I was going to post yesterday, but ended up spending most of the day in the ER. I apparently caught the cold/bug going around, but being me it had to be different. Because of my meds and such, I’m not supposed to look at decongestants of any type or description (or grapefruit, still not sure about that). Sneezing, coughing, and a massive amount of sinus congestion that built and built.
Finding bloody mucus in my ear and mucus starting to come up into my eyes (sinuses looking for any way to relieve pressure), decided I might need to let the pros take a look. Given the lightning strike and all the interesting coronary stuff after, the pros agreed.
After x-rays, swabs of various types, a 12-lead, and a partridge in a pear tree, they said that yep, I have a cold or bug. No on strep, flu, covid, or anything else. 12-lead was almost perfectly textbook (yay), BP and such fantastic (112/72 I think), and the x-rays not only showed no bad problems in the lungs but continued good healing in the chest. Got two prescriptions I’ve got to go get in a few minutes, one for the cough and one for an eye ointment as they are now inflamed.
How bad was it? Well, this morning after about five minutes I got one eye open enough to get around, and literally had to get in the shower to get both eyes open via warm water dissolving goop. Joy. My eyes are so red I look like an extra in zombie or evil creature movie. This stuff can’t go away fast enough. Really am tempted to take one decongestant, but am being good for now. I was mostly good yesterday, though I will admit that knowing how to lower the patient-proof rails on the beds is a good skill to have. Hey, I needed my book and phone, and to go to the bathroom at a different point.
I’ve got to run this morning to get the prescriptions filled, then have an appointment related to the disability claim. Lots going on, some commentary and snark hopefully inbound soon. BTW, my take on the treaty and failed Sarmat launch are that Vladimir is saber rattling and in the process enjoyed a Khrushchev moment. Sarmat/Satan II has had issues, which is why it didn’t replace Satan I several years ago as planned.
More soon.
With respect to grapefruit, I just looked it up. My blood pressure medication doesn’t interact with it, but the statin* I take does. Drugs dot com has a quick summary and a list of some of the drugs that don’t play well with grapefruit.
Bottom line, it messes with how the drugs are metabolized. Some get more intense, others less so. Joy.
(*) Atorvastatin, generic for Lipitor. And I had forgotten which drug it was that had the interaction.