
Yes, I need to do a follow-up post on yesterday’s adventures but the short version is I’m exhausted. Now on antibiotics, thankful I don’t need surgery this time, and need to think outside the box on a few things.

I also need to do a post on things I think are good preparation for near-term possibilities. Things like flour, salt, and pepper are what most people think of for prep. I also think that investing in new shoes, grooming tools, and maybe some other electronics is a very good idea as well. More on this soon I hope.

For now I may take another nap, I really need to feed the girls, and practice the guitar. Maybe by this afternoon I will be up to doing that.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Most Annoying

I had really wanted to get a good solid post up yesterday, as there is a lot going on in the world. In fact, some of the “minor” things not getting much media play may have a lot more impact on us here in the U.S. than it would appear. Unfortunately, what started as the body and I not getting along great on Monday turned into full flare. Spent yesterday resting, fluids, soft foods, etc. to try to keep from having to go to the doc or ER.

Calling the GP as soon as his office opens to see what he recommends, but without a car can’t get to him and don’t trust the hospital/ER nearby anymore. Looking at heading up to the nearest facility of the group the new cardiologist is with if GP recommends or things get worse. Can get there by bus and have already pulled up the schedule(s) to get there if needed. My current thought, which may or may not be a good one, is to get a shower, go up to the nearby diner for some scrambled eggs and cheese, then catch the bus from there if needed. Trying to work out the timing(s) to get the most efficiency.

We will see. I want to be efficient and make any movement count for as much as possible. As much as I hate to admit it, think I may need an antibiotic and something other than ibu to knock things back a bit.

Anywho, here are a few of the things I’m keeping an eye on.

Bangladesh. Pray for them. The Islamists are using the situation to attack not only Hindu (a minority), but also possibly other religious minorities including Christians. If such is indeed true, you will hear about as much on that in corporate media as you do about the kidnappings, killings, and forced conversions/slavery going on in Africa. Keep an eye on religious media instead. Also, if humanitarian is not enough cause for concern, look at who backed and assisted the coup (very quietly) and who lost (India, among others).

Venezuela. I really am not sure what is going on right now, other than Wagner, Cuba, and Iran seem to be going all-in to keep Maduro in power. No surprise, they are not going to let him fall without a fight. Absent something unexpected, this is likely to be a bloody slog (see previous writing). There are some interesting tidbits popping up about Maduro and the Venezuelan gangs causing havoc in the U.S. Also interesting to note what gangs are involved and what gangs appear to be supporting Maduro or have gone over to the opposition at home.

Nicaragua. Something other than just arrests of Catholic clergy is going on. Ortega hates the Catholic Church, and that the Catholic Church has been (effectively) the last organized critic of his regime. So, no surprise at the repression, but there are disruptions in the patterns that suggest something else may be going on.

Iran. Yes, keeping an eye open for what they plan to do to Israel, but there are reasons to look well beyond that. Not the right word, but brittle keeps popping into mind. The mad mullahs are hanging on by a thread right now, and they know it. They also now have to really keep an eye on each other given the penetration by Israel and others of various factions within the power group. When you find out the innermost groups of the Revolutionary Guard are cooperating with external enemies, it tends to make you trust no one. There are investigations, purges, and more underway as shadows are seen everywhere along with little men upon the stairs (who are never there). The problem with mole hunts, however, is the tendency to see anything that even slightly sticks up (real or imagined) as a mole that needs whacking. One wonders if they may be making Angleton’s worst seem mild. I would point out a few things about those days, but I would love to see the mad mullahs make not only all his mistakes but as many new ones as possible. Besides, it was fun to watch “big k” anxiously scan the sky during the funeral.

Space. It’s more than the latest with Woeing, though that is spectacular. With what I know right now, I would not ride that capsule back down. Now, it’s possible there is data I don’t have that indicates it is perfectly safe but… That said, I agreed with Charlie Martin on X yesterday that it would not be surprising if Nelson told them to take one for the team and ride it back down. Especially since Woeing somehow decided to do away with the software on this capsule that would let it do an unmanned undocking from the ISS. Go read David Strom at Hot Air and Stephen Green at PJ for very good coverage of this, and Stephen is doing outstanding ongoing coverage of space. Check it out.

