Hold Fast; Prepare

Yes, these are desperate and challenging times. Arbitrary and ineffective lockdowns continue not based on science, but on power. See this article for a bit of the gaslighting in play. The class divide between those so-called elites who have yet to experience financial or other hardship versus the average worker who has been out of work or “underemployed” because of said lockdown is growing ever steeper. The rightful resentment of the average worker and small business owner with the “elites” who don’t follow their own rules is growing to a level that should frighten those elites. However, they lack the self-awareness, and consider all those not in their “class” as less than human, to realize what is brewing.

What is brewing is, in part, being seen in civil disobedience. Read this from Nina Bookout, and this from Instapundit. There is more, much more, if you go look.

The election is a travesty, and now the Quislings come out trying to cut deals with the new administration to avoid retribution and retain their positions in power. The legal challenges to the fraud in the election are being met with illegal attempts to go after those pursuing legal challenges for Trump with threats and threats of legal action to block any inquiry. The media is all in on pushing a false narrative to drag Biden into office, and stop objections or efforts to ensure the election was free and fair. Do NOT let them snow you. Meantime, efforts of The Great Silencing continues, with big tech going after anyone even remotely associated with those they want to silence. They are trying hard to take away the soap box and the ballot box, as this quote exemplifies, without thinking about what box that leaves those that don’t agree with them

Stand Fast!

The legal challenges and efforts to true the vote must go through. If we fail to do so, there will be no real elections down the road. Yes, it is that serious. So, don’t let the media and others try to force you to give up. Do not give up, and do not give up your support of those doing the right and legal things to ensure every legal vote is counted accurately.

Support them, and prepare for a rough ride. The next few months will not be easy, but do not despair. Instead, prepare. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Stock up on food and other supplies: remember that floods and other disasters hit farms and other food production even before the lockdowns threw further spanners into the food chain. Prices are already up, so freeze, can, and otherwise stock up what you can. Buy ammo (if you can find it) and guns, as the elites have already told you as plainly as they can that you are on your own. Then, hope that enough people that have sworn oaths to the Constitution are willing to keep them.

Ignore the media and their efforts. Move to other platforms and hosting providers to counter big tech. Give your business as much as possible to small and local businesses. Do not let the massive propaganda effort get to you. Also, make a note of the Quislings in the event we ever do have a free and fair election again. Start working against them now in any way you can.

Most of all, aim to misbehave. Civil disobedience to illegal and/or un-Constitutional orders is both legal and right. Find ways large and small to give those trying to seize powers not granted to them in the Constitution the middle finger. Turn the tables on them: flood the snitch lines with reports on them (at every level) when they don’t follow their rules.

Again, most of all: Stand Fast! All is not yet lost, if we fight the good fight. If the so-called leaders on the Republican side won’t find a spine and reproductive organs, there are better than 70 million voters out there who do have them. Stand up, and Stand Fast.

It is only lost if we give up.

Some music to get the blood going:

and I disagree with part of the lyrics: there can be victory