My nature is to be proactive in terms of preparedness. This applies to healthcare as well, and my current insurance even encourages you to do preventative steps via a small rewards program.
Well, it came up recently that I had never gotten the shingles vaccine. In fact, according to the system, I was about eight years overdue to get it. So, I got it Saturday.
Now, I’ve gotten 2-3 dozen vaccinations of various types over the years. My yellow card is full and I need to get a new one. I’ve never had a problem or a real reaction to any of them. The shingles vaccine shot was the first one that truly hurt, and the site is still tender.
Saturday afternoon/evening, I was not feeling good. I put it down to the plunging barometric pressure triggering arthritis and/or a pain flare. Sunday was hell. Monday morning, upon seeing something off near the site of the injection, it finally hit me that I was having a reaction to the vaccination.
I got in touch with my doctor’s office and asked to come in. When the nurse heard my symptoms, I was ordered to the ER. IV steroid and antihistamine were administered, and I’m on steroids the rest of this week. It’s one of the first times in my life where trying to be prepared didn’t pay.
Things may be a little off here this week as I recover. Carry on.