Somebody please remind me later to do two posts on space. First is on the late, great, Martin Caidin as I can just about hear him commenting on what is going on now. Second, on a previous discussion we had here about challenges to our moving off planet. Been fairly reliably informed that Elon and others are aware of the two big issues we talked about here (some excellent comments, thank you!) but there are some updates needed.

England. Two-tier keir (sorry, that creature does not deserve a cap letter) is running things into the ground even faster than expected. Lots to discuss, but when you are subjects, and disarmed subjects at that, what else did you expect? My assessment is pretty bleak (hail caliphate) but there is still a chance though not likely as it requires both spines and reproductive organs and I’m not seeing politicians or so-called leadership class/elites with such. When a female comedian and a female author have bigger pairs than the entire British political establishment combined…

Oh, before I forget, my semi-regular reminder to read Sarah A. Hoyt. Most of you do already I suspect, but always some good food for thought there, whether you agree or disagree. Personally, I agree a good bit, but it is almost always a feast rather than a small portion of food for thought. Also, there seems to be something going on with the Dragon Awards that is concerning, pay attention.

There’s more, but I need to get going. May your day be good, and be thinking about what you can do to be prepared. Then, act. Be prepared. Keep your friends and family close, and your things where you can find them in the dark.

Oh, and keep in mind the universal maxim of what happens to disarmed populations…

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Amazing News

As those of you who are regular readers know, I’ve had an interesting year on the cardiac front. There was a mystery diagnosis or two; there were interesting symptoms and odd data; lots and lots of questions; and, more than a few concerns. Throw in things not matching between previous tests and what was done in surgery or treatment…

So, I got an outside review of all things cardio, and in the process a new and fantastic cardiologist. As a result, I spent yesterday at a heart facility getting nuked, stress tested, echoed, and otherwise having all sorts of fun. Really needed to get good data, either for answers or for better questions as to be honest, the way things were trending I should have been headed towards cripple or dead.

What we found instead, amazed and delighted both my doctor and myself, and the term miraculous does apply. All that had been seen before, was gone. The mystery diagnoses were disproved in spades. In short, my heart shows as completely healed.

No apparent major or even minor blockage; no ventricular or other failure, no nothing wrong. Healed. It may not be the heart of a 20-year-old, but it is healed, whole, and going strong.

Again, miraculous is not an understatement. Lots of prayers of thanks going up, and I thank all of you who have prayed for me, especially on this.

The remaining edema is likely caused by a medication, so we are switching it out to see if that takes care of things. I will also write a bit about getting there and back, which was interesting but worked. In fact my cunning plan to get there on time worked almost too well. But that is all secondary. I’m still processing the news and the extent of the healing. I can’t describe the feeling of looking up at the EKG and thinking ‘that’s not right, that’s almost textbook normal.’

Thank you all. At least from a cardiac perspective, there is more to come!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Thank You!

I had my first real guitar lesson this morning, thanks to your generosity. In fact, I had carefully saved part of that generosity so that I could pay up front for three more lessons besides this one. Net result is that by paying ahead I found out I also get a free lesson.

It was intense, my fingers are sore, and it was fun. He is teaching me how to (re) read sheet music since that seems to be one of the memories misplaced; strings, chords, and more; how to pick, how to grin (lets see who picks up on that), and how to strum; and basics from how to hold the guitar to hand positioning for picking and strumming. I am to practice every day, and more than once a day if possible (gotta build those callouses you know).

It is going to be a challenge to learn all of this, from strings and notes, to the movements involved. Some of it is easier if I don’t think about it, but for some of the complex work you really do need to be able to think about it.

Well, we will soon know if I can learn a new skill. Even if there are problems, it is a lot of fun. Had some laughs and got fist bumped over doing a couple of things right. His take is that he might not can make me into Eric Clapton, but he can get me to playing. I can live with that.

Thank you again so much!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Three Years Ago

Tomorrow, 30 June 24, is a special day. On that date (not day), my life changed as I sat drinking coffee on the front porch.

