Stop It! Fight Back!

Recently, video showing two Biden supporters attacking a 7-year-old and his mother, has been making the round. Those with a clue rightly called out this thugocracy action for the despicable action it was. Unfortunately, a number of people across the board fell for the ‘What the everloving were parents thinking to take their child to this event’ attack.

STOP IT! 1. It is an effort to deflect blame from the thugs involved. 2. It is an effort to normalize violence against those wearing clothing, carrying signs, or otherwise supporting parties other than the Democratic party. 3. It is an (ongoing) effort to deny people the right to openly support any opposition to the Democratic party, with a goal of making it where there is NO place where one can wear clothing or voice support.

Face facts: this is not the first time a child has been attacked for wearing a hat or other clothing supporting Trump (or other opposition candidates), those being on the street, parks, or other locations. It is not the first time senior citizens, or just plain adult Citizens, have been attacked for wearing clothes or voicing support for anything non-Democratic. A rally anywhere, be it near the convention, a park, or anywhere is supposed to be a safe place and usually is until some thug attacks by driving a vehicle into the crowd/tent, or engaging in physical violence to attack individuals (usually without warning) to remove clothing, destroy signs, or otherwise destroy personal property. The goal is to make no space safe for any opinion contrary to the Marxist left.

When you attack the parents for taking their child to a political event, YOU ARE ENABLING THIS EFFORT! Stop it. Quit normalizing the violence and threats, which is exactly what you are doing. Wake up, as this is a fight and the Marxists are fully prepared to use violence and intimidation to get anyone/everyone else to voluntarily give up rights and most of all the right to express opinions and to a free and fair election. If you continue to cede grounds in limiting the locations and ability to express support of candidates and positions, you are giving them what they want and are complicit in those actions.

Instead, punch back. Forget twice as hard, go for as many times stronger as you can. Defend yourself, and make full use of the law to do so. File criminal complaints and hold police and prosecutors (especially the prosecutors) accountable. File civil actions as well as criminal. Until there is pain applied, this will just keep getting worse.

Things are off to a good start in this case, as the two thugs have been arrested and face multiple charges. For the parents and others involved in this, take it to the next level and press civil actions. This is not a time to be nice, unless you want the violence and intimidation to be the new norm. Make it personally painful for these and all other thugs, because until they face personal sanctions and accountability, they have no real reason to change their behavior. Until individuals are held to account, the mob will only grow and get worse.

Fight back, and quit doing what the Marxists want.