Shoulder Update

Just got back from meeting the Doc’s PA, and there is some news to share. We are all happy with the recovery progress. There is still room for improvement (a lot in my opinion) so we are going to push the physical therapy as long and hard as we can. Between range-of-motion and strengthening, we can do a lot. Now we just have to hope paperwork and insurance will let us do all we can.

We also discussed when to do the left shoulder, which gives me a lot more pain and discomfort than the right now. I have the option to schedule it right now; but, it might be better to wait a month or two (or longer) to see how much more we can get done on the right shoulder and arm before doing the left. Even after the left is done, will need to keep doing PT on the right. My plan is to talk with the physical therapist, look at the rate of progress, and then start the scheduling process.

They are starting to know me: the PA laughed when I brought out my sheet of questions. It won’t be immediate, but over the next year or so, I will be able to go back into a full upper body workout. Backpacking, camping, and a variety of other sporting/hobby options will open up as the year (from surgery) progresses. I’m cleared to use the inversion table right now.

So, the big question right now is exactly when to schedule the left shoulder. I’m going to get some additional expert opinion, then decide. Part of me wants to have it done right now, but I also know that I need a right arm as close to fully functional as possible for this. If I’m told to wait even longer, I will, though it will not be pleasant.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.