There was no real warning. I had just put down phone and coffee mug, getting ready to go inside. I remember the hairs on my body suddenly standing straight up, and before I could do anything my world went white. It felt like my brain was vibrating at a very high frequency, and there was a roaring sensation — not a sound — in my brain. I had several thoughts during this time, almost overlapping, starting with ‘this is going to hurt’ and I think some thought of ‘wow the lightning hit close by.’ I thought it was just clenching up in fear, but my body locked up in the chair.

Then my world went dark, and I literally thought the power had gone out to the house/neighborhood from the strike. I was still thinking it had hit nearby, and remember thinking along the lines of ‘bleep, we will have to reset every clock in the house’ which was a pain. In the darkness, I began to wonder what I would see when the lights came back on: Heaven, hell, or something else? I admit I was quite relieved when suddenly I could see again and was on the porch.

I still didn’t realize I had been hit. I don’t remember any pain, and there was more wonder at what was going on than fear. After a moment I thought something along the lines of wow that was close, wonder where it hit as I scanned around to see if I could tell. I honestly thought it had hit across the street. For the record, almost anyone who is hit or has a near miss is probably not firing on all cylinders, even if they think they are — and I truly did think I was firing on all cylinders.

It’s been a heck of a ride, and it’s not over yet. There was a form of failure cascade that eventually led to open-heart surgery, and there is more cardiac testing and scanning early next month. The path I/we think the lightning took through the body tells a tale. There is hearing loss in my right ear, with nerves being dead. My best guess is that the lightning that got me hit in or just behind my right ear. It went down the inside of my torso and eventually exited the ball of my right foot.

Funny that I missed it that morning. You see, being unaware I had been hit, I went inside, took care of a couple of things, gave thanks to God and the Blessed Mother I was alive and that it had missed me (cough), got my shower, and went to work. Missed the hole in the bottom of my foot as it wasn’t bleeding; rather, it was filled with carbon. Looked like a thick pencil lead going back up into my foot when I did find it. Sole of my shoe got the neat burns, but my body didn’t — at least on the outside. Inside may have been a different story.

The docs and therapists at RHI told me that it would take three years for my brain to heal (as much as it was going to heal), and that we should look at repeating tests and doing more tests after that. May look into that, provided I don’t have to go through the useless Dr. Lichen-stine to do so. Sorry, one of the nicer names I have for the neurologist. Having a doc tell you that he’s not going to do a lot because there’s nothing that can be done about it anyway is a heck of a thing. I had to work hard to get into outpatient at RHI and I don’t think I would have had I just left it up to him and his office. In terms of recommendations, thumbs-up to RHI, thumbs down to the neurologist.

Also, belated kudos to the people I worked with at the time. They saw some of the failure cascade starting, and were the first to question my thought that the lightning had missed me. If not for them questioning/pushing, I might not be here. I also want to thank them again for the recliner they pitched in to get me after the open-heart surgery, as the camping chair really didn’t cut it… Thanks guys, you were a great bunch to work with.

Given that some of the short-term memory issues seem to have backslid a bit, and the long-term memories are still messed up, may indeed get with RHI. If some of the (possibly increasing) brain glitches are going to be an ongoing thing, may have to re-evaluate some of my long-term plans. Really hoping we get some answers, and maybe some better questions, with the upcoming cardiac testing. There are things not adding up, be nice to start figuring out what is missing from the equations. There are issues with my right foot and leg, which may (or may not) be cardiac related (and one of the things not adding up), some GI issues, and such.

Since I was hit by lightning though, I’m not going to complain. It could be a lot worse. I could be dead, and in many respects it is surprising I am not. Glad I’m not, mind you. Very glad even. I could have taken far worse damage than I did, and again I’m glad I didn’t. There is a list of little miracles that morning, and I am grateful for them all.

For all that I do think that the best visual to represent things is the last jump of the Battlestar Galactica, shuddering past the moon as it sheds chunks and pieces to slowly fall to the surface, the basic systems are still up (mostly) despite what has sheared away. The brain may not be what it was, the heart is definitely not what it was, and there are a few other system that have indicated they might like to add a word. Even so, I may be (a lot) slower than I was, but I’m still moving. I can still spot a pattern or two in the data, and I hope/think I have a bit more to add on preparedness. Maybe a few other topics too. We will see. My ability to learn is a topic that needs exploration, but I can share a bit of what I do remember.

