operation Symbolic Revenge II.
For those saying it’s a act of war: DUH! What do you think the sacking of the embassy in Tehran was? What do you think the attack on our diplomatic outpost in Benghazi was? What do you think the attack on our embassy in Baghdad was? What do you think the proxy (and possibly some direct) attacks on our troops over the last almost 20 years were? What do you think the attacks against our interests elsewhere, as well as against other countries, via proxy forces were and are?
Get a grip: Iran has been at war with us since around 1979. We’ve mostly ignored it, and at best have dealt rather poorly with it. Danegeld never works. Ignoring has only emboldened.
So far, Trump and his administration have taken rather measured, and extremely effective, responses. My hope is that those continue. Again, it would take about 35 minutes to destroy Iran as a power without using nukes or even necessarily putting American lives at risk to do so. For all that I would have no problem with that, I think there should be at least a couple of more steps before we do so, though to do so would be completely justified on any/every level.
As for those at Flouncecon 1 wailing that we are bumbling our way into a major ground war: You are complete and total fecking morons. Patton was wrong: people like you know even less about fornication than about war, which may help prevent the stupid genes from being spread. We can at least hope so. If you can’t take a look at what has been done, and how, then there is a good bit out there about why this isn’t going to happen. If you can take a good look at what has been done and how, what makes you think they will drop proven and effective for something different that is not likely to work on any level?
Personally, I’m hoping that the next steps do enough damage that the people of Iran can make a change. More than thousand died protesting the regime last year, be nice if they could get out and do something without being killed en-masse. There are a number of ways that this can happen, without a massive effort on par with Afghanistan and Iraq.
Me, I’m not too worried and am looking forward to the President’s remarks later this morning. As for the feckless politicians mourning a fracking terrorist: Sod Off. The masks are off, take a look at who truly cares for America and Americans; and, take a long look at who clearly does not. Remember it come election day.