Medical Coordination

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A while back, I talked about collecting doctors and the large number I collected after being hit by lightning. I’ve been working on whittling that number down, and trying to get those that remain to coordinate.

Late Friday afternoon, I got reminded of another party involved in my care when I got a demand to report ASAP for a fasting blood draw to check — exactly what my cardiologist and my GP had both just checked about three weeks before. Did not help my blood pressure at all. Especially as if I don’t comply they will cease to certify refills on some or all of my cardiac medicines.

So, called them this morning and pointed out to the lipid clinic the previous blood work for both doctors, and to express my concern that they were not coordinating with my cardiologist who is in the same flipping practice and building, much less with my GP. As for the non-renewal, I also told them their terms were acceptable. Then I sent a letter to my cardiologist (and cc’d my GP)

Not sure who this really needs to go to, but going to start here and see what happens.

XXXXXXXXX is my doctor for my high blood pressure and cardiac health, as I attested to a while back.

XXXXXXXXX is my GP and is responsible for my general health and treating the whole patient.  As part of this, XXXX monitors my cholesterol and other factors for my general health.

The XXXXXXXXX Clinic seems to be a third provider and I am now in receipt of a demand from them for yet another cholesterol/general screen to be done ASAP.  I have called them to advise of the recent visits with XXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXX.  

How do we get all three of you to coordinate and share information?  The XXXXXXXXX Clinic just told me they have no record of the lab tests done for XXXXXXXXX at the lab downstairs, and it is not surprising that they don’t have the results provided to XXXXXXXXX. I am, however, concerned that the XXXXXXXXX Clinic is not coordinating with XXXXXXXXX, who is in the same practice.

As for the demand for a new blood draw ASAP, and the offer to stop renewing all (??) my heart medicines, please understand that those terms are acceptable to me.  In addition to the fact that XXXXXXXXX is monitoring my cholesterol (as is also XXXXXXXXX), know that my insurance company is “encouraging” me to move things like this to another provider.  

Please advise.

We will see what happens, but this just drives home something I can’t say enough: You are the one in charge of and responsible for your health and medical treatment.

Most doctors are good people and hopefully good physicians. That said, modern medicine is all about the number of patients seen in a day, reducing the time with each patient as much as possible to increase the number of patients, and other factors of an efficient practice. While few will like to admit it, most medical practices have no time set aside in a day, a week, or even a month for doing things like reading research papers and otherwise keeping up with developments in general or special fields. A lot is limited to “professional development courses” of which very few are required in a year.

The sad fact is, if you do as you should and dive in to read research papers (not, repeat NOT newspaper or popular science articles), you are likely to know more than your physician who literally can’t keep up given the demands of corporate medicine. This can get you nasty notes in your file of being uncooperative or other terms indicating that you dared imply or say that your doc wasn’t god you impertinent peasant you. BTW, if that happens or they try to discourage you from researching, get a new doc as they will harm or kill you (and never will acknowledge you were right). One reason I like my GP: If I come across a relevant or good study, they want to get a copy to read. Hope they really do so.

Got questions and they won’t/can’t answer, and push you do do something anyway? Run. Say they have to go with CDC/NIH no matter what? Run. If they say something is a good point and let’s explore this? Good doc.

In this case, I would not mind cutting loose the XXXXXXXXX Clinic portion of this. It was featured to me as a bonus and assistance after the open heart surgery following getting hit by lightning. Right now, seems to be more a problem than a benefit. Also, not doing yet another fasting blood draw this soon because of bureaucratic incompetence. That they are not coordinating with a physician which is part of the same practice screams PROBLEM to me.

Like I said above, we will see. Meantime, be your own advocate with your health, as no one else in the medical field will truly be such for you.

UPDATE: Got the distinct impression that the Clinic was NOT happy at my letter to the cardiologist. Even though the cardiologist’s office apparently recommended otherwise, the Clinic recommended that my GP take over this monitoring and the prescription. I agreed. 🙂


If you would like to help me in my recovery efforts, which include moving to the SW, feel free to hit the fundraiser at A New Life on GiveSendGo. Getting hit by lightning is not fun, and it is thanks to your gifts and prayers that I am still going. Thank you.