Meantime, I plan to press on. I will be pushing the docs for data and/or answers. I hope to get a lot more writing done. Yes, I am looking for a keeper as such would be good for me on several fronts and levels. To be honest, though, I am putting it all into God’s hands. I’m not joking when I talk of minor miracles, and that there is a reason I’m still here. I have my Faith, and the faith to say “Let that which is right be.”

That doesn’t mean sitting back passively, as that’s not the way things work. In fact, work (and working at things) is the key. We are expected to work, and work hard. It is just a lot better and easier when we work in the ways directed and shown. I really am trying to listen better, and not do anything too stupid (despite dehydrating last week). Really. Honest. I’m trying to be good. As best I can, at any rate…

Been a heck of a ride. Thank you for being a part of it, and for your prayers and assistance. You have made a huge difference in my life and recovery, and I thank you all profusely for it. May there be a good bit more to come for us all.

Also, pay attention to the lightning safety brief! Be careful out there.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. There is also the Amazon Wish List in the Bard’s Jar. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Still Here

It’s been a week. Have not felt good, which may or may not be tied to switching out a medicine. The new med was working on the odd edema (which is not a sign of congestive heart issues per tests), but is sort of in a holding pattern right now IMO. Only issue is that the edema is having a small but negative effect on mobility. Grrr.

Yesterday, I visited a new dentist since it’s been a year or more since my last visit to such. My former dentist was always about the upsell: this test while you are here ($25/$50), this extra treatment ($25/$50), you need this ($5k), you need that (again $5k), you absolutely must do X (again $$$), etc. Dentist I visited yesterday was aghast at a couple of the things, basically ‘you don’t need that and they wanted to charge you how much???’ as we discussed things. She and her staff did a good job, and she talked WITH me and treated me as a patient who needs to be involved in treatments and planning, and not a mark. Even had some great suggestions on what I need to do in a year for Medicaid (I’m currently on Medicane: here’s a cane, good luck). If some work she wants to do next week goes well, thinking she will become my new dentist.

Despite all, managed to get in a mile or three of walking. I also helped with some of the preparations for something very special as part of the Talbot Street Art Fair. If you are a long-time Indy resident, be advised Brother Juniper’s will be open for a limited time SATURDAY ONLY. This only happens once a year for the fair, and I may have spent an hour or two yesterday helping with some of the preparations for that.

Trying to get my regular Friday baking done today, but it is off to an odd start. Left out half the water from the bread at first, now trying to recover. Should be doable, but not an auspicious start to the day especially since I am very much feeling yesterday. That said, plan to push on. I haven’t needed my walking stick since my Baptism and hope that continues. Looking forward to getting the rest of the testing done in early July, and having data even if it only leads to better questions. Nice to be dealing with proactive medical types, cardio and dental.

So, dragging but still here and still moving. Heck, might even be able to manage a kick or two. More soon I hope!

UPDATE: Was not able to salvage the bread from the brain fart. Even if I had a commercial mixer, don’t think I could have salvaged it. Doing everything by hand (Church bread is a labor of love)… Months without a real issue on baking, so can’t kick too much, but still not happy.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Fair Question

While I have posted about the cardiology consult, I haven’t posted a “real” update (though this is a bit of a tease of one) and gone into why I haven’t moved yet, etc. for a while now. By real, I mean a full system update, which should also answer some of the questions about moving, etc.

Let me start by repeating yet again, take lightning safety seriously! Keep in mind that the most common type of strike is indirect (hits tree or such, some or all comes over and gets you), while the most spectacular are direct hits. Not everyone gets the fancy burns, at least on the outside (inside may be a different matter) and the most common symptoms are the same as with a concussion. Know that, as your average ER doc likely does not.

Short version is that I was sitting on the porch, and lightning hit a tree just off the porch (no, no lightning within a mile before the strike). Part came over and got me, part got my car and fried the radio. Best guess is it hit just behind my right ear, though it is possible it could have hit in the ear (take that Chekov!) It then went down through my body spreading joy as it went, before exiting the ball of my right foot. The shoe got the fancy burns on its sole, no external burns on me. I’m very glad that it hit on the right and that the metal chair I was sitting in had arms. For the first, it means that it did not pass directly through the heart (likely fatal) but hit it a glancing blow. On the second, I locked up but did NOT fall over, which again might have been fatal since it would have changed the path to ground. I do regard both of these things as (not so) small miracles.

