Quick Takes

Sorry to be so silent, but things are moving along. Mostly in good ways.

First, we entered a new phase of physical therapy, which is much more active. Good news is, already seeing yet more increase in range of motion. Also, figuring out where the issues are and having a lot more discomfort, and even some pain. The latter is usually brief, thankfully; but, the discomfort has been a bit more of a bear. It also probably doesn’t help that I’m trying to cut back (cut out pref.) acetaminophen as it doesn’t do as much as I would like and is frankly toxic. Take a look at liver deaths for people with chronic pain for but one example of why I want to be off it.

Add to that I’m hitting the gym three times a week. Main focus is aerobic/cardio, but also doing my home PT there as much as possible. I’ve bought a couple more things for home, so that when my paid PT runs out I can keep going. Going to look into trying to raise funds to do some more PT after insurance stops. We’ve changed things now to twice a week to make what I do have last, and paid might be as little as once every two weeks (or even once a month). Working on it.

Now, for the stories and events I’m following and find interesting.

First up, this one involving getting Sgt. Nicole Gee to Arlington sent me through the roof yesterday. As I noted on social media, if true I want heads on pikes. Problem is, the story is not adding up with the information given in the media. This is not to say it is a fake. This is just saying that at this time, with the information we have, it does not make sense. I’ve been talking with Beege Welborn at HotAir, who knows far too well what is involved with Arlington burials.

I’m hoping she can come up with more than I have, as right now there seems to be a lot of duck-and-cover going on in anticipation of a major shit storm rolling down. Lots of insinuation, but no real facts yet.

I know that at one point in time the Army had a liaison assigned to each family of the fallen to help. I will note that it is my understanding that Arlington assigns a liaison to the families to help with the process. That would include coordination on preparations and transportation if they are being reinterred. Depending on location of prior burial and other considerations, there may be an exhumation fee and there will be a fee to transport a body. In this case, such should be covered by DoD, especially in this case. Frankly, SecDef should have sent his personal plane given the responsibility he and senior leaders have in her death.

The $100k figure quoted in the article appears to be the cost of a fully-staffed air ambulance to transport a patient coast-to-coast. The $60k is still a mystery to me. Exhumation should not have been more than about $7k, more likely towards $1k in a civilian cemetery, and there should have been no charge if she was buried at a military cemetery. Major carrier like Delta or AA, if they didn’t do it for free, should have been about $3k (cargo rate). Maybe $5k if special containment required for some odd reason. If a local funeral home had to be involved with taking her body from Dulles to Arlington, there might have been a fee.

While we wait for more information, I will simply note that we are sadly long removed from the days of Taking Chance. Can I see multiple failures of command and leadership resulting in a series of FUBARs by multiple individuals military and civil service? Far too easily I’m afraid. In fact, from some of the reactions the story is getting I’m sort of leaning that way, but I also admit to cynicism and bias.

Right now, all we can do is keep digging, wait, and see what comes to light. The true full story may not be what it appears, or it may be far worse than we think. If the latter, people need to be immediately cashiered from uniformed and civil service.

The other story I’m watching is the alleged drone attack on the MoD in Moscow. I say alleged for a reason, as there is no evidence of any drones anywhere near there. The damage looks far more like someone opened up with the AD guns (as opposed to missiles) either shooting at ghosts or shooting in a panic. Right now, leaning towards a combination of vodka for the right parties and panic at an imaginary threat. That said, if I wanted to truly fuck with the readiness of an enemy’s AD readiness, sending someone in with the gear to create ghosts at random would be a good way to do it.

I will also note the stupidity and cupidity of our leadership in going along with the insane concept promoted by Russia that it is an illegal act of terror for a country it has invaded to attack its territory. Can anyone find me a citation of any historical precedent for such? This is Vladimir in his dirty and frayed undershirt screaming at the police that if the bitch had just not resisted she wouldn’t be dead on a larger scale.

Here’s a clue to Vladimir and others: if you invade a sovereign nation, bomb not just its capital but most cities and target civilians, they have the right to return the favor. That’s not escalation in any way shape or form, just a legal and proper response to your aggression. I understand that what you are saying is for an internal audience, but the rest of us can point at it and you and laugh and laugh and laugh.

More soon.

Getting hit by lightning is not fun! If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving once we have medical issues cleared up, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo, use the options in the Tip Jar in the upper right, or drop me a line to discuss other methods. It is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.