Thoughts And A Request

The news of al-Baghdadi is confirmed. Couldn’t have happened to a better man. Those so opposed to Trump that they are praising al-Baghdadi show themselves for what they are. Pity them, and hammer them into the ground.

On top of that, seems we took out the spokesman for ISIS on Sunday. There may have been a few other targets in there as well. Again, couldn’t have happened to better men.

The West, and Western Media, have largely ignored the horrors inflicted by ISIS. Sexual slavery, rape of captives (including at least one U.S. citizen who was then made a slave and had to serve as the wife of an ISIS leader), crucifixion of Christians (and others), burning prisoners alive, tossing gays off rooftops. Western media, particularly that in the U.S., are determined to cover stories that undermine the progressive narrative with a pillow, until they quit moving.

More on supplements tomorrow, but for today, a favor to ask. If you can hit the tip jar, or perhaps the Amazon wish list, up there in the top right corner, it would be appreciated. The supplements are expensive, as are some other steps I hope to take here soon. Also, I’m going to have to learn/re-learn how to shoot offhand. That is going to take ammo, range time, and probably even some coaching/instruction. Anything will help. Thanks.