I had thought I retained consciousness throughout, but some doubts about that have come up. I remember my world going white, having my Buckley moment, my brain feeling like it was vibrating at a very high frequency, having things go black, some random thoughts as things went black, and being very relieved that when I could see again, was still on the porch, and alive. I had honestly wondered at one point during the black period if when the lights came back on (and I literally thought the power had gone out to the house) if I would see heaven, hell, or something else.

Let’s start at the top as it were (my sense of pun may be worse than ever). I lost pretty much all the higher frequency hearing in my right ear, and those nerves are dead, dead, dead. I qualify for a hearing aid in that ear, but with the nerves dead I just don’t see the point in getting one. My tinnitus is much worse, especially in the right ear. Which means not only do I have a hard time hearing (small children and voices in certain ranges are very hard to hear/understand), but I used to be very good at pinpointing the locations of a sound. Now, I’m about 90 degrees off on my original location though I am slowly getting a bit better.

Long term memory: they think most or all of the memories are still there, but the root directory is corrupted as it were, and the brain doesn’t know where/how to find them. I occasionally get a memory cascade, and have some things I do (including thanking whoever sparked it even if they don’t have a clue what they did) to try to set that connection.

Short term memory: Better than it was, but not all that good. I still live by lists, notes, and routines. Things that throw me off routine can make me a bit irritable as it generally means things don’t get done. That may be steps in a recipe or baking, or it can mean a major task doesn’t get done. The latter is very unwelcome and unappreciated, though it may be I need to learn more patience with others and myself.

Not Sure How To Describe It Memory: I do have trouble learning new things, and I blank on names and more all the time. Prayers I’ve said or things I’ve done literally hundreds (or even thousands) of time go blip and I can’t remember them/do them. Discovered recently that I had trouble with sheet music, which I used to be able to follow with ease. The guitar you all helped me get is an experiment, one I want to really dive into here soon. For the record, what little I have done has been fun and hasn’t tortured the landlord or the cats too badly. I will blank on what i am doing, what I am to do next, did I take my pills, etc. on a more regular basis than I would like. I would love to volunteer at the Church bookstore, but I don’t know how well that would go in terms of how you log things and ring people up. Again, there appear to be issues with how long it takes me to learn and how (if) I learn new things. Baking bread this week may have been the first time I actually followed all the steps in the recipe I’ve been using a few months now, and that’s because I used notes and lists to help. Oh, and the odd words/word choices, typos, and such here? Blame the brain blips as that’s one of the signs of such.

No, I do NOT need assisted living. A keeper might not be a bad idea, and if anyone knows a sweet young lady with poor eyesight and even worse judgement, let me know. Marriage required. However, my plans to move to the desert and become a bit of a hermit are being re-evaluated. Seems I need to be around people more than I might like. Seems I may need people to check up on me a bit, which is not a concept I particularly care for in some respects. For the record, I’m an introvert who can and does fake “normal” (badly I suspect) for short periods of time. My initial move plan would have given me that time via the job talking history to tourists. Right now, I get it via Church. Not thrilled with the idea of needing to be checked on, though right now if anything happened to me here I figure the cats will eat well for a week before the landlord notices and checks.

Cardiology issues are now getting a review and hopefully a lot more data and new or improved treatment. One issue that is bugging me is that the non-surgical/harvesting leg has developed rather bad edema, which affects how much I can walk and exercise. Trying something this weekend to see if it helps and maybe removes 3-5 pounds of fluid. May take a while, but at least the cardiology is getting handled and I’m more optimistic than I’ve been since I got hit.

There are some digestive issues and I have to be a bit more careful about what I eat, how much, and when. Not too bad, but yet one more reason I like routines.

I have had some balance and mobility issues, some of which have improved after my recent Baptism. The ball of my right foot still does a bit funny on occasion, both internally and in terms of the callus and how fast it can build up. My vision is still not great, but not apparently worse either.

