Some Quick Food For Thought

There is a lot going on. Some of it truly is good, and gives hope on several fronts. Far more, however, is frankly terrifying to anyone who believes in the rule of law and the philosophical tenets of Western Civilization. Political assassination and violent assault is the new norm. We are on the brink not of a slippery slope, but a cliff, and it will take very little at this point to put us over that cliff.

If you have not made basic emergency preparations, start now. Even if there are no food shortages from weather early in the year or problems with production related to the lockdown, food prices are going to go up as we move into fall and winter. Can, buy what you can of canned goods, freeze — stock up. Take supplements or prescriptions? Get as much of each as you can, I’m working on a six-month supply myself. Have batteries? Flashlights? Means to cook if the power is out? If not, you need to prepare. Nature may strike even if we keep from falling over the cliff. And, yes, buy ammo and guns. Also some edged weapons.

I still hope for the ballot box and the courts, but am no longer counting on it. I really do hope that the efforts by Rand Paul and others to investigate who is funding and supplying Antifa/BLM/Etc. takes off, as they are well-funded, well-supplied, and are very well coordinated. Take a look at what people and vehicles keep showing up at trouble spots… Also, as I’ve noted in this series of posts, we really need to know what besides people are coming across the Southern border (and a small amount seems to be coming over the northern as well).

Hope to have more positive thoughts up later this week, work permitting, but this morning finds me perhaps a bit too realistic. Now is the time to prepare, to think about protecting home and family from both people and nature. It is time to stock up, take stock, and be prepared to act at need.

It is also a time to think and decide on the future of the Great Experiment that is America. Are we to continue as a Constitutional Republic with the philosophical foundation built into it by the Founding Fathers? Or, do we want to tear that down and replace it with the socialist state desired by those who are rioting, looting, raping, and murdering their way through major cities? That choice, for now, is yours. Educate, study, then make informed votes for every level of government. Go for the best candidates you can find. Don’t like your current government and what it has done/is doing? Vote in change. Please make informed choices for all, and most of all, get out and vote. Your future truly does depend upon it.