What Else Can I Do?

First, I agree with Sarah A. Hoyt in this post, and several previous posts, about what steps to take. Further, I agree with her and others that I see a rather high butcher’s bill unless some of the so-called leaders of the establishment class wake up and face reality. I pray that such a day does not come, but I see no way to avoid it unless people wake up and taste reality. I do not want it, and want to do as much as possible to avoid it.

That said, what else can I do? Borrowing from others as well as my own early thoughts, there is much we can do.

First, start local. Pick the party of your choice and get active. Push out the establishment types that look down their noses at “the rabble” and put some spine into the local organization. Most of all, get involved with your local voting organization, and work to ensure free and fair elections. Notice that a lot of the problems with this last election were local (county) election boards. Yes, state boards/institutions were questionable in some cases, but what allowed them to make interesting decisions were what happened on the local level. If you take steps to make sure that the local rolls are cleaned up and maintained; that only people qualified to vote do so; eliminate vote harvesting; and, otherwise ensure a free, fair, and transparent election, you can be more sure of making a real difference on the local, state, and even national stage.

As a part of this, organize. Find others like yourself and band together. Beware of those who are not what they claim. That said, there are a lot of voters out there who are tired of the establishment politicians and the corruption. There is power in numbers. That said, consider having a cellular organization as a backup.

Second, set up means of contact and information dissemenation outside of big tech, as many as possible. Big Tech is just getting started, and will do all it can — with the help of the progressive left — to destroy alternate platforms. It may not hurt to set up cells both locally and nationally, that can pass along information using low-tech means. While I know amateur radio has been discussed as an option, read/listen to this and then think on what they can call a crime or have made into a crime. Multiple redundancies people, you can’t have enough options in place.

Third, do everything you can legally do to deprive them of your money. A company goes woke, or is woke, doesn’t need your money. Find red companies and support them. Do your business, as much possible in cash, with local small independent businesses. There are more options, take full advantage of them. Find ways to legally pay as little tax as possible. Starve them.

Fourth, ignore and ridicule. The progressive left and the incoming leadership can’t stand either, and the more you ignore and ridicule, the madder they will get. Angry people make stupid decisions, which can be used against them. Make them show their true faces and take ridiculous actions.

Fifth, prepare for the worst. Keep as much cash on hand as you can. Set up non-cash options, such as gold or other valuables, as well. Stock up on food and other supplies, suplements being but one example, and don’t make it easy for anyone to find out that you are stockpiling. Such can be seized “for the good of the people.” There are other things that need stockpiling as well — do it. As Sarah points out, famine and deliberate starvation have been used by socialists (by any other name) as a weapon against the common people as well as adversaries, every time and to good effect. Take what steps you can to avoid anything you lawfully own under current laws from being seized for any reason. Remember that bartering is an option, and should be used to full effect.

There is more, but that’s all the time I have this morning. Get involved on the local level. Ignore edicts and the propaganda, and ridicule the powerful as well as what they are trying to do. Prepare for the worst. Also, please don’t be stupid. Don’t give them a pretext by not fighting smart. Remember, use political aikido as much as possible by not being where the blow falls, and using their own efforts against them. If there is to be a butcher’s bill, let them initiate.

Some blogs I recommend, in no particular order.

Sarah A. Hoyt


American Thinker

The Other McCain

Legal Insurrection

Monster Hunter Nation

More to come in future posts.