The new shoulders are doing well, though I do miss not being able to get my hands back behind me. Makes it hard to tuck in, can’t go to parade rest, or do a few other things. Finding work-arounds for some, and continuing to stretch and do PT as I can. So much better than the almost 100% bone on bone before. Can’t blame the shoulders on the lightning, but they not only needed replacement, I probably waited a few years too long, which is why I had to get the reverse replacement.

There are a few other things, but this hits the high points.

So, I haven’t moved because I needed surgeries, PT, and we really don’t have all the issues dealt with. While my primary focus has been on the cardio issues, there is more than enough to go around and I have a good GP, ENT, and really like the new cardiologist. I also need to find comparable insurance where I move, and that’s going to be interesting. Right now, have decent insurance at a decent rate, and what I’m finding when I look is less coverage at a higher rate. Huge factor for me. Again, primary reason I haven’t already moved are the medical issues that keep/kept cropping up (not quite a cascade, but…) and insurance. It really did (and does) feel like every time I start to move something comes up to block me. May be a hint in there. Cough. I’m getting better at noticing those hints…

With my income limited to what it is via early retirement, insurance, rent/mortgage, and cost-of-living all have to be factored in. I would like to get a place of my own here if I could, but I’ve got a great deal price-wise where I am that makes it worth staying here for now. That may change, so looking at options.

So, for someone hit by lightning, I’m actually doing pretty good. Working on better and thankful that it is not (much, much) worse. It easily could have been/could be.

The cardio issues are the latest in a series of issues that have come up since the strike and the open-heart surgery. Seems like every time we got one thing dealt with, something else came up. Again, I suspect there is a reason for that. Not only was I in a good place and situation for getting those dealt with, I had the right coverage and right circumstances to do so. Also, several of the things led me to my new Church home, which has resulted in a number of other changes to my life. Good changes, and I like this new path more than I can say. Since dealing with the cardio and possibly related issues could take up to a year, this gives me much more time at that home and will put me on a much better footing if I do get to move out West, or if I stay here.

It has also caused me to re-evaluate plans and locations. Going to need to be nearer to people and good medical than originally thought. Can’t be three hours away from the right medical, need to be closer to an hour or so from one and with good emergency care within 20 or so minutes. May can stretch that a bit, but not a whole lot. So, recalculating.

If things go in such a way I can’t move from here, am going to be looking at options in this area. May be looking at such even on a temporary basis even if it looks like I can move in a year or so.

May go into some housing ideas on another post. Saw something done in the Texas panhandle where they used an old mine and came up with something that could have been in Architectural Digest. Bit more than I want, but have to admit it was fantastic. Been looking at using shipping containers to go underground and have a few ideas. Again, may do a post on some of the ideas I do wish I could pull off.

So, that’s what happened, what’s going on, and why I haven’t moved yet. As I said, I’m doing extremely well for someone hit by lightning and can’t complain. For all I wish I were out West, there are reasons I’m not and I’m glad for all that has come to me here. More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Consult Update

Yesterday, I finally got my consult with a “new” cardiologist. New to me, that is, thankfully not brand-new given what is coming out of DIE-infested med schools these days. In fact, mature, level-headed, experienced, and methodical. Even better, he spends three days a week treating and only two days a week on office visits as a general rule.

The truly good news of the day is the above. He thinks more than one of my medicines may need to be changed as at least two of them were quite popular with doctors back in the 1990s. However, before he does anything, we are going to get data. Oh, and he will only change one prescription at a time so we can monitor and not have to play the ‘which medicine did what’ game if there are issues. What he is considering putting me on is not known to interact with anything else I’m taking, but still going to take our time just to be safe.

I like this. I like him. Didn’t hurt that he knew who Les Geddes (Leslie A. Geddes) was, and was intrigued that I had the honor of working with him. Honestly, I use Les as a test of anyone in the cardio field as if they don’t know who he is (or why he’s important even beyond cardio) then I tend to think I can do (a lot) better in a doctor.

The next bit of good news is that he thinks the major mystery diagnosis is less than accurate. Which is a LOT of stress off of me, since there are not a lot of options available if it were correct. To be safe, however, especially as there could be some inconsistencies in some of my records (to be polite), in early July I’m going to get to go spend a day at the heart center for testing. Think we both wish it could be sooner, but the medical group (national) he is part of got hit with a cyberattack that is causing all sorts of fun for everyone.

