When I wrote this post, I had hoped that it would take much longer to get to this point. I’m not at all surprised at what is happening, just how fast — and how open — it is going. See my posts on Phase II and Mask Dropping for additional thoughts.
They don’t just want to silence any and all opposition, they want to destroy any and all opposition. To be honest, to hold power, they will have to do so, and literal killing has been going on for months now. The media has relentlessly suppressed the political assassinations of, and attacks on, Trump supporters, focusing instead on the few real instances of any pushback at their brownshirts. Sadly, I believe that killing by the progressives and their brownshirts will soon go wholesale. Be prepared.
The efforts to demonitize opposition is also rapidly escalating. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has entered the fray, along with other major companies. Look at what happened to Parler, and how even family and those not directly associated with attempts to create bastions of free speech have had all means of funding/banking suspended (see Gab’s founder as but one example).
Mainstream media continues to fall deeper into the sewer, with more mainstream reporters turning against independent journalists. In the media, it has been widely ignored for some time that “journalists” in Portland and elsewhere have engaged in active efforts to put Andy Ngo’s life in danger.
The destruction of lives continues, with the call to ban anyone who worked for or supported Trump already bearing fruit. Here is but one example of people being driven to suicide. Yes, there are more, go dig.
They hate you, they really, really hate you and literally do want you dead. When they talk of camps, re-education, ending careers and threating to destroy any who employ anyone who worked for or supported Trump, or killing anyone who worked for or supported Trump, they are being quite literal, not figurative. They mean it. Believe them. Now, they are going to move even more into the open. Also, keep in mind that hate is all they have. They have no love, no forgiveness, no Grace; and, while that will eventually will turn them on themselves, they will have no compunction about and will celebrate every destruction and death.
The next major operation will be creating another incident to use to push not just gun control, but gun confiscation. They’ve started by turning the demonstration at the Capitol into such a moment, but need more. All the more reason I urge anyone and everyone to boycott the inauguration and especially the false-flag armed protests being talked about. They hate to be ignored and they hate to be ridiculed. A boycott hits both, so use it. Do not fall for false flag events, don’t do something stupid and give them what they need. Make them fabricate it, so that more and more see what lies beneath the masks that have been removed.
Meantime, fight back. Get active in forums that Big Tech has not yet brought down. Read, listen, think, and share. Then, start local. There is a reason George Soros has been funding people in local elections. A good start is to find out who took such funding, and primary them and support a decent replacement. Support not establishment candidates, but good people who will do the job and follow the Constitution. Cleaning out the establishment politicians and the progressives locally isolates those in DC and chips away at their power.
Go read the posts from Sarah A. Hoyt, especially her posts Dance To The Line and Line Dancing: How To Be A Scary Moron. There are others I will mention later, but Sarah has already surved socialism once and has insights many do not.
This weekend, it was The Other McCain. This morning, it was Instapundit courtesy of Vodka Pundit himself Stephen Green. My thanks to you!
The Other McCain linked to The Great Silencing Proceeds (the entire series can be found here), and Instapundit linked to Protests, Armed Or Otherwise (more in Politics can be found here).
For those who might be interested in browsing around, please do check out the Preparedness category as well as other work.
For anyone whining that this is not pro-active enough, or that are truly looking at viable ways to resist/fight back, check out What Else Can I Do.
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