Once we have real data to go with what has been done in the past (and, side note, if you send a doctor more than 500 records for a consult why would you not provide surgical notes, films, and other critical info???), then a plan of treatment will be developed for whatever is going on. Frankly, I’m more confident on several levels than I have been in quite a while. The only time before I felt things were being done right and as needed was when I hit the ER and had the open-heart surgery 48-hours later.

Oh, we are doing a temporary increase in one medication to see if it makes a difference in some symptoms. If it does, well, that’s a very useful data point on one issue. It will also make it easier for me to start getting the exercise I need to be doing. Also, while he is not Orthodox his mother is, and he is going to be reviewing what I am doing for fasting and other issues and making suggestions as needed. I think this very good.

So, we magically didn’t get all the answers at once; but, there is a solid plan in place to safely get the data needed and improve/develop treatment plans as needed. This was the best-case outcome, and we got it. Thank you Lord. Now, to remind myself to be patient as we move forward.

Oh, before I forget: it may have been the last real ride of the zombie car, but it got me there and back. It may have taken four or so gallons of antifreeze, almost a quart of oil, and some other bits and pieces, and some prayer, but it did it. For that I am extremely thankful. Now that we are getting my health in order, may put a bit of time and prayer into transportation and abode.

More “regular” posting soon I hope.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

Up In The Air

Posting may be off a bit the next couple of days. I was supposed to have that long-anticipated (and needed) cardiology consult today. However, as I walked out the door to see if I could get the car to run, I got messages asking me to call.

The consult has had to be pushed off until tomorrow. Just thankful that it is not for a longer period. I really need to get this done and find out what is going on/not going on.

That said, it is throwing my writing off a bit. Apologies about that, but more is on the way at some point. Thank you for your patience.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.

A Request

Looks like I may have to spend today and part of tomorrow running around doing errands. Looks like the Grace period for my car is at an end, so one of the things I need to do is line up transportation to the cardiologist/medical consult next week. I remain very, very thankful that it ran so well and got me through all the events leading up to my Baptism and even on through Bright Week. In fact, it got me home yesterday, though it got interesting towards the end.

All that said, I hope to get up some decent posts this week. If I might ask a favor though, here’s part of what I posted at GiveSendGo:

Things are tight for us all these days, but today I want to ask for some specific prayers.  I have an appointment coming up next week with a new cardiologist who is going to be reviewing my case and helping to rule in-or-out some of the “mystery” diagnoses that popped up in the records of one health group.  The mystery is who made them and on what basis, which I have not been able to find out so far.  If I go spend a day camped out at the central medical records office for that provider I might be able to find out, but when neither I nor my doctors can pull up that info on our own… 

The fact is, I need a fresh pair of eyes to look over as much as possible.  I especially need to have one particular diagnosis ruled as real or wrong so I can know if I will be able to move to the Southwest or not.  What I can do, and when, rides on my health and my insurance coverage.  The insurance I have right now will not transfer to any of the SW states.  Getting new insurance takes time and things like pre-existing conditions comes into play.  So, I need data.  More importantly, I need good care. 

Thus the specific prayers. If you could say a prayer that this doctor have the skill and experience needed; that he have the wisdom and compassion to provide the care needed; that he be as thorough as needed and that my insurance allow him to do all that is needed; and, that we get the data that is needed to assess my condition(s) and develop the proper treatment plan for same.

For all that I want the worst “mystery” diagnosis disproven, I’m trying to simply pray to “let that which is right be.” Whatever we find out, I will be glad for it as one way or another I will be able to start moving forward on a truly new life.

Thank you for your patience, your encouragement, your inputs on so many topics, and your prayers. It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks, but I will be the better for them.

Oh, before I forget: I haven’t been able to do as much with the guitar as I would like, given all that has been going on. Good news is when I can work at it, I’m not torturing the cats or the landlord (too badly). Hoping to start setting up regular lessons soon. Did find out that my ability to read sheet music took a hit, so literally doing both singing and the guitar by ear. During Bright Week I found myself a chanter, candle lighter, dishwasher, and more. It was during those services that I started to remember a small amount on sheet music and that I needed to go by ear.

More